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man pages section 1M: System Administration Commands

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Updated: July 2017



asr-notify - auto service request notification daemon for Fault Management events


/usr/lib/fm/notify/asr-notify [- ]


asr-notify is a daemon that subscribes to Fault Management life cycle events and produces HTTPS/XML notifications based on a set of notification preferences that are stored in the SMF service configuration repository.

The messages will be sent to the Oracle Auto Service Request (ASR) service offering once the service has been registered using the asradm(1M) command or by setting SMF auto registration properties. If the auto registration properties are set, the service will attempt to register on either startup or refresh. If registration fails, the service will go into maintenance mode. If registration is successful, the SMF auto registration properties will be deleted.

asr-notify is managed by the service management facility, smf(5), under the service FMRI:


Administrative actions on this service, such as enabling, disabling, or requesting restart, can be performed using svcadm(1M). The service's status can be queried using the svcs(1) command.

ASR notification preferences are set using svccfg(1M).


The following service properties can be set:


This is an astring property that defaults to /. When set, the specified root directory will be used for all pathnames evaluated by asr-notify.


This is an integer property that sets the number of seconds to wait for HTTP connections before generating an error.


This is an astring property that sets the endpoint URL used for registration and all message telemetry. The endpoint URL can be set to a local ASR Manager that will aggregate telemetry from many hosts instances. If not set, then all telemetry will be sent directly to the Oracle Auto Service Request service.


This is an astring property that is used to set the My Oracle Support user name used for auto registration.


This is an astring property that is used to set the My Oracle Support password used for auto registration.


This is an astring property that is used to set the HTTP proxy hostname:port and needs to be set only if an HTTP proxy is used to connect to the internet.


This is an astring property that is used to set the HTTP proxy user name and needs to be set only if the HTTP proxy requires credentials.


This is an astring property that is used to set the HTTP proxy password and needs to be set only if the HTTP proxy requires credentials.


The service will send the following types of messages:

  • fault messages when an FMA fault is created

  • daily heartbeat messages to indicate that the system is still active

  • running and weekly audit messages to provide a full inventory of operational components

The contents of each message are an XML document that adheres to the ASR message XML schema. Each message starts with a common message header followed by event specific content.

ASR event header information:

XML Element     Description
------------    -----------
site-id         the serial number of the host sending
                the event
host-id         the hostname(1) of the system that the
                message is about
message-uuid    a unique id generated for each message
message-time    local time on the system that generated
                the message
system-id       the serial number of the system that the
                message is about
asset-id        the registered service tag for the system
product-id      the unique product identifier for the system
product-name    the name of the product for the system
event           element containing fault specific event

The fault-specific content in the event will be contained within the primary-event-information XML element.

XML Element     Description
-----------     -----------
message-id      the knowledge article message ID
event-uuid      the FMA event UUID
event-time      the time that the FMA event was generated
severity        the severity of the FMA event
component       element containing list of suspects
summary         a short summary of the event
description     event description
payload         the raw FMA event contents

For each suspect FRU associated with a fault event, a hardware-component element will be included within the component.

XML Element              Description
-----------              -----------
name                     the component path name of the FRU
serial                   the FRU serial number
part                     the FRU part number
revision                 the FRU revision level
additional-information   a list of additional properties
                         containing values such as FRU
                         manufacturer and FRU model

Some faults might be associated with a software issue instead of a hardware issue. In this case, the fault event will contain a software-module element within the component list.

XML Element              Description
-----------              -----------
name                     the name or FMRI of the software
                         module in error
description              a description of the software
                         module error

Heartbeat events do not contain any additional data and audit events contain a list of all hardware-component, software-package, and software-module elements available to the system.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

Interface Stability

See Also

svcs(1), asradm(1M), svcadm(1M), svccfg(1M), syslogd(1M), attributes(5), smf(5)