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JDBC for CDC/FP Optional Package

Interface DataSource

public interface DataSource

A factory for connections to the physical data source that this DataSource object represents. A replacement for the DriverManager facility, a DataSource object is the preferred means of getting a connection.

The DataSource interface is implemented by a driver vendor.

A DataSource object has properties that can be modified when necessary. For example, if the data source is moved to a different server, the property for the server can be changed. The benefit is that because the data source's properties can be changed, any code accessing that data source does not need to be changed.

An instance of a DataSource object can be used in a stand alone program to create Connection objects. In the following example an instance of DataSource, in this case, VendorDataSource is used to create a Connection to a database on the machine bookserver which is listening at port 12345:

   DataSource ds = new VendorDataSource();
   Connection conn = ds.getConnection("Bob", "passwd");
A list of standard properties is provided in seciton 9.3.1 of the JDBC 3.0 specification. Consult your vendors documentation for a list the supported properties for you DataSource.

See Also:

Method Summary
 Connection getConnection()
          Attempts to establish a connection with the data source that this DataSource object represents.
 Connection getConnection(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
          Attempts to establish a connection with the data source that this DataSource object represents.
 int getLoginTimeout()
          Gets the maximum time in seconds that this data source can wait while attempting to connect to a database. getLogWriter()
          Retrieves the log writer for this DataSource object.
 void setLoginTimeout(int seconds)
          Sets the maximum time in seconds that this data source will wait while attempting to connect to a database.
 void setLogWriter( out)
          Sets the log writer for this DataSource object to the given object.

Method Detail


public Connection getConnection()
                         throws SQLException

Attempts to establish a connection with the data source that this DataSource object represents.

a connection to the data source
SQLException - if a database access error occurs


public Connection getConnection(java.lang.String username,
                                java.lang.String password)
                         throws SQLException

Attempts to establish a connection with the data source that this DataSource object represents.

username - the database user on whose behalf the connection is being made
password - the user's password
a connection to the data source
SQLException - if a database access error occurs


public getLogWriter()
                                 throws SQLException

Retrieves the log writer for this DataSource object.

The log writer is a character output stream to which all logging and tracing messages for this data source will be printed. This includes messages printed by the methods of this object, messages printed by methods of other objects manufactured by this object, and so on. Messages printed to a data source specific log writer are not printed to the log writer associated with the java.sql.Drivermanager class. When a DataSource object is created, the log writer is initially null; in other words, the default is for logging to be disabled.

the log writer for this data source or null if logging is disabled
SQLException - if a database access error occurs
See Also:


public void setLogWriter( out)
                  throws SQLException

Sets the log writer for this DataSource object to the given object.

The log writer is a character output stream to which all logging and tracing messages for this data source will be printed. This includes messages printed by the methods of this object, messages printed by methods of other objects manufactured by this object, and so on. Messages printed to a data source- specific log writer are not printed to the log writer associated with the java.sql.Drivermanager class. When a DataSource object is created the log writer is initially null; in other words, the default is for logging to be disabled.

out - the new log writer; to disable logging, set to null
SQLException - if a database access error occurs
See Also:


public void setLoginTimeout(int seconds)
                     throws SQLException

Sets the maximum time in seconds that this data source will wait while attempting to connect to a database. A value of zero specifies that the timeout is the default system timeout if there is one; otherwise, it specifies that there is no timeout. When a DataSource object is created, the login timeout is initially zero.

seconds - the data source login time limit
SQLException - if a database access error occurs.
See Also:


public int getLoginTimeout()
                    throws SQLException
Gets the maximum time in seconds that this data source can wait while attempting to connect to a database. A value of zero means that the timeout is the default system timeout if there is one; otherwise, it means that there is no timeout. When a DataSource object is created, the login timeout is initially zero.
the data source login time limit
SQLException - if a database access error occurs.
See Also:

JDBC for CDC/FP Optional Package

Copyright © 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to License Terms. Your use of this web site or any of its content or software indicates your agreement to be bound by these License Terms.

For more information, please consult the JSR 169 specification.