Configuring Salesforce Cloud Target Operation Properties

Enter the Salesforce Cloud target operation values for your integration.

What You Can Do from the Salesforce Cloud Target Operations Page

You can configure the following target operations values for Salesforce Cloud.

  • Select either of the following operation types:
    1. CRUD
    2. Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL) or Salesforce Object Search Language (SOSL) query
  • Select the business objects.
  • Specify the SOQL/SOSL query.

What You See on the Salesforce Target Operations Page

The following table describes the key information on the Salesforce Cloud target Operations page.

Element Description

Select an Operation Type

Select the type of operation to perform:

  • CORE : Represents all core operations supported by the Salesforce application.

  • CRUD: Represents the create, read, update, delete, or destroy operation to perform on Salesforce business objects. Each letter maps to a standard SQL statement, HTTP method, or DDS operation. Select the CRUD operation to perform: Create, Delete, Retrieve, or Update.

  • MISC: Represents specialized task operations (such as fetching user information associated with the current session) in the Salesforce application.

  • SOSL/SOQL: Select to enter a Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL) or Salesforce Object Search Language (SOSL) query to send as a request to the Salesforce application. The following operations are available:

    • query: Executes a query against specific criteria and returns data matching that criteria. Only records not deleted from your Salesforce application account are returned.

    • queryAll: Returns the same data as the query operation, along with deleted records present in the recycle bin.

    • search: Returns records from the Salesforce application. You can specify binding parameters to dynamically provide a search string as input to your search operation.

    If you select this option, the page is refreshed to display a field for entering an SOQL or SOSL query to send for validation:

    • Query Statement: Enter a valid query statement. SOQL statements evaluate to a list of sObjects, a single sObject, or an integer for count method queries. The following examples are provided:

      “SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE Name LIKE 'A%' AND MailingCity = 'California'”
      SELECT COUNT() FROM Contact

      SOSL statements evaluate to a list of sObjects, where each list contains the search results for a particular sObject type. For example:

      “SELECT,, a.accountNumber, from Contact c, c.Account”
    • Binding Parameters: Displays any parameters included in the query. For example, orgId is a parameter in the following query:

      SELECT,, a.accountNumber, from Contact c, c.Account a WHERE = "&orgId"  

      This query displays a binding parameters text box in which to enter a test value for orgId.

    • Test My Query. Click to validate the query against the Salesforce application. Query results are displayed. If errors occur, you receive results about how to correct the query.

Filter By Object Name

Type the initial letters to filter the display of business objects. You can also select a filter type:
  • All: Displays all objects.

  • Custom: Displays objects you created. Custom business objects are appended with “_c.”

  • Standard: Business objects delivered as part of the Salesforce application.

Select Business Objects

Select a single or multiple business objects to include in the operation. You can select up to ten objects for one operation.