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JSR-927 (Maintenance Release)
Interface ContentRatingAdvisory

public interface ContentRatingAdvisory

ContentRatingAdvisory indicates, for a given program event, ratings for any or all of the rating dimensions defined in the content rating system for the local rating region. A program event without a content advisory indicates that the rating value for any rating dimension is zero. The absence of ratings for a specific dimension is equivalent to having a zero-valued rating for such a dimension. The absence of ratings for a specific region implies the absence of ratings for all the dimensions in the region.

For example, this information may be obtained in the ATSC Content Advisory Descriptor or the DVB Parental Rating Descriptor. Note that the DVB rating system is based on age only. It can be easily mapped to this rating system as one of the dimensions.

See Also:

Method Summary
 boolean exceeds()
          Compares the current rating value with the system rating ceiling.
 java.lang.String[] getDimensionNames()
          Returns a list of names of all dimensions in this rating region by which the ProgramEvent is rated.
 java.lang.String getDisplayText()
          Provides a single string representing textual rating values for all dimensions in which the program event is rated.
 short getRatingLevel(java.lang.String dimensionName)
          Returns a number representing the rating level in the specified RatingDimension associated with this rating region for the related ProgramEvent.
 java.lang.String getRatingLevelText(java.lang.String dimensionName)
          Returns the rating level display string for the specified dimension.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String[] getDimensionNames()
Returns a list of names of all dimensions in this rating region by which the ProgramEvent is rated.

An array of strings representing all rated dimensions in this rating region for the ProgramEvent.
See Also:


public short getRatingLevel(java.lang.String dimensionName)
                     throws SIException
Returns a number representing the rating level in the specified RatingDimension associated with this rating region for the related ProgramEvent.

dimensionName - The name of the RatingDimension for which to obtain the rating level.
A number representing the rating level. The meaning is dependent on the associated rating dimension.
SIException - If dimensionName is not a valid name of a RatingDimension for the ProgramEvent.
See Also:


public java.lang.String getRatingLevelText(java.lang.String dimensionName)
                                    throws SIException
Returns the rating level display string for the specified dimension. The string is identical to d.getRatingLevelDescription(getRatingLevel(dimensionName))[1], where d is the RatingDimension obtained by

dimensionName - The name of the RatingDimension for which to obtain the rating level text.
A string representing the textual value of this rating level.
SIException - If dimensionName is not a valid RatingDimension name for the ProgramEvent.
See Also:
RatingDimension.getDimensionName(), RatingDimension.getRatingLevelDescription(short)


public java.lang.String getDisplayText()
Provides a single string representing textual rating values for all dimensions in which the program event is rated. The result will be a representation of the strings obtained via d.getRatingLevelDescription(getRatingLevel(d.getDimensionName()))[0], for all dimensions d obtained through, for all dimension names n obtained from getDimensionNames().

A string representing the rating level values for all dimensions in which this program event is rated. The format of the string may be implementation-specific.
See Also:
getDimensionNames(), RatingDimension.getRatingLevelDescription(short)


public boolean exceeds()
Compares the current rating value with the system rating ceiling. The rating ceiling is set in a system-dependent manner. Content that exceeds the rating ceiling cannot be displayed.

true if the rating exceeds the current system rating ceiling; false otherwise.

JSR-927 (Maintenance Release)

Copyright © 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to License Terms. Your use of this web site or any of its content or software indicates your agreement to be bound by these License Terms.

For more information, please consult the JSR 927 specification.