Apache Derby 10.6

Class sysinfo

  extended by org.apache.derby.tools.sysinfo

public class sysinfo
extends java.lang.Object

This class displays system information to system out. To run from the command-line, enter the following:

java org.apache.derby.tools.sysinfo

Also available on this class are methods which allow you to determine the version of the code for the system without actually booting a database. Please note that this is the Derby version of the .jar files, not of your databases.

The numbering scheme for released Derby products is m1.m2.m3 where m1 is the major release version, m2 is the minor release version, and m3 is the maintenance level. Versions of the product with the same major and minor version numbers are considered feature compatible.

Valid major and minor versions are always greater than zero. Valid maintenance versions are greater than or equal to zero.

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CLIENT
          The genus name for the client code.
static java.lang.String DBMS
          The genus name for the Apache Derby code.
static java.lang.String NET
          The genus name for the network server code.
static java.lang.String TOOLS
          The genus name for the tools code.
Method Summary
static java.lang.String getBuildNumber()
          gets the build number for the Apache Derby embedded library
static java.lang.String getBuildNumber(java.lang.String genus)
          gets the build number for the specified library
static void getInfo(java.io.PrintWriter out)
static int getMajorVersion()
          gets the major version of the Apache Derby embedded code.
static int getMajorVersion(java.lang.String genus)
          gets the major version of the specified code library.
static int getMinorVersion()
          gets the minor version of the Apache Derby embedded code.
static int getMinorVersion(java.lang.String genus)
          gets the minor version of the specified code library.
static java.lang.String getProductName()
          gets the product name for the Apache Derby embedded library
static java.lang.String getProductName(java.lang.String genus)
          gets the external name for the specified code library.
static java.lang.String getVersionString()
          Return the version information string for the specified library including alpha or beta indicators.
static java.lang.String getVersionString(java.lang.String genus)
          Return the version information string for the Apache Derby embedded library including alpha or beta indicators.
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String DBMS
The genus name for the Apache Derby code. Use this to determine the version of the Apache Derby embedded code in derby.jar.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String TOOLS
The genus name for the tools code. Use this to determine the version of code in derbytools.jar

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String NET
The genus name for the network server code. Use this to determine the version of code in derbynet.jar

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String CLIENT
The genus name for the client code. Use this to determine the version of code in derbyclient.jar

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)


public static int getMajorVersion()
gets the major version of the Apache Derby embedded code.

the major version. Returns -1 if not found.


public static int getMajorVersion(java.lang.String genus)
gets the major version of the specified code library.

genus - which library to get the version of. Valid inputs include DBMS, TOOLS, NET, CLIENT
the major version. Return -1 if the information is not found.


public static int getMinorVersion()
gets the minor version of the Apache Derby embedded code.

the minor version. Returns -1 if not found.


public static int getMinorVersion(java.lang.String genus)
gets the minor version of the specified code library.

genus - which library to get the version of. Valid inputs include DBMS, TOOLS, NET, CLIENT.
the minor version. Return -1 if the information is not found.


public static java.lang.String getBuildNumber()
gets the build number for the Apache Derby embedded library

the build number, or -1 if the information is not found.


public static java.lang.String getBuildNumber(java.lang.String genus)
gets the build number for the specified library

genus - which library to get the build number for. Valid inputs are DBMS, TOOLS, NET, CLIENT.
the build number, or ???? if the information is not found.


public static java.lang.String getProductName()
gets the product name for the Apache Derby embedded library

the name


public static java.lang.String getProductName(java.lang.String genus)
gets the external name for the specified code library.

genus - which library to get the name for
the name.


public static java.lang.String getVersionString()
Return the version information string for the specified library including alpha or beta indicators.


public static java.lang.String getVersionString(java.lang.String genus)
Return the version information string for the Apache Derby embedded library including alpha or beta indicators.


public static void getInfo(java.io.PrintWriter out)

Built on Tue 2010-09-21 16:20:41-0700, from revision 999685

Apache Derby 10.6 API Documentation - Copyright © 2004,2008 The Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.