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Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference


Class MultiBinaryLongMap

  extended by com.tangosol.util.MultiBinaryLongMap

public class MultiBinaryLongMap
extends java.lang.Object

A data structure that represents a series of BinaryLongMap instances. The first (or "primary") instance is the control instance, in that only it defines the key set, i.e. a Binary key can only be added to or removed from the primary instance. Additional instances of BinaryLongMap can be obtained from the MultiBinaryLongMap, but these instances are constrained by the key set of the primary BinaryLongMap instance; it is illegal for one of these instances to add a key that does not exist in the primary instance, and removing a key simply sets the associated value to zero (which has the effect of the key appearing to have been removed).

Since additions or removals from the primary instance has an effect on all other instances, it is possible to listen to changes in the primary instance's key set by implementing the BinaryLongMapListener interface. This listener interface provides notifications of additions (after they happen), removals (before they happen), and clear operations (both before and after they happen). By using this interface, it is possible for consumers of the additional BinaryLongMap instances to keep in sync with the changes that are occurring to the primary BinaryLongMap instance.

cp, rhl 2012-08-07

Nested Class Summary
static class MultiBinaryLongMap.AbstractDelegateBinaryLongMap
          Abstract base class for BinaryLongMap implementations that delegate the key and value storage to the MultiBinaryLongMap.
static interface MultiBinaryLongMap.BinaryLongMapListener
          A listener that allows the owner of one of the delegating maps to respond to changes in the key set made by an owner of another delegating map.
protected static class MultiBinaryLongMap.ChainedLock
          A ChainedLock is a Lock implementation that represents a composition of two component locks, parent and child.
static class MultiBinaryLongMap.DelegatingBinaryLongMap
          An implementation of BinaryLongMap that uses another BinaryLongMap to store its keys and one index of a LongStorage to store its values.
 class MultiBinaryLongMap.LeftoverLongMapHolder
          LeftoverLongMapHolder is the MaskedLongMapHolder implementation that is backed by the "real" key tree itself.
protected static class MultiBinaryLongMap.LongStorage
          An internal data structure for managing elastic storage of multi-dimensional data; basically, it is a two-dimensional array of rows and columns that can be grown in either dimension, but is optimized specifically for the addition and removal of rows.
static class MultiBinaryLongMap.MaskedBinaryLongMap
          MaskedBinaryLongMap is a BinaryLongMap which represents a mapping from a Binary to a fixed-bit-width numeric value (though exposed as a long datatype), based on an underlying BinaryLongMap.
protected static class MultiBinaryLongMap.MaskedLongMapHolder
          MaskedLongMapHolder is used to produce MultiBinaryLongMap.MaskedBinaryLongMap instances backed by a shared BinaryLongMap.
 class MultiBinaryLongMap.PrimaryBinaryLongMap
          A BinaryLongMap implementation that logically represents the "primary" BinaryLongMap of the containing MultiBinaryLongMap.
static class MultiBinaryLongMap.SafeBinaryLongMap
          The SafeBinaryLongMap is a BinaryLongMap implementation that wraps an underlying BinaryLongMap in order to add thread safety.
protected static class MultiBinaryLongMap.SafeEntry
          SafeEntry is an immutable BinaryLongMap.Entry implementation that exposes the logical contents of an underlying Entry in a way that is safe from mutations or being held as a reference.
static interface MultiBinaryLongMap.SafeEntryVisitor
          SafeEntryVisitor is a marker interface used internally by the implementation of the MultiBinaryLongMap to indicate that an BinaryLongMap.EntryVisitor implementation is "safe" and does not retain any references to passed Entries.
static interface MultiBinaryLongMap.SafePredicate
          SafePredicate is a marker interface used internally by the implementation of the MultiBinaryLongMap to indicate that a Predicate implementation is "safe" and does not retain any references to passed Entries.
static class MultiBinaryLongMap.WrapperBinaryLongMap
          The WrapperBinaryLongMap is a BinaryLongMap implementation that wraps an underlying BinaryLongMap.


Field Summary
protected  MultiBinaryLongMap.PrimaryBinaryLongMap f_blmPrimary
          The primary BinaryLongMap instance.
protected  MultiBinaryLongMap.LeftoverLongMapHolder f_holderLeftover
          The MaskedLongMapHolder representing the "leftover" space in the primary BinaryLongMap.
protected  java.util.ArrayList f_listDelegates
          The list of delegates (either a DelegateBLM, or a MaskedLongMapHolder) indexed by the free
protected  java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock f_rwLockMaster
          The read/write lock for concurrency control for the BinaryRadixTree.
protected  MultiBinaryLongMap.LongStorage f_storage
          The underlying storage for the values.
protected  BinaryRadixTree f_tree
          The underlying storage for the keys and handles.


Constructor Summary
          Construct a MultiBinaryLongMap.
MultiBinaryLongMap(java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock lock)
          Construct a MultiBinaryLongMap.


Method Summary
 void addListener(MultiBinaryLongMap.BinaryLongMapListener listener)
          Add the specified listener to listen to changes that occur to the MultiBinaryLongMap's primary BinaryLongMap.
 BinaryLongMap createBinaryIntMap()
          Create a new BinaryLongMap that can be used to manage int (not long) values for the set of keys present in the primary BinaryLongMap instance.
 BinaryLongMap createBinaryLongMap()
          Create a new BinaryLongMap that can be used to manage values for the set of keys present in the primary BinaryLongMap instance.
protected  MultiBinaryLongMap.DelegatingBinaryLongMap createBinaryLongMapInternal()
          Helper method to create a new delegating BinaryLongMap.
 BinaryLongMap createBitMap(int cBits)
          Create a new BinaryLongMap that can be used to manage numeric values of the specified bit-width for the set of keys present in the primary BinaryLongMap instance.
protected static int decodeRemainder(long l)
          Extract the "remainder" portion (the portion not encoding the slot) from the specified long that was stored in a BinaryLongMap.
protected static int decodeSlot(long l)
          Extract a slot index from a long that was stored in a BinaryLongMap.
protected static long encodeRemainder(long l, int iRemainder)
          Encode a 32-bit "remainder" value as a long that can be stored in a BinaryLongMap.
protected static long encodeSlot(long l, int iSlot)
          Encode a slot index as a long that can be stored in a BinaryLongMap.
protected static MultiBinaryLongMap.SafePredicate ensureSafePredicate( predicate)
          Return a SafePredicate based on the specified predicate implementation.
protected static MultiBinaryLongMap.SafeEntryVisitor ensureSafeVisitor(BinaryLongMap blm, BinaryLongMap.EntryVisitor visitor)
          Return a SafeEntryVisitor based on the specified visitor implementation.
 MultiBinaryLongMap.PrimaryBinaryLongMap getPrimaryBinaryLongMap()
          Obtain a reference to the primary BinaryLongMap instance.
 void releaseMap(BinaryLongMap blm)
          Release one of the maps previously returned from either createBinaryLongMap(), createBinaryIntMap() or createBitMap(int).
protected  void releaseMapInternal(BinaryLongMap blm)
          Helper method for releasing a BinaryLongMap created by this MultiBinaryLongMap.
 void removeListener(MultiBinaryLongMap.BinaryLongMapListener listener)
          Remove the specified listener from listening to changes that occur to the MultiBinaryLongMap's primary BinaryLongMap.


Field Detail


protected final BinaryRadixTree f_tree
The underlying storage for the keys and handles.


protected final MultiBinaryLongMap.LongStorage f_storage
The underlying storage for the values.


protected final MultiBinaryLongMap.PrimaryBinaryLongMap f_blmPrimary
The primary BinaryLongMap instance.


protected final MultiBinaryLongMap.LeftoverLongMapHolder f_holderLeftover
The MaskedLongMapHolder representing the "leftover" space in the primary BinaryLongMap.


protected final java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock f_rwLockMaster
The read/write lock for concurrency control for the BinaryRadixTree.


protected final java.util.ArrayList f_listDelegates
The list of delegates (either a DelegateBLM, or a MaskedLongMapHolder) indexed by the free

Constructor Detail


public MultiBinaryLongMap()
Construct a MultiBinaryLongMap.


public MultiBinaryLongMap(java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock lock)
Construct a MultiBinaryLongMap.
lock - the ReentrantReadWriteLock to use for thread safety; if one is not provided, then one will be created

Method Detail


public MultiBinaryLongMap.PrimaryBinaryLongMap getPrimaryBinaryLongMap()
Obtain a reference to the primary BinaryLongMap instance.

The returned BinaryLongMap is thread-safe.

the primary BinaryLongMap instance, which "owns" the keys that are represented in all of the BinaryLongMap instances, and thus can add or remove keys


public BinaryLongMap createBinaryLongMap()
Create a new BinaryLongMap that can be used to manage values for the set of keys present in the primary BinaryLongMap instance.

The returned BinaryLongMap is thread-safe.

a new BinaryLongMap instance that manages a mapping between Binary keys and long values


protected MultiBinaryLongMap.DelegatingBinaryLongMap createBinaryLongMapInternal()
Helper method to create a new delegating BinaryLongMap. This method does not return the created BinaryLongMap as a SafeBinaryLongMap and requires that the caller holds the master exclusive lock for the MultiBinaryLongMap.
a new delegating BinaryLongMap


public BinaryLongMap createBitMap(int cBits)
Create a new BinaryLongMap that can be used to manage numeric values of the specified bit-width for the set of keys present in the primary BinaryLongMap instance. Values inserted into the returned BinaryLongMap must fit within the specified number of bits (logically having the range of: -(1 << (cBits - 1) through (1 << (cBits - 1))) - 1. Values returned from the resulting map will be sign-extended to the long data-type and it is the responsibility of calling code intending to use the map to store unsigned values to adjust/mask the sign accordingly.

The returned BinaryLongMap is thread-safe.

cBits - the bit-width of values
a new BinaryLongMap instance that manages a mapping between Binary keys and numeric values of the specified bit width


public BinaryLongMap createBinaryIntMap()
Create a new BinaryLongMap that can be used to manage int (not long) values for the set of keys present in the primary BinaryLongMap instance. Values inserted into the returned BinaryLongMap must fit within the 32-bits (logically having the range of the int datatype. More formally, the value logically inserted into the map is given by: (long) ((int) (lValue & 0xFFFFFFFFL)). Values returned from the resulting map will be sign-extended to the long data-type and it is the responsibility of calling code intending to use the map to store unsigned values to adjust/mask the sign accordingly.

The returned BinaryLongMap is thread-safe.

a new BinaryLongMap instance that manages a mapping between Binary keys and int values


public void releaseMap(BinaryLongMap blm)
Release one of the maps previously returned from either createBinaryLongMap(), createBinaryIntMap() or createBitMap(int). It is illegal to pass an instance not created by this MultiBinaryLongMap, or to pass the primary BinaryLongMap instance.
blm - a BinaryLongMap instance previously created by this MultiBinaryLongMap


protected void releaseMapInternal(BinaryLongMap blm)
Helper method for releasing a BinaryLongMap created by this MultiBinaryLongMap. The caller is responsible for unwrapping any "safe" wrappers around the BinaryLongMap that is being released, as well as holding the master exclusive lock for this MultiBinaryLongMap.
blm - the BinaryLongMap to be released


public void addListener(MultiBinaryLongMap.BinaryLongMapListener listener)
Add the specified listener to listen to changes that occur to the MultiBinaryLongMap's primary BinaryLongMap.
listener - the listener to add


public void removeListener(MultiBinaryLongMap.BinaryLongMapListener listener)
Remove the specified listener from listening to changes that occur to the MultiBinaryLongMap's primary BinaryLongMap.
listener - the listener to remove


protected static int decodeSlot(long l)
Extract a slot index from a long that was stored in a BinaryLongMap.
l - the long value stored in the BinaryLongMap
the slot index to use with a LongStorage


protected static int decodeRemainder(long l)
Extract the "remainder" portion (the portion not encoding the slot) from the specified long that was stored in a BinaryLongMap.
l - the long value stored in the BinaryLongMap
the remainder portion of the specified long value


protected static long encodeSlot(long l,
                                 int iSlot)
Encode a slot index as a long that can be stored in a BinaryLongMap. Only the least significant 32 bits are used.
l - the long value stored in the BinaryLongMap
iSlot - the slot index for a LongStorage
the long to store in the BinaryLongMap


protected static long encodeRemainder(long l,
                                      int iRemainder)
Encode a 32-bit "remainder" value as a long that can be stored in a BinaryLongMap.
l - the long value stored in the BinaryLongMap
iRemainder - the 32-bit remainder to encode
the long to store in the BinaryLongMap


protected static MultiBinaryLongMap.SafePredicate ensureSafePredicate( predicate)
Return a SafePredicate based on the specified predicate implementation.
predicate - the predicate
a SafePredicate


protected static MultiBinaryLongMap.SafeEntryVisitor ensureSafeVisitor(BinaryLongMap blm,
                                                                       BinaryLongMap.EntryVisitor visitor)
Return a SafeEntryVisitor based on the specified visitor implementation.
visitor - the visitor
a SafeEntryVisitor

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