Package javax.realtime

The Real-Time Specification for Java.


Interface Summary
Interruptible Interruptible is an interface implemented by classes that will be used as arguments on the method doInterruptible() of AsynchronouslyInterruptedException and its subclasses.
PhysicalMemoryTypeFilter Implementation or device providers may include classes that implement PhysicalMemoryTypeFilter which allow additional characteristics of memory in devices to be specified.
Schedulable Handlers and other objects can be run by a Scheduler if they provide a run() method and the methods defined below.

Class Summary
AbsoluteTime An object that represents a specific point in time given by milliseconds plus nanoseconds past some point in time fixed by the clock.
AperiodicParameters This release parameter object characterizes a schedulable object that may be released at any time.
AsyncEvent An asynchronous event can have a set of handlers associated with it, and when the event occurs, the fireCount of each handler is incremented, and the handlers are released (see AsyncEventHandler).
AsyncEventHandler An asynchronous event handler encapsulates code that is released after an instance of AsyncEvent to which it is attached occurs.
BoundAsyncEventHandler A bound asynchronous event handler is an instance of AsyncEventHandler that is permanently bound to a dedicated real-time thread.
Clock A clock marks the passing of time.
GarbageCollector The system shall provide dynamic and static information characterizing the temporal behavior and imposed overhead of any garbage collection algorithm provided by the system.
HeapMemory The HeapMemory class is a singleton object that allows logic with a non-heap allocation context to allocate objects in the Java heap.
HighResolutionTime Class HighResolutionTime is the base class for AbsoluteTime, RelativeTime, RationalTime.
ImmortalMemory ImmortalMemory is a memory resource that is unexceptionally available to all schedulable objects and Java threads for use and allocation.
ImmortalPhysicalMemory An instance of ImmortalPhysicalMemory allows objects to be allocated from a range of physical memory with particular attributes, determined by their memory type.
ImportanceParameters Importance is an additional scheduling metric that may be used by some priority-based scheduling algorithms during overload conditions to differentiate execution order among threads of the same priority.
LTMemory LTMemory represents a memory area guaranteed by the system to have linear time allocation when memory consumption from the memory area is less than the memory area's initial size.
LTPhysicalMemory An instance of LTPhysicalMemory allows objects to be allocated from a range of physical memory with particular attributes, determined by their memory type.
MemoryArea MemoryArea is the abstract base class of all classes dealing with the representations of allocatable memory areas, including the immortal memory area, physical memory and scoped memory areas.
MemoryParameters Memory parameters can be given on the constructor of RealtimeThread and AsyncEventHandler.
MonitorControl Abstract superclass for all monitor control policy objects.
NoHeapRealtimeThread A NoHeapRealtimeThread is a specialized form of RealtimeThread.
OneShotTimer A timed AsyncEvent that is driven by a Clock.
PeriodicParameters This release parameter indicates that the schedulable object is released on a regular basis.
PeriodicTimer An AsyncEvent whose fire method is executed periodically according to the given parameters.
PhysicalMemoryManager The PhysicalMemoryManager is not ordinarily used by applications, except that the implementation may require the application to use the PhysicalMemoryManager.registerFilter(java.lang.Object, javax.realtime.PhysicalMemoryTypeFilter) method to make the physical memory manager aware of the memory types on their platform.
POSIXSignalHandler Use instances of AsyncEventHandler to handle POSIX signals.
PriorityCeilingEmulation Monitor control class specifying the use of the priority ceiling emulation protocol (also known as the "highest lockers" protocol).
PriorityInheritance Singleton class specifying use of the priority inheritance protocol.
PriorityParameters Instances of this class should be assigned to schedulable objects that are managed by schedulers which use a single integer to determine execution order.
PriorityScheduler Class which represents the required (by the RTSJ) priority-based scheduler.
ProcessingGroupParameters This is associated with one or more schedulable objects for which the system guarantees that the associated objects will not be given more time per period than indicated by cost.
RationalTime Deprecated. As of RTSJ 1.0.1
RawMemoryAccess An instance of RawMemoryAccess models a range of physical memory as a fixed sequence of bytes.
RawMemoryFloatAccess This class holds the accessor methods for accessing a raw memory area by float and double types.
RealtimeSecurity Security policy object for real-time specific issues.
RealtimeSystem RealtimeSystem provides a means for tuning the behavior of the implementation by specifying parameters such as the maximum number of locks that can be in use concurrently, and the monitor control policy.
RealtimeThread Class RealtimeThread extends Thread and adds access to real-time services such as asynchronous transfer of control, non-heap memory, and advanced scheduler services.
RelativeTime An object that represents a time interval milliseconds/103 + nanoseconds/109 seconds long.
ReleaseParameters The top-level class for release characteristics of schedulable objects.
Scheduler An instance of Scheduler manages the execution of schedulable objects and implements a feasibility algorithm.
SchedulingParameters Subclasses of SchedulingParameters (PriorityParameters, ImportanceParameters, and any others defined for particular schedulers) provide the parameters to be used by the Scheduler.
ScopedMemory ScopedMemory is the abstract base class of all classes dealing with representations of memory spaces which have a limited lifetime.
SizeEstimator This class maintains an estimate of the amount of memory required to store a set of objects.
SporadicParameters A notice to the scheduler that the associated schedulable object's run method will be released aperiodically but with a minimum time between releases.
Timer A timer is a timed event that measures time according to a given Clock.
VTMemory VTMemory is similar to LTMemory except that the execution time of an allocation from a VTMemory area need not complete in linear time.
VTPhysicalMemory An instance of VTPhysicalMemory allows objects to be allocated from a range of physical memory with particular attributes, determined by their memory type.
WaitFreeDequeue Deprecated. 1.0.1
WaitFreeReadQueue A queue that can be non-blocking for consumers.
WaitFreeWriteQueue A queue that can be non-blocking for producers.

Exception Summary
ArrivalTimeQueueOverflowException If an arrival time occurs and should be queued but the queue already holds a number of times equal to the initial queue length defined by this then the fire() method shall throw an instance of this class.
AsynchronouslyInterruptedException A special exception that is thrown in response to an attempt to asynchronously transfer the locus of control of a schedulable object.
CeilingViolationException This exception is thrown when a schedulable object or java.lang.Thread attempts to lock an object governed by an instance of PriorityCeilingEmulation and the thread or SO's base priority exceeds the policy's ceiling.
DuplicateFilterException PhysicalMemoryManager can only accommodate one filter object for each type of memory.
InaccessibleAreaException The specified memory area is not above the current allocation context on the current thread scope stack.
MemoryInUseException There has been attempt to allocate a range of physical or virtual memory that is already in use.
MemoryScopeException Thrown if construction of any of the wait-free queues is attempted with the ends of the queue in incompatible memory areas.
MemoryTypeConflictException This exception is thrown when the PhysicalMemoryManager is given conflicting specifications for memory.
MITViolationException Thrown by the fire method of an instance of AsyncEvent when on a minimum interarrival time violation.
OffsetOutOfBoundsException Thrown if the constructor of an ImmortalPhysicalMemory, LTPhysicalMemory, VTPhysicalMemory, RawMemoryAccess, or RawMemoryFloatAccess is given an invalid address.
ScopedCycleException Thrown when a schedulable object attempts to enter an instance of ScopedMemory where that operation would cause a violation of the single parent rule.
SizeOutOfBoundsException Thrown if the constructor of an ImmortalPhysicalMemory, LTPhysicalMemory, VTPhysicalMemory, RawMemoryAccess, or RawMemoryFloatAccess is given an invalid size or if an accessor method on one of the above classes would cause access to an invalid address.
Timed Create a scope in a Schedulable object which will be asynchronously interrupted at the expiration of a timer.
UnknownHappeningException This exception is used to indicate a situation where an instance of AsyncEvent attempts to bind to a happening that does not exist.
UnsupportedPhysicalMemoryException Thrown when the underlying hardware does not support the type of physical memory requested from an instance of one of the physical memory or raw memory access classes.

Error Summary
IllegalAssignmentError The exception thrown on an attempt to make an illegal assignment.
MemoryAccessError This error is thrown on an attempt to refer to an object in an inaccessible MemoryArea.
ResourceLimitError Thrown if an attempt is made to exceed a system resource limit, such as the maximum number of locks.
ThrowBoundaryError The error thrown by MemoryArea.enter(Runnable logic) when a Throwable allocated from memory that is not usable in the surrounding scope tries to propagate out of the scope of the enter.

Package javax.realtime Description

The Real-Time Specification for Java.

This package provides the RTSJ classes.