MEEP 1.9950 (b67)
JCP EG draft 10-February-2014 08:45

Package javax.microedition.event

[OPTIONAL] Events for system state changes and application to application communication.

See: Description

Package javax.microedition.event Description

[OPTIONAL] Events for system state changes and application to application communication.


This package provides events for application to application communication. It also provides access to and events for changes in system states. The event package is comprised of one interface and three classes.

The EventManager class is the starting point in the events package. It provides methods to query system states, register listeners to be notified on events, and to register the application to be launched on events. The events are delivered through EventListener interface that the applications implement. The event notifications encapsulate the information about the event into the Event objects. The Event class defines the names of system events. Access to events is controlled by the EventPermission class.

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MEEP 1.9950 (b67)
10-February-2014 08:45

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