Oracle Java Wireless Client

Uses of Class

Packages that use PeripheralNotAvailableException   

Uses of PeripheralNotAvailableException in

Methods in that throw PeripheralNotAvailableException
 int GPIOPort.getDirection()
          Returns the current direction of port.
 int GPIOPin.getDirection()
          Returns the current direction of pin.
static GPIOPin GPIOManager.getPin(int id)
          Returns GPIOPin of given id.
static GPIOPin GPIOManager.getPin(java.lang.String name)
          Returns GPIOPin of given name.
static GPIOPort GPIOManager.getPort(int id)
          Returns GPIOPort of given ID.
static GPIOPort GPIOManager.getPort(java.lang.String name)
          Returns GPIOPort of given name.
 int GPIOPort.getValue()
          Get data from GPIO port.
 boolean GPIOPin.getValue()
          Returns the current value of the pin, this can be called on both outputs and inputs.
 void GPIOPort.setDirection(int direction)
          Change current port's direction.
 void GPIOPin.setDirection(int direction)
          Set the current direction of pin.
 void GPIOPin.setInputListener(PinListener listener)
          Register listener for receiving callback from input pin.
 void GPIOPort.setInputListener(PortListener listener)
          Start notification from GPIO port and register listener.
 void GPIOPin.setValue(boolean value)
          Set pin value.
 void GPIOPort.setValue(int value)
          Set value to the GPIO port.

Uses of PeripheralNotAvailableException in

Methods in that throw PeripheralNotAvailableException
static I2CSlave I2CManager.getSlave(int id)
          Gets an I2CSlave instance for the given ID.
static I2CSlave I2CManager.getSlave(java.lang.String name)
          Gets an I2CSlave instance for the given name.
          Reads one byte of data from this slave device.
 int[] rxBuf, int rxOff, int rxLen)
          Reads up to rxLen bytes of data from this slave device into an array of bytes.
 int rxSkip, byte[] rxBuf, int rxOff, int rxLen)
          Reads up to rxLen bytes of data from this slave device into an array of bytes skipping the first rxSkip bytes read.
 void I2CSlave.write(byte[] txBuf, int txOff, int txLen)
          Writes to this slave device txLen bytes from buffer txBuf.
 void I2CSlave.write(int txData)
          Writes one byte to this slave device.
 int I2CSlave.writeThenRead(byte[] txBuf, int txOff, int txLen, byte[] rxBuf, int rxOff, int rxLen)
          Writes to this slave device up to txLen bytes from the buffer txBuf then reads into the buffer rxBuf up to rxLen bytes from this slave device.
 int I2CSlave.writeThenRead(byte[] txBuf, int txOff, int txLen, int rxSkip, byte[] rxBuf, int rxOff, int rxLen)
          Writes to this slave device up to txLen bytes from the buffer txBuf then reads into the buffer rxBuf up to rxLen bytes from this slave device skipping the first rxSkip bytes read.

Uses of PeripheralNotAvailableException in

Methods in that throw PeripheralNotAvailableException
 short RawShort.get()
          Gets the short value at the memory area associated with this object.
 long RawLong.get()
          Gets the long value at the memory area associated with this object.
 int RawInt.get()
          Gets the int value at the memory area associated with this object.
 byte RawByte.get()
          Gets the byte value at the memory area associated with this object.
 RawBlock MMIODevice.getBlock(java.lang.String name)
          Gets the designated memory block.
 byte RawBlock.getByte(int index)
          Reads the byte at the given index in the raw memory area associated with this object.
 int MMIODevice.getByteOrdering()
          Returns the byte ordering of this memory-mapped peripheral device.
 RawByte MMIODevice.getByteRegister(java.lang.String name)
          Gets the designated register holding a byte value.
 void RawBlock.getBytes(int index, byte[] dst, int offset, int length)
          Reads bytes starting at the given index in the raw memory area associated with this object.
static MMIODevice MMIOManager.getDevice(int id)
          Gets a MMIODevice instance for the given ID.
static MMIODevice MMIOManager.getDevice(java.lang.String name)
          Gets a MMIODevice instance for the given name.
 int RawBlock.getInt(int index)
          Reads the int at the given index in the raw memory area associated with this object.
 RawInt MMIODevice.getIntRegister(java.lang.String name)
          Gets the designated register holding a int value.
 void RawBlock.getInts(int index, int[] dst, int offset, int length)
          Reads ints starting at the given index in the raw memory area associated with this object.
 long RawBlock.getLong(int index)
          Reads the long at the given index in the raw memory area associated with this object.
 RawLong MMIODevice.getLongRegister(java.lang.String name)
          Gets the designated register holding a long value.
 void RawBlock.getLongs(int index, long[] dst, int offset, int length)
          Reads longs starting at the given index in the raw memory area associated with this object.
 short RawBlock.getShort(int index)
          Reads the short at the given index in the raw memory area associated with this object.
 RawShort MMIODevice.getShortRegister(java.lang.String name)
          Gets the designated register holding a short value.
 void RawBlock.getShorts(int index, short[] dst, int offset, int length)
          Reads shorts starting at the given index in the raw memory area associated with this object.
 void RawByte.set(byte value)
          Sets the byte value at the memory area associated with this object.
 void RawInt.set(int value)
          Sets the int value at the memory area associated with this object.
 void RawLong.set(long value)
          Sets the long value at the memory area associated with this object.
 void RawShort.set(short value)
          Sets the short value at the memory area associated with this object.
 void RawBlock.setByte(int index, byte value)
          Writes the given byte at the given index in the raw memory area associated with this object.
 void RawBlock.setBytes(int index, byte[] src, int offset, int length)
          Writes bytes starting at the given index in the raw memory area associated with this object.
 void RawBlock.setInt(int index, int value)
          Writes the given int at the given index in the raw memory area associated with this object.
 void RawBlock.setInts(int index, int[] src, int offset, int length)
          Writes ints starting at the given index in the raw memory area associated with this object.
 void RawBlock.setLong(int index, long value)
          Writes the given long at the given index in the raw memory area associated with this object.
 void RawBlock.setLongs(int index, long[] src, int offset, int length)
          Writes longs starting at the given index in the raw memory area associated with this object.
 void MMIODevice.setMMIOEventListener(int eventId, MMIOEventListener listener)
          Registers a MMIOEventListener instance to monitor native events of the designated type fired by the peripheral device mapped to this MMIODevice object.
 void RawBlock.setShort(int index, short value)
          Writes the given short at the given index in the raw memory area associated with this object.
 void RawBlock.setShorts(int index, short[] src, int offset, int length)
          Writes shorts starting at the given index in the raw memory area associated with this object.

Uses of PeripheralNotAvailableException in

Methods in that throw PeripheralNotAvailableException
static SPISlave SPIManager.getSlave(int id)
          get SPISlave of given id.
static SPISlave SPIManager.getSlave(java.lang.String name)
          get SPISlave instance by given name.
          Reads one data word of up to 32 bits from this slave device.
 int[] rxBuf, int rxOff, int rxLen)
 int rxSkip, byte[] rxBuf, int rxOff, int rxLen)
 void SPISlave.write(byte[] txBuf, int txOff, int txLen)
          Transmits/writes data to this slave device.
 void SPISlave.write(int txData)
          Writes one data word of up to 32 bits to this slave device.
 int SPISlave.writeAndRead(byte[] txBuf, int txOff, int txLen, byte[] rxBuf, int rxOff, int rxLen)
 int SPISlave.writeAndRead(byte[] txBuf, int txOff, int txLen, int rxSkip, byte[] rxBuf, int rxOff, int rxLen)
          Send and Receive data.
 int SPISlave.writeAndRead(int txData)
          Exchanges (transmits and receives) one data word of up to 32 bits with this slave device.

Oracle Java Wireless Client

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