Complete Metrics Definitions for Custom Analytics

    If you are looking for a quick definition on a particular metric, here is a list of all the metrics we have in Custom Analytics.

    To make it easier for you to find exactly what you are looking for, we've broken out the metrics by social network.

    Metrics for Facebook

    • Total Fans - The total number of people who have liked your page.
    • Fans Added - The number of new people who have liked your page.
    • Unique Fans Added - The number of unique new people who have liked your page.
    • Fans Removed - The number of people who have unliked your page.
    • Unique Fans Removed - The number of unique people who have unliked your page.
    • Fans by Age and Gender - The number of your fans, broken out by age groups.
    • Male Fans by Age - The number of your male fans, broken out by age groups.
    • Female fans by Age - The number of your female fans, broken out by age groups.
    • Fan Sources - A breakdown of the number of page likes from the most common places where people liked your page.
    • Fans by Country - A breakdown of the countries where your fans live.
    • Fans by City - A breakdown of the cities where your fans live.
    • Fans by Language - A breakdown of the languages your fans speak.

    • External Referrers - The number of times people arrived on your page from a URL that is not part of
    • Negative Feedback - The number of times people performed a negative action on your page or its content (For example, unliked your page or hid a post), broken out by action type.
    • Stories - The number of stories created about your page. Stories include:
      • Liking your page
      • Posting to your page's timeline
      • Liking
      • Commenting on, or sharing one of your page's posts
      • Answering a question you posted
      • RSVPing to one of your events
      • Mentioning your page
      • Photo-tagging your page
      • Checking in at your place
    • Stories by Type - A breakdown of the types of stories generated by users on your page. A story is created when someone:
      • Likes your page
      • Posts to your page's timeline
      • Likes
      • Comments on, or shares one of your page posts
      • Answers a question you posted
      • Responds to your event
      • Mentions your page
      • Tags your page in a photo
      • Checks in at your location or recommends your location
    • Consumptions - A breakdown of the types of actions people took on your posts without generating a story.
    • page Engaged Users - The number of unique users who have created a story or clicked on content from your page.
    • page Consumptions - The number of times people clicked on any of your page's content without generating a story.

    • People Talking About This by Story Type - The number of people engaging with your page stories, broken out by story type. A story is created when someone:
      • Likes your page
      • Posts to your page's timeline
      • Likes
      • Comments on, or shares one of your page posts
      • Answers a question you posted
      • Responds to your event
      • Mentions your page
      • Tags your page in a photo
      • Checks in at your location or recommends your location
    • People Talking About This by City - The number of people engaging with your page stories, broken out by city.
    • People Talking About This by Country - The number of people engaging with your page stories, broken out by country.
    • People Talking About This by Language - The number of people engaging with your page stories, broken out by language.
    • People Talking About This by Age/Gender - The number of people engaging with your page stories, broken out by age and gender.
    • People Talking About This: Females by Age - The number of males who are talking about your page, broken out by age groups.
    • People Talking About This: Males by Age - The number of males who are talking about your page, broken out by age groups.

    • Impressions - The total number of times content associated with your page has been displayed on a browser.
      Note: Impressions does not equal the sum of Organic, Viral, and Paid Reach because Facebook may count users in more than one category.
    • Paid Impressions - The number of times content from a sponsored story or ad pointing to your page was displayed on a browser.
    • Organic Impressions - The number of times your posts were seen in the Newsfeed, Ticker, or on visits to your page. These may come from your fans or non-fans.
    • Viral Impressions - The number of impressions of any stories about your page by a fan or non-fan.
    • Viral Impressions by Story Type - The number of impressions of any stories about your page by a fan or non-fan, broken out by story type. A story is created when someone:
      • Likes your page
      • Posts to your page's timeline
      • Likes
      • Comments on, or shares one of your page posts
      • Answers a question you posted
      • Responds to your event
      • Mentions your page
      • Tags your page in a photo
      • Checks in at your location or recommends your location

    • Reach - The average number of unique users who saw content associated with your page. This includes ads and sponsored stories that point to your page.
      Note: Reach does not equal the sum of Organic, Viral, and Paid Reach because Facebook may count users in more than one category.
    • Paid Reach - The total number of unique users who saw an ad or sponsored story that point to your page.
    • Organic Reach - The total number of unique users who saw content about your page in the News Feed, Ticker, or on your page. This includes fans and non-fans.
    • Viral Reach - The total number of unique users who saw a story about your page published by a fan or non-fan.
    • Viral Reach by Story Type - The total number of unique users who saw a story about your page published by a fan or non-fan, broken out by story type. A story is created when someone likes your page; posts to your page’s timeline; likes, comments on, or shares one of your page posts; answers a question you posted; responds to your event; mentions your page; tags your page in a photo; checks in at your location; or recommends your location.
    • Reach by Country - The average number of unique users who saw content associated with your page, including ads and sponsored stories that point to your page, broken out by country.
    • Reach by City - The average number of unique users who saw content associated with your page, including ads and sponsored stories that point to your page, broken out by city.
    • Reach by Language - The average number of unique users who saw content associated with your page, including ads and sponsored stories that point to your page, broken out by language.
    • Reach by Age/Gender - The average number of unique users who saw content associated with your page, including ads and sponsored stories that point to your page, broken out by age and gender.
    • Male Reach by Age - The average number of unique male users who saw content associated with your page, including ads and sponsored stories that point to your page, broken out by language.
    • Female Reach by Age - The average number of unique female users who saw content associated with your page, including ads and sponsored stories that point to your page, broken out by language.

    • Post Impressions - The total number of times a page post has been displayed on a browser.
    • Posts by Hour of Day - A distribution of how often you are posting to your page throughout the day.
    • Post Insights - A scatter plot displaying when you have posted to your page and the number of actions taken on that content. The white center circle represents the number of posts made on a certain day of the week and time of day. The dark outer circle represents the total number of actions taken on those posts.
    • Post Actions by Type - The number of actions taken on the post, broken out by type.
    • Daily Post “like” Reactions - The number of like Reactions on your posts for the specific day.
    • Daily Post “Love” Reactions - The number of Love Reactions on your posts for the specific day.
    • Daily Post “Wow” Reactions - The number of Wow Reactions on your posts for the specific day.
    • Daily Post “Haha” Reactions - The number of Haha Reactions on your posts for the specific day.
    • Daily Post “Sad” Reactions - The number of Sad Reactions on your posts for the specific day.
    • Daily Post “Angry” Reactions - The number of Angry Reactions on your posts for the specific day.
    • Daily Post Reactions by Type - The number of reactions on your posts, broken out by type.
    • Post Count - The number of posts made by your page.
    • Daily Posts by Type - The number of posts made by your page, broken out by type.
    • Posts likes - The number of likes on your page's posts.
    • Post Comments - The number of comments on your page's posts.
    • Post “Love” Reactions - The number of Love Reactions on posts published on that day.
    • Post “Wow” Reactions - The number of Wow Reactions on posts published on that day.
    • Post “Haha” Reactions - The number of Haha Reactions on posts published on that day.
    • Post “Sad” Reactions - The number of Sad Reactions on posts published on that day.
    • Post “Angry” Reactions - The number of Angry Reactions on posts published on that day.
    • Post Shares - The number of times your page's posts were shared natively on Facebook.
    • Total Actions - The number of total actions taken on your page's posts.

    Some notes on negative action types

    • Page unlikes only includes users who explicitly unliked your page.
    • Removed fans also includes users who are no longer fans of your page for other reasons, like if the user’s account is no longer active.

    Metrics for Google+

    • Follower Count - The number of people who have followed your page.
    • Circle Follower Count - The number of people who follow your page's circles.
    • Total +1s - The total number of +1s for your page's posts.
    • +1s - The number of +1s for your page's posts on a specific day.
    • Total Reshares - The total number of reshares for your page's posts.
    • Reshares - The number of reshares for your page's posts on a specific day.
    • Total Replies - The total number of replies on your page's posts.
    • Replies - The number of replies on your page's posts on a specific day.
    • Post Insights - A scatter plot displaying when you have posted to your page and the number of actions taken on that content. The white center circle represents the number of posts made on a certain day of the week and time of day. The dark outer circle represents the total number of actions taken on those posts.

    Metrics for Twitter

    • SRM Clicks - The number of times users clicked the publish-generated short links in your brand's tweets on a specific day.
    • Tweet Insights - A scatter plot displaying when you have tweeted to your brand's Twitter stream and the number of actions taken on that content. The white center circle represents the number of tweets made on a certain day of the week and time of day. The dark outer circle represents the total number of actions taken on those tweets.
    • Followers - The number of followers on your Twitter stream.
    • All Retweets - The number of times your brand’s tweets, including anything your brand retweets, were retweeted on a specific day.
    • Retweets of My Tweets - The number of times you brand’s tweets, not including anything your brand retweets, were retweeted on a specific day.
    • Mentions - The number of times your brand's Twitter handle was mentioned in tweets that are not a reply on a specific day.
    • Replies - The number of times your brand's Twitter handle was mentioned in a reply on a specific day.
    • Engagement - The number of actions on and about your brand's Twitter stream, which includes mentions, retweets, and SRM clicks, on a specific day.
    • Favorites - The number of times your brand's tweets were favorited on a specific day.
    • Unfollows - The net number of users who unfollowed your brand's Twitter stream on a specific day.
    • New Followers - The net number of users who followed your brand's Twitter stream on a specific day.
    • Tweet Count - The number of times your brand tweeted on a specific day.

    Metrics for YouTube

    • Views - The number of times that a video on your channel was viewed.
    • Unique Views - The number of unique viewers that watched the videos on your channel.
    • Comments - The number of comments users have made on the videos on your channel.
    • likes - The number of people who have clicked Like on the videos on your channel.
    • Dislikes - The number of people who have clicked Dislike on the videos on your channel.
    • Shares - The number of times users have shared the videos on your channel.
    • Viewers by Country - A breakdown of the countries where your viewers live.
    • Subscribers Gained - The number of times that users subscribed to your channel.
    • Subscribers Lost - The number of times that users unsubscribed from your channel.
    • Average View Duration - The average length, in seconds, of video playbacks on your channel.
    • Estimated Minutes Watched - The number of minutes that users watched videos on your channel.
    • Annotation Click Through Rate - The ratio of annotations that viewers clicked to the total number of clickable annotation impressions.
    • Annotation Close Rate - The ratio of annotations that viewers closed to the total number of annotation impressions.
    • Average View Percentage - The average percentage of a video watched during a video playback on your channel.

    Metrics for LinkedIn

    • Total Followers - The total number of LinkedIn members who are following your company page.
    • Followers - The daily change in members that are following your company page.
    • Total Organic Followers - Total followers you gained naturally, without advertising.
    • Organic Followers - The daily change in followers you gained naturally, without advertising.
    • Total Paid Followers - Total followers gained through advertising.
    • Paid Followers - The daily change in followers gained through advertising.
    • likes - The total number of likes on your posted content for each day.
    • Shares - The total number of shares on your posted content for each day.
    • Comments - The total number of comments on your posted content for each day.
    • LinkedIn Clicks - The number of clicks on your content, company name, or logo for each day. This doesn't include interactions (shares, likes, and comments).
    • Impressions - The number of times each update was shown to LinkedIn members.
    • Engagement - The percentage of people who interacted with your LinkedIn posts when they were exposed to them. This is calculated by adding the clicks, likes, comments, and shares and dividing by the number of impressions.
    • SRM Short Link Clicks - The number of clicks on included SRM Short Links.

    Metrics for Tumblr

    • Total Follower Count - The total number of users that are following your Tumblr account.
    • likes - The total number of likes on your posted content for each day.
    • Reblogs - The total number of reblogs of your posted content for each day.
    • Notes - The total number of notes (includes likes and reblogs) on your posted content for each day.
    • SRM Short Link Clicks - The number of clicks on included SRM Short Links.
    • Engagement Rate - The percentage of people who interacted with your Tumblr posts when they were exposed to them. This is calculated by taking the notes and dividing by the number of followers your account has on day of the post.

    Metrics for Instagram

    • Total Follower Count - The total number of users that are following your Instagram account.
    • Post likes - The total number of likes on your posted content for each day.
    • Post Comments - The total number of comments on your posted content for each day.
    • Post Count - The number of posts made by your Instagram account for each day.

    Metrics for Engage

      Channel and User Metrics:
    • Read Messages - The number of messages marked read in Engage during the specified time period.
    • Responded Messages - The number of message replies in Engage during the specified time period.
    • Hidden Messages - The number of messages hidden in Engage during the specified time period.
    • Deleted Messages - The number of messages deleted in Engage during the specified time period.
    • Archived Messages - The number of messages archived in Engage during the specified time period.
    • Average Time to Read - The average time, in seconds, before messages were marked as read in Engage during the specified time period. The start time is based on when the post appeared on the social network.
    • Minimum Time to Read - The shortest time, in seconds, taken to mark a message as read in Engage during the specified time period. The start time is based on when the post appeared on the social network.
    • Maximum Time to Read - The longest time, in seconds, taken to mark a message as read in Engage during the specified time period. The start time is based on when the post appeared on the social network. This excludes any messages that were not marked as read.
    • Average Time to Respond - The average time, in seconds, before messages were marked as replied to in Engage during the specified time period. The start time is based on when the post appeared on the social network.
    • Minimum Time to Respond - The shortest time, in seconds, taken to reply to a message in Engage during the specified time period. The start time is based on when the post appeared on the social network.
    • Maximum Time to Respond - The longest time, in seconds, taken to reply to a message in Engage during the specified time period. The start time is based on when the post appeared on the social network. This excludes any messages that were not replied to.
      Channel Only Metrics:
    • Received Messages - The number of messages received in Engage during the specified time period.
    • Unread Messages - A calculation of unread messages for the time period. The calculation is Received Messages - Read Messages + Number of Messages Marked Unread.
    • Percentage of Read Messages - The hourly percentage of read messages during the specified time period. The percentage for each hour is calculated as follows: Read Messages / Received Messages. The KPI module averages those hourly percentages across the selected time period.
    • Percentage of Unread Messages - The hourly percentage of unread messages during the specified time period. The percentage for each hour is calculated as follows: Unread Messages / Received Messages. The KPI module averages those hourly percentages across the selected time period.
    • Messages Not Responded To - A calculation of messages without a response for the time period. The calculation is Received Messages - Replies.
    • Responded Message Percentage - The hourly percentage of messages responded to during the specified time period. The percentage for each hour is calculated as follows: Replies / Received Messages. The KPI module averages those hourly percentages across the selected time period.
    • Unresponded Message Percentage - The hourly percentage of messages not responded to during the specified time period. The percentage for each hour is calculated as follows: Messages Not Responded To / Received Messages. The KPI module averages those hourly percentages across the selected time period.
    • Assigned Messages - The number of messages assigned during the specified time period.
    • Unassigned Messages - A calculation of unassigned messages for the time period. The calculation is Messages Received - Messages Assigned + Number of Messages Marked Unassigned.
    • Assigned Message Percentage - The hourly percentage of assigned messages during the specified time period. The percentage for each hour is calculated as follows: Assigned Messages / Received Messages. The KPI module averages those hourly percentages across the selected time period.
    • Unassigned Message Percentage - The hourly percentage of unassigned messages during the specified time period. The percentage for each hour is calculated as follows: Unassigned Messages / Received Messages. The KPI module averages those hourly percentages across the selected time period.
      User Only Metrics:
    • Unread Messages - The number of messages marked as unread during the specified time period.
    • Assignments Given - The number of assignments given by this user to other users during the specified time period.
    • Assignments Received - The number of assignments received by this user from other users during the specified time period.
    • Assignments Completed - The number of assignments marked completed by this user during the specified time period.
    • Assignments Completed Percentage - The hourly percentage of assignments completed during the specified time period. The percentage for each hour is calculated as follows: Received / Completed. The KPI module averages those hourly percentages across the selected time period.

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