Oracle Java Wireless Client

Interface AppInstallerProgressListener

All Superinterfaces:

public interface AppInstallerProgressListener
extends SuiteInstallerProgressListener

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface com.sun.ams.SuiteInstallerProgressListener
Method Summary
 boolean confirmAuthPath(java.lang.String[] authPath)
          Ask the user to confirm the authentication path.
 boolean confirmCertificateImport(Certificate cert)
          Called to ask the user to confirm that a certificate the MIDlet suite is signed with may imported into the internal keystore.
 boolean confirmCurrentScreenSaverUnset(java.lang.String name)
          Called then current screen saver is no longer available in new version of installed test suite
 boolean confirmCurrentScreenSaverUpdate(java.lang.String name)
          Called then current screen saver MIDlet is being updated by new version of screen saver MIDlet
 boolean confirmGrantMaximumPermissions(java.util.Vector groupNames, boolean hasRisks)
          Ask the user during installation or update if he wants to grant maximum permissions allowed by MIDP specification to the MIDlet suite.
 boolean confirmInstallUnverified()
          Called to ask the user to confirm that the MIDlet suite not passing verification due to unknown CA may be installed as untrusted.
 boolean confirmJarDownload(int totalSize)
          Called with the application description so the user can be asked to confirm the jar download.
 boolean confirmPersistentSuiteInstallation()
          Called to aks the user to confirm that the permanent MIDlet suite installation can proceed, and that the user will not be able to delete the MIDlet suite after installation.
 boolean confirmRedirect(java.lang.String newLocation)
          Called with the URL where the request is attempted to be redirected so the user can be asked to confirm if he really wants to install from the new location.
 boolean confirmUnsignedFxInstall()
          Called with the current state of the install so the user can be asked to confirm the unsigned JavaFX application install.
 boolean confirmUpdate(int status)
          Called to ask the user about update of already installed application.
 java.lang.String[] getNetworkAccessCredentials()
          Called to ask user for login and password for network access.
 java.lang.String[] getResourceAccessCredentials()
          Called to ask user for login and password for network resource access.
 java.lang.String getRmsDecryptionPassword()
          Called to ask user for RMS decryption password.
 java.lang.String getRmsEncryptionPassword()
          Called to ask user for RMS encryption password.
 boolean keepRMS()
          Called to ask the user to confirm if the RMS data should be kept for new version of an updated suite.
Methods inherited from interface com.sun.ams.SuiteInstallerProgressListener
done, updateStatus

Method Detail


java.lang.String[] getNetworkAccessCredentials()
Called to ask user for login and password for network access.

Typically the function is used to ask login/password for proxy authorization. If authorization with the returned credentials fails then this function will be called again. This function may cancel the installation by returning null. NB: For access to .jar and .jad files the same credentials are used. In case the credentials provides for .jad file differ from .jar file this method will be called once again

String[] the string array where first element is login and password is the second one or null to stop the installation (will result in InstallerErrorCodes.CANCELED error code in the corresponding SuiteInstallerProgressListener.done(int errorCode) call).


java.lang.String[] getResourceAccessCredentials()
Called to ask user for login and password for network resource access. If authorization with the returned credentials fails then this function will be called again. This function may cancel the installation by returning null.

String[] the string array where first element is login and password is the second one or null to stop the installation (will result in InstallerErrorCodes.CANCELED error code in the corresponding SuiteInstallerProgressListener.done(int errorCode) call).


boolean confirmUpdate(int status)
Called to ask the user about update of already installed application.

status - is equal to one of the following values depending on installing suite version: InstallerErrorCodes.OLD_VERSION InstallerErrorCodes.ALREADY_INSTALLED InstallerErrorCodes.NEW_VERSION
true if the user wants to continue, false to stop the installation (will result in InstallerErrorCodes.CANCELED error code in the corresponding SuiteInstallerProgressListener.done(int errorCode) call)


boolean confirmJarDownload(int totalSize)
Called with the application description so the user can be asked to confirm the jar download.

totalSize - the expected size of data will be downloaded. Dynamic components and RMS are included as well.
true if the user wants to continue, false to stop the installation (will result in InstallerErrorCodes.CANCELED error code in the corresponding SuiteInstallerProgressListener.done(int errorCode) call)


boolean keepRMS()
Called to ask the user to confirm if the RMS data should be kept for new version of an updated suite.

true if the user wants to keep the RMS data for the next suite or false otherwise


boolean confirmAuthPath(java.lang.String[] authPath)
Ask the user to confirm the authentication path.

authPath - the authorization path.
true if the user wants to continue, false to stop the installation (will result in InstallerErrorCodes.CANCELED error code in the corresponding SuiteInstallerProgressListener.done(int errorCode) call)


boolean confirmRedirect(java.lang.String newLocation)
Called with the URL where the request is attempted to be redirected so the user can be asked to confirm if he really wants to install from the new location.

newLocation - new url of the resource to install.
true if the user wants to continue, false to stop the installation (will result in InstallerErrorCodes.CANCELED error code in the corresponding SuiteInstallerProgressListener.done(int errorCode) call)


boolean confirmUnsignedFxInstall()
Called with the current state of the install so the user can be asked to confirm the unsigned JavaFX application install.

true if the user wants to continue, false to stop the installation (will result in InstallerErrorCodes.CANCELED error code in the corresponding SuiteInstallerProgressListener.done(int errorCode) call)


boolean confirmGrantMaximumPermissions(java.util.Vector groupNames,
                                       boolean hasRisks)
Ask the user during installation or update if he wants to grant maximum permissions allowed by MIDP specification to the MIDlet suite.

groupNames - names of permission groups matching to the permissions requested by this suite in it's JAD/JAR
hasRisks - true if groupNames will contain high risk combinations in case of the function groups are all set to BLANKET
true if the user wants to grant maximum permissions, false to skip


boolean confirmCurrentScreenSaverUpdate(java.lang.String name)
Called then current screen saver MIDlet is being updated by new version of screen saver MIDlet

name - the name of the screen saver MIDlet
true if the user wants to continue, false to stop the installation (will result in InstallerErrorCodes.CANCELED error code in the corresponding SuiteInstallerProgressListener.done(int errorCode) call)


boolean confirmCurrentScreenSaverUnset(java.lang.String name)
Called then current screen saver is no longer available in new version of installed test suite

name - the name of the screen saver MIDlet
true if the user wants to continue, false to stop the installation (will result in InstallerErrorCodes.CANCELED error code in the corresponding SuiteInstallerProgressListener.done(int errorCode) call)


boolean confirmPersistentSuiteInstallation()
Called to aks the user to confirm that the permanent MIDlet suite installation can proceed, and that the user will not be able to delete the MIDlet suite after installation.

true if the user wants to continue, false to stop the installation (will result in InstallerErrorCodes.CANCELED error code in the corresponding SuiteInstallerProgressListener.done(int errorCode) call)


java.lang.String getRmsEncryptionPassword()
Called to ask user for RMS encryption password.

RMS encryption password


java.lang.String getRmsDecryptionPassword()
Called to ask user for RMS decryption password.

RMS decryption password


boolean confirmInstallUnverified()
Called to ask the user to confirm that the MIDlet suite not passing verification due to unknown CA may be installed as untrusted. Note: this functionality is optional and may absent in some configurations.

true if the user wants to continue, false to stop the installation (will result in InstallerErrorCodes.CANCELED error code in the corresponding SuiteInstallerProgressListener.done(int errorCode) call)


boolean confirmCertificateImport(Certificate cert)
Called to ask the user to confirm that a certificate the MIDlet suite is signed with may imported into the internal keystore. Note: this functionality is optional and may absent in some configurations.

cert - the certificate to import
true if the user wants to import the certificate, false to skip

Oracle Java Wireless Client

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