Class: ProxyConfiguration


new ProxyConfiguration(optionsopt)

Defines a set of configuration values used to connect or create a proxy instance. This is just the constructor with no parameters, once this object is created you can change any parameter.
Name Type Attributes Description
options Object <optional>
An object with the initial values to construct ProxyConfiguration, the object has the following format: { startProxy : true, KVCLIENT_JAR: '', KVPROXY_JAR: '', .....
Name Type Description
startProxy boolean Indicates if the module should try to start a proxy instance from which it will connect to a Oracle NoSQL Database Store.
KVCLIENT_JAR String The path where the file kvclient.jar is located, required to start a local proxy.
KVPROXY_JAR String The path where the proxy files are located. the default value is the location to the driver's proxy included files.
host String Indicates the host:port for a proxy to connect, if startProxy is set to true, then this parameter is used to start the proxy at this host:port.
maxIteratorResults Number A long representing the maximum number of results returned in one single iterator call. Default: 100
iteratorExpiration Number Iterator expiration interval in milliseconds.
maxOpenIterators Number Maximum concurrent opened iterators. Default: 10000
numPoolThreads Number Number of proxy threads. Default: 20
socketReadTimeout Number Configures the read timeout in milliseconds associated with the underlying sockets to the store.
socketOpenTimeout Number Configures the open timeout in milliseconds used when establishing sockets to the store.
maxActiveRequests Number Maximum number of active requests towards the store.
requestTimeout Number Configures the default request timeout in milliseconds.
requestThresholdPercent Number Threshold for activating request limiting, as a percentage of the requested maximum active requests.
nodeLimitPercent Number Limit on the number of requests, as a percentage of the requested maximum active requests.
securityFile String The security file with properties to be used in a secured store.
verbose bool Verbose flag.
log4jproperties String The file used by log4j to configure logging.
maxConcurrentRequests Number The maximum number of concurrent requests per iterator. Default value is set to no of available processors * 2.
maxResultsBatches Number The maximum number of results batches that can be held in the proxy per iterator. Default: 0, which means it will be set automatically by kv.client based on the -max-concurrent-requests.