Document Information


Part I Introduction

1.  Overview

2.  Using the Tutorial Examples

Part II The Web Tier

3.  Getting Started with Web Applications

4.  JavaServer Faces Technology

5.  Introduction to Facelets

6.  Expression Language

7.  Using JavaServer Faces Technology in Web Pages

8.  Using Converters, Listeners, and Validators

9.  Developing with JavaServer Faces Technology

10.  JavaServer Faces Technology: Advanced Concepts

11.  Using Ajax with JavaServer Faces Technology

12.  Composite Components: Advanced Topics and Example

13.  Creating Custom UI Components and Other Custom Objects

14.  Configuring JavaServer Faces Applications

15.  Java Servlet Technology

16.  Uploading Files with Java Servlet Technology

17.  Internationalizing and Localizing Web Applications

Part III Web Services

18.  Introduction to Web Services

19.  Building Web Services with JAX-WS

20.  Building RESTful Web Services with JAX-RS

21.  JAX-RS: Advanced Topics and Example

Part IV Enterprise Beans

22.  Enterprise Beans

23.  Getting Started with Enterprise Beans

24.  Running the Enterprise Bean Examples

25.  A Message-Driven Bean Example

26.  Using the Embedded Enterprise Bean Container

27.  Using Asynchronous Method Invocation in Session Beans

Part V Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE Platform

28.  Introduction to Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE Platform

29.  Running the Basic Contexts and Dependency Injection Examples

30.  Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE Platform: Advanced Topics

31.  Running the Advanced Contexts and Dependency Injection Examples

Part VI Persistence

32.  Introduction to the Java Persistence API

33.  Running the Persistence Examples

34.  The Java Persistence Query Language

35.  Using the Criteria API to Create Queries

36.  Creating and Using String-Based Criteria Queries

37.  Controlling Concurrent Access to Entity Data with Locking

38.  Using a Second-Level Cache with Java Persistence API Applications

Part VII Security

39.  Introduction to Security in the Java EE Platform

40.  Getting Started Securing Web Applications

41.  Getting Started Securing Enterprise Applications

42.  Java EE Security: Advanced Topics

Part VIII Java EE Supporting Technologies

43.  Introduction to Java EE Supporting Technologies

44.  Transactions

45.  Resources and Resource Adapters

46.  The Resource Adapter Example

47.  Java Message Service Concepts

48.  Java Message Service Examples

Writing Simple JMS Applications

A Simple Example of Synchronous Message Receives

Writing the Clients for the Synchronous Receive Example

Starting the JMS Provider

JMS Administered Objects for the Synchronous Receive Example

Running the Clients for the Synchronous Receive Example

A Simple Example of Asynchronous Message Consumption

Writing the Clients for the Asynchronous Receive Example

To Build and Package the AsynchConsumer Client Using NetBeans IDE

To Deploy and Run the Clients for the Asynchronous Receive Example Using NetBeans IDE

To Build and Package the AsynchConsumer Client Using Ant

To Deploy and Run the Clients for the Asynchronous Receive Example Using Ant and the appclient Command

A Simple Example of Browsing Messages in a Queue

Writing the Client for the QueueBrowser Example

To Run the MessageBrowser Client Using NetBeans IDE

To Run the MessageBrowser Client Using Ant and the appclient Command

Running JMS Clients on Multiple Systems

To Create Administered Objects for Multiple Systems

Changing the Default Host Name

To Run the Clients Using NetBeans IDE

To Run the Clients Using Ant and the appclient Command

Undeploying and Cleaning the Simple JMS Examples

Writing Robust JMS Applications

A Message Acknowledgment Example

To Run ackequivexample Using NetBeans IDE

To Run ackequivexample Using Ant

A Durable Subscription Example

To Run durablesubscriberexample Using NetBeans IDE

To Run durablesubscriberexample Using Ant

A Local Transaction Example

To Run transactedexample Using NetBeans IDE

To Run transactedexample Using Ant and the appclient Command

An Application That Uses the JMS API with an Entity

Overview of the clientmdbentity Example Application

Writing the Application Components for the clientmdbentity Example

Coding the Application Client:

Coding the Message-Driven Beans for the clientmdbentity Example

Coding the Entity Class for the clientmdbentity Example

Creating Resources for the clientmdbentity Example

Running the clientmdbentity Example

To Run the clientmdbentity Example Using NetBeans IDE

To Run the clientmdbentity Example Using Ant

An Application Example That Consumes Messages from a Remote Server

Overview of the consumeremote Example Modules

Writing the Module Components for the consumeremote Example

Creating Resources for the consumeremote Example

Using Two Application Servers for the consumeremote Example

Running the consumeremote Example

To Run the consumeremote Example Using NetBeans IDE

To Run the consumeremote Example Using Ant

An Application Example That Deploys a Message-Driven Bean on Two Servers

Overview of the sendremote Example Modules

Writing the Module Components for the sendremote Example

Coding the Application Client:

Coding the Message-Driven Bean:

Creating Resources for the sendremote Example

To Enable Deployment on the Remote System

To Use Two Application Servers for the sendremote Example

Running the sendremote Example

To Run the sendremote Example Using NetBeans IDE

To Run the sendremote Example Using Ant

To Disable Deployment on the Remote System

49.  Bean Validation: Advanced Topics

50.  Using Java EE Interceptors

Part IX Case Studies

51.  Duke's Bookstore Case Study Example

52.  Duke's Tutoring Case Study Example

53.  Duke's Forest Case Study Example



An Application That Uses the JMS API with a Session Bean

This section explains how to write, compile, package, deploy, and run an application that uses the JMS API in conjunction with a session bean. The application contains the following components:

  • An application client that invokes a session bean

  • A session bean that publishes several messages to a topic

  • A message-driven bean that receives and processes the messages using a durable topic subscriber and a message selector

You will find the source files for this section in the tut-install/examples/jms/clientsessionmdb/ directory. Path names in this section are relative to this directory.

Writing the Application Components for the clientsessionmdb Example

This application demonstrates how to send messages from an enterprise bean (in this case, a session bean) rather than from an application client, as in the example in Chapter 25, A Message-Driven Bean Example. Figure 48-3 illustrates the structure of this application.

Figure 48-3 An Enterprise Bean Application: Client to Session Bean to Message-Driven Bean

Diagram of application showing an application client calling a session bean, which publishes a message that is consumed by a message-driven bean

The Publisher enterprise bean in this example is the enterprise-application equivalent of a wire-service news feed that categorizes news events into six news categories. The message-driven bean could represent a newsroom, where the sports desk, for example, would set up a subscription for all news events pertaining to sports.

The application client in the example injects the Publisher enterprise bean’s remote home interface and then calls the bean’s business method. The enterprise bean creates 18 text messages. For each message, it sets a String property randomly to one of six values representing the news categories and then publishes the message to a topic. The message-driven bean uses a message selector for the property to limit which of the published messages it receives.

Coding the Application Client:

The application client, clientsessionmdb-app-client/src/java/, performs no JMS API operations and so is simpler than the client in Chapter 25, A Message-Driven Bean Example. The client uses dependency injection to obtain the Publisher enterprise bean’s business interface:

static private PublisherRemote publisher;

The client then calls the bean’s business method twice.

Coding the Publisher Session Bean

The Publisher bean is a stateless session bean that has one business method. The Publisher bean uses a remote interface rather than a local interface because it is accessed from the application client.

The remote interface, clientsessionmdb-ejb/src/java/sb/, declares a single business method, publishNews.

The bean class, clientsessionmdb-ejb/src/java/sb/, implements the publishNews method and its helper method chooseType. The bean class also injects SessionContext, ConnectionFactory, and Topic resources and implements @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy callback methods. The bean class begins as follows:

public class PublisherBean implements PublisherRemote {

    private SessionContext sc;

    @Resource(lookup = "jms/ConnectionFactory")
    private ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;

    @Resource(lookup = "jms/Topic")
    private Topic topic;

The @PostConstruct callback method of the bean class, makeConnection, creates the Connection used by the bean. The business method publishNews creates a Session and a MessageProducer and publishes the messages.

The @PreDestroy callback method, endConnection, deallocates the resources that were allocated by the @PostConstruct callback method. In this case, the method closes the Connection.

Coding the Message-Driven Bean:

The message-driven bean class, clientsessionmdb-ejb/src/java/mdb/, is almost identical to the one in Chapter 25, A Message-Driven Bean Example. However, the @MessageDriven annotation is different, because instead of a queue, the bean is using a topic with a durable subscription, and it is also using a message selector. Therefore, the annotation sets the activation config properties messageSelector, subscriptionDurability, clientId, and subscriptionName, as follows:

@MessageDriven(mappedName = "jms/Topic", activationConfig =  {
    @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "messageSelector",
            propertyValue = "NewsType = 'Sports' OR NewsType = 'Opinion'")
    , @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "subscriptionDurability",
            propertyValue = "Durable")
    , @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "clientId",
            propertyValue = "MyID")
    , @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "subscriptionName",
            propertyValue = "MySub")

Note - For a message-driven bean, the destination is specified with the mappedName element instead of the lookup element.

The JMS resource adapter uses these properties to create a connection factory for the message-driven bean that allows the bean to use a durable subscriber.

Creating Resources for the clientsessionmdb Example

This example uses the topic named jms/Topic and the connection factory jms/ConnectionFactory, which are also used in previous examples. If you deleted the connection factory or topic, they will be recreated when you deploy the example.

Running the clientsessionmdb Example

You can use either NetBeans IDE or Ant to build, package, deploy, and run the clientsessionmdb example.

To Run the clientsessionmdb Example Using NetBeans IDE

  1. To compile and package the project, follow these steps:
    1. From the File menu, choose Open Project.
    2. In the Open Project dialog, navigate to:
    3. Select the clientsessionmdb folder.
    4. Select the Open as Main Project check box and the Open Required Projects check box.
    5. Click Open Project.
    6. In the Projects tab, right-click the clientsessionmdb project and select Build.

      This task creates the following:

      • An application client JAR file that contains the client class file and the session bean’s remote interface, along with a manifest file that specifies the main class and places the EJB JAR file in its classpath

      • An EJB JAR file that contains both the session bean and the message-driven bean

      • An application EAR file that contains the two JAR files

  2. Right-click the project and select Run.

    This command creates any needed resources, deploys the project, returns a JAR file named clientsessionmdbClient.jar, and then executes it.

    The output of the application client in the Output pane looks like this (preceded by application client container output):

    To view the bean output,
     check <install_dir>/domains/domain1/logs/server.log.

    The output from the enterprise beans appears in the server log (domain-dir/logs/server.log), wrapped in logging information. The Publisher session bean sends two sets of 18 messages numbered 0 through 17. Because of the message selector, the message-driven bean receives only the messages whose NewsType property is Sports or Opinion.

To Run the clientsessionmdb Example Using Ant

  1. Go to the following directory:
  2. To compile the source files and package the application, use the following command:

    The ant command creates the following:

    • An application client JAR file that contains the client class file and the session bean’s remote interface, along with a manifest file that specifies the main class and places the EJB JAR file in its classpath

    • An EJB JAR file that contains both the session bean and the message-driven bean

    • An application EAR file that contains the two JAR files

    The clientsessionmdb.ear file is created in the dist directory.

  3. To create any needed resources, deploy the application, and run the client, use the following command:
    ant run

    Ignore the message that states that the application is deployed at a URL.

    The client displays these lines (preceded by application client container output):

    To view the bean output,
     check <install_dir>/domains/domain1/logs/server.log.

    The output from the enterprise beans appears in the server log file, wrapped in logging information. The Publisher session bean sends two sets of 18 messages numbered 0 through 17. Because of the message selector, the message-driven bean receives only the messages whose NewsType property is Sports or Opinion.