Viewing Tenant Quotas

Quota defines the resource usage limit set for a tenant. The Oracle Cloud Administrator determines the quota limits for the tenant.

discover quota

This command enables you to retrieve tenant quotas in the specified container and its subcontainers.


oracle-compute discover quota container

Parameters and Options

The following parameters are specific to this command. You can also use the common options described in General Command Options.

Parameter Description
container Hierarchical name-space for tenant. For example, / .


$ oracle-compute discover quota /

Sample Output

$ oracle-compute discover quota /

get quota

This command enables you to retrieve the quota information for a specific tenant.


oracle-compute get quota name

Parameters and Options

The following parameters are specific to this command. You can also use the common options described in General Command Options.

Parameter Description
name A unique hierarchical name for a tenant. For example, /mytenant.


$ oracle-compute get quota /mytenant

Sample Output

oracle-compute get quota /mytenant -fjson
 "list": [
   "usage": {
    "machineimage": {
     "number": 2, 
     "megabytes": 4247
    "vnet": {
     "vnetreservations": 3
    "compute": {
     "instances": 6, 
     "ram": 46080, 
     "instance_restrictions": {}, 
     "cpus": 12.0
    "nds": {
     "megabytes": 181468
   "uri": "", 
   "description": "Default quota for \"mytenant\"", 
   "name": "/mytenant", 
   "allowance": {
    "machineimage": {
     "number": 5, 
     "megabytes": 100000
    "vnet": {
     "vnetreservations": null
    "compute": {
     "instances": 10, 
     "ram": 50000, 
     "instance_restrictions": {}, 
     "cpus": 20.0
    "nds": {
     "megabytes": 200000

list quota

This command enables you to list details about the tenant quotas for a specific container.


oracle-compute list quota container

Parameters and Options

The following parameters are specific to this command. You can also use the common options described in General Command Options.

Parameter Description
container A hierarchical name-space for a tenant. For example, /mytenant/


$ oracle-compute list quota /mytenant/

Sample Output

oracle-compute list quota /mytenant -fjson
 "list": [
   "usage": {
    "machineimage": {
     "number": 2, 
     "megabytes": 4247
    "vnet": {
     "vnetreservations": 3
    "compute": {
     "instances": 6, 
     "ram": 46080, 
     "instance_restrictions": {}, 
     "cpus": 12.0
    "nds": {
     "megabytes": 181468
   "uri": "", 
   "description": "Default quota for \"mytenant\"", 
   "name": "/mytenant", 
   "allowance": {
    "machineimage": {
     "number": 5, 
     "megabytes": 100000
    "vnet": {
     "vnetreservations": null
    "compute": {
     "instances": 10, 
     "ram": 50000, 
     "instance_restrictions": {}, 
     "cpus": 20.0
    "nds": {
     "megabytes": 200000