Oracle Java Wireless Client

Interface SuiteInstaller

All Known Subinterfaces:
AppInstaller, LinkInstaller

public interface SuiteInstaller

Suite Installer interface

Method Summary
 void cancel()
          Cancel the installation.
 void start()
          Begins installation of the suite.

Method Detail


void start()
           throws java.lang.SecurityException
Begins installation of the suite.

This method returns immediately; the caller can observe the progress of the installation via the progress listener passed to the initialize method. To be able to install MIDlet using this API caller MIDlet should request "com.sun.ams.SuiteInstaller.start" permission.

java.lang.SecurityException - may be thrown if installation of the MIDlet is prohibited.


void cancel()
Cancel the installation. If installation is not in progress this method has no effect.

Oracle Java Wireless Client

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