Viewing account field population details

You can select an account field and search your database for all values entered for that specific account field. For example, you can select the account field "City" and search for all cities used for all of your accounts.

To view account field population details:

  1. Click Settings An image of the Settings menu icon, which is represented by a black cog..

  2. Click Fields & Views in the Database Setup section.

  3. Click the Account Fields list to expand it under the Fields tab.

    An image of the Fields and Views window. The Accounts Fields tab is highlighted by a red arrow.

  4. Click the desired account field, then click View.

    An image of the Fields and Views window. Example Account Field and the View button is highlighted by a red arrow.

    The Company Field Information window opens and displays the population details for that field.

    Note: If there are a very large number of details for the field (over 1000), you may see the following message instead:

    An image of a message that reads 'this field has more than 1000 unique values, and is unsuitable for this view.'

  5. In the Company Field drop-down list, select an account field you want to view.

    An image of the Company Field Information window, with the Company Field drop-down list highlighted by a red box.

  6. Click Preview.

All values for that account field will be shown.

An image of the Company Field drop-down list and some possible field values.

Learn more

Creating account fields

Editing account fields