2.7 Managing Meta Data

Use the links under Manage Meta Data to view and manage session state, the mail queue, installed translations, and interactive report descriptions.

2.7.1 Managing Session State for an Instance

View session state statistics and purge the session state on the Session State page. About Session State

A session is a logical construct used to establish persistence (or stateful behavior) across page views.

Each session is assigned a unique ID, which the Application Express engine uses to store and retrieve an application's working set of data (or session state) before and after each page view. An automatic process clears sessions older than 24 hours every eight hours. Instance administrators can also purge them manually.

See Also:

"What Is a Session?" in Oracle Application Express App Builder User’s Guide Viewing Session Details Before Purging

Before purging sessions, Instance administrators can view a listing of recent sessions and then drill down on session details on the Recent Sessions page.

To view a listing of recent sessions:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Manage Meta Data, click Session State.

    The Session State page appears.

  4. Click Recent Sessions.
  5. On the Recent Sessions page, you can:
    • Click a session number to view additional details.

    • Click Purge Sessions to delete the displayed sessions. Purging Sessions by Age

Purge sessions by age on the Purge Session page.

To purge sessions by age:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Manage Meta Data, click Session State.

    The Session State page appears.

  4. Click Purge Sessions.

    The Purge Sessions page appears.

  5. For Maximum Sessions to Purge, identify the maximum number of sessions to delete.
  6. For Only Purge Session Older Than, specify the age of sessions to be deleted.
  7. To purge the selected sessions, click Purge Sessions. Viewing Session Statistics Before Purging

View statistics about current sessions before purging on the Session State Statistics page.

To view session state statistics:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Manage Meta Data, click Session State.

    The Session State page appears.

  4. Select Session State Statistics.
  5. To delete current sessions, click Purge Sessions.

2.7.2 Managing the Mail Queue

Manage email sent from applications by monitoring email messages in the mail queue.


To view the Mail Log, see "Monitoring Activity Across a Development Instance" Sending and Deleting Messages in the Mail Queue

Use the Mail Queue to push, delete, or reset messages in the mail queue.

To send and delete messages in the mail queue:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Manage Meta Data, click Mail Queue.

    The Mail Queue page appears.

    If there is an issue sending an email (for example, because of a bad email address or unavailable mail server) then the mail message remains in the queue along with the last encountered error. For every subsequent attempt to send the email, the gap in time increases between send attempts (for example, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 4 minutes, 8 minutes, 16 minutes, and so on).

  4. Use the following buttons to manage messages in the mail queue:
    • Delete - Deletes selected messages.
    • Force Send All Mail - The calculated delay for messages which encounter an error is ignored and an attempt is made to push all messages in the queue.
    • Send All Mail - Pushes the messages in the queue. The calculated delay for messages which encounter an error is observed.
    • Reset - Resets the page pagination.

See Also:

2.7.3 Viewing Installed Translations

Access the Installed Translations page to view which translated languages have been installed within the current development instance.

To view the list of installed translations:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Manage Meta Data, click Installed Translations.

    The Installed Translations page appears. This page displays a list of languages and indicates if the translations have been loaded.

See Also:

"Managing Application Globalization" in Oracle Application Express App Builder User’s Guide

2.7.4 Deleting Interactive Report Subscriptions

Manage the interactive report subscriptions within the current development instance.

To delete an interactive report subscription:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Manage Meta Data, click Interactive Report Subscriptions.

    The Interactive Report Subscriptions page displays as an interactive report. You can customize the appearance of the page using the Search bar at the top of the page.

  4. Find the subscription you want to remove and select the check box to the left.
  5. Click Delete Checked.

See Also: