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MID Profile

Interface RecordListener

public interface RecordListener

A listener interface for receiving Record Changed/Added/Deleted events from a record store.

Method Summary
 void recordAdded(RecordStore recordStore, int recordId)
          Called when a record has been added to a record store.
 void recordChanged(RecordStore recordStore, int recordId)
          Called after a record in a record store has been changed.
 void recordDeleted(RecordStore recordStore, int recordId)
          Called after a record has been deleted from a record store.

Method Detail


public void recordAdded(RecordStore recordStore,
                        int recordId)
Called when a record has been added to a record store.
recordStore - the RecordStore in which the record is stored.
recordId - the recordId of the record that has been added.


public void recordChanged(RecordStore recordStore,
                          int recordId)
Called after a record in a record store has been changed. If the implementation of this method retrieves the record, it will receive the changed version.
recordStore - the RecordStore in which the record is stored.
recordId - the recordId of the record that has been changed.


public void recordDeleted(RecordStore recordStore,
                          int recordId)
Called after a record has been deleted from a record store. If the implementation of this method tries to retrieve the record from the record store, an InvalidRecordIDException will be thrown.
recordStore - the RecordStore in which the record was stored.
recordId - the recordId of the record that has been deleted.

MID Profile

Copyright © 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to License Terms. Your use of this web site or any of its content or software indicates your agreement to be bound by these License Terms.

For more information, please consult the JSR 37 specification.