Configuring the Service Host for CAPS in EMC

Follow these steps to configure the Service Host for a hosted Enterprise with Simphony Premium Cloud Service users:

  1. Select the Enterprise level, click Setup, and then click Service Hosts.
  2. Insert a new Service Host record, and then double-click it to open in form view.
  3. In the Host Name field, enter the host name of the Enterprise server where Microsoft IIS is running.
  4. Enter the Subnet Mask and the Default Gateway of the Enterprise server.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Select the property, click Setup, and then click Property Parameters.
  7. Click the Workstations tab.
  8. From the Service Hosts section, select the CAPS Service Host created in Step 1, and then enter the Port number for CAPS configuration.

    This Port is the unused port number and is different from the Egateway service port.

  9. Click Save.