Instance Configuration FAQs

Why can I not see the release version of the Oracle Cloud Applications that I want at the time of configuration?

By default, Oracle provisions your instance using the latest version. If you want to create an instance with any other version, contact My Oracle Support or click the Live Chat button in the upper right side of your screen to chat with an Oracle support personnel. In such a scenario, you'll not use the create instance wizard to create your instance. You'll work with Oracle Support personnel to create an instance based on your requirements.

Why can I not seeing the data center that I want?

The Data Center drop-down list in the Configure New Instance screen of the create instance wizard displays only those data centers where you can provision Oracle Cloud Applications instances. If a data center is not listed, it indicates that the data center either does not support Oracle Cloud Applications or some of the services that you have purchased are not available in that data center.

Why can't I name my Oracle Cloud Applications instance during the provisioning process?

While provisioning the service, Oracle automatically creates instances with a name that is globally unique.

I have completed configuring and creating the instance, but I missed selecting specific language packs while configuring the instance. How do I enable specific language packs on my instance?

Raise a service request on My Oracle Support.

I am adding new services to my existing instance, but I can't activate additional language packs. How can I add new language packs to my instance?

Raise a service request on My Oracle Support.

While configuring the Oracle Cloud Applications instance, I am unable to determine if I should create a new instance or use an existing instance. How can I determine this?

See Plan Your Environment.

Can I get an instance with a specific size?

Oracle automatically determines the size of the instance based on your subscribed services. If you want the size of your instance to be increased, create a service request on My Oracle Support and specify the instance details and the required size.

How do I know my patching schedule?

After provisioning your instances, you can determine the patching schedule for your instances. See Scheduling Maintenance and Service Requests in Managing and Monitoring Oracle Cloud.

Why am I not able to select a data center while creating an additional test environment?

By default, your additional test environment is created in the data center that hosts your production environment.

Why can't I select the release version while creating an additional test environment?

By default, your additional test environment is created with the version of the selected production environment.

Why can't I select language packs while creating an additional test environment?

By default, your additional test environment is created with the same language packs as your selected production environment.

I have subscribed for multiple additional test environments. Do I have to configure each one individually?

Yes. You have to configure each additional test environment individually even if the configuration is same for all these instances.

I have completed configuring the instances, but the instance is not setup yet. Where do I see estimated completion time?

Your instance will be set up within 48 hours from the time you submit the request. Once the instance is created, you'll receive an email with credentials to access the instance. If you do not receive the email, contact My Oracle Support.

Where do I add additional users to my configured instance?

After creating and configuring your instances, your next step as the primary administrator, is to create additional users and assign those users specific roles and responsibilities within your Cloud Account. See Add Users, Assign Policies and Roles.

I received a notification with the subject line: your service has been terminated. Is this a mistake?

Raise a service request on My Oracle Support.