Oracle Internet of Things Cloud Service

Get Started

Oracle Internet of Things (IoT) Cloud Service is a managed Platform as a Service (PaaS) cloud-based offering that helps you make critical business decisions and strategies by allowing you to connect your devices to the cloud, analyze data from those devices in real time, and integrate your data with enterprise applications, web services, or with other Oracle Cloud Services, such as Oracle Business Intelligence Cloud Service.


Purchase a metered subscription and after activation, create accounts for your users and assign them appropriate privileges and roles.


Get familiar with the terms used, the components that comprise the IoT Cloud Service, how to access it, and about the roles and user accounts.

Connect a device with Javascript

Create an IoT application, connect a device, and send messages using JavaScript.

Connect a device with Java

Create an IoT application, connect a device, and send messages using Java.

Connect a device with Android

Create an IoT application, connect a device, and send messages using Android.

Connect a device with C POSIX

Create an IoT application, connect a device, and send messages using C POSIX.

Connect a device with iOS

Create an IoT application, connect a device, and send messages using Swift for iOS.

Connect a device with REST APIs

Connect a device to Oracle IoT Cloud Service using REST APIs.