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Foundation 1.1.2

Uses of Class

Packages that use Deflater Provides classes for reading and writing the standard ZIP and GZIP file formats. 

Uses of Deflater in

Fields in declared as Deflater
protected  Deflater DeflaterOutputStream.def
          Compressor for this stream.

Constructors in with parameters of type Deflater
DeflaterOutputStream(OutputStream out, Deflater def, int size)
          Creates a new output stream with the specified compressor and buffer size.
DeflaterOutputStream(OutputStream out, Deflater def)
          Creates a new output stream with the specified compressor and a default buffer size.

Foundation 1.1.2

Copyright © 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to License Terms. Your use of this web site or any of its content or software indicates your agreement to be bound by these License Terms.

For more information, please consult the JSR 219 specification.