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Server Template: Protocols: HTTP

Configuration Options     

Web-based clients communicate with WebLogic Server using HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol).

Use this page to define the HTTP settings for this server template.

Configuration Options

Name Description
Default WebApp Context Root

Returns the original context-root for the default Web application for this Web server. Alternatively, you can use the context-root attributes in application.xml or weblogic.xml to set a default Web application. The context-root for a default Web application is /. If "" (empty string) is specified, the Web server defaults to /.

MBean Attribute:

Post Timeout

Timeout (in seconds) for reading HTTP POST data in a servlet request. If the POST data is chunked, the amount of time the server waits between the end of receiving the last chunk of data and the end of receiving the next chunk of data in an HTTP POST before it times out. (This is used to prevent denial-of-service attacks that attempt to overload the server with POST data.)

Gets the postTimeoutSecs attribute of the WebServerMBean object

MBean Attribute:

Minimum value: 0

Maximum value: 120

Secure value: 30

Max Post Size

The maximum post size this server allows for reading HTTP POST data in a servlet request, excluding chunked HTTP requests (Transfer-Encoding: chunked).

A value less than 0 indicates an unlimited size.

Gets the maxPostSize attribute of the WebServerMBean object

MBean Attribute:

Enable Keepalives

Indicates whether there should be a persistent connection to this server. (This may improve the performance of your Web applications.)

Gets the keepAliveEnabled attribute of the WebServerMBean object

MBean Attribute:

Secure value: true


The amount of time this server waits before closing an inactive HTTP connection.

Number of seconds to maintain HTTP keep-alive before timing out the request.

MBean Attribute:

Minimum value: 5

Maximum value: 3600

Secure value: 30

HTTPS Duration

The amount of time this server waits before closing an inactive HTTPS connection.

Number of seconds to maintain HTTPS keep-alive before timing out the request.

MBean Attribute:

Minimum value: 30

Maximum value: 360

Secure value: 60

Frontend Host

The name of the host to which all redirected URLs will be sent. If specified, WebLogic Server will use this value rather than the one in the HOST header.

Sets the HTTP frontendHost Provides a method to ensure that the webapp will always have the correct HOST information, even when the request is coming through a firewall or a proxy. If this parameter is configured, the HOST header will be ignored and the information in this parameter will be used in its place.

MBean Attribute:

Frontend HTTP Port

The name of the HTTP port to which all redirected URLs will be sent. If specified, WebLogic Server will use this value rather than the one in the HOST header.

Sets the frontendHTTPPort Provides a method to ensure that the webapp will always have the correct PORT information, even when the request is coming through a firewall or a proxy. If this parameter is configured, the HOST header will be ignored and the information in this parameter will be used in its place.

MBean Attribute:

Frontend HTTPS Port

The name of the secure HTTP port to which all redirected URLs will be sent. If specified, WebLogic Server will use this value rather than the one in the HOST header.

Sets the frontendHTTPSPort Provides a method to ensure that the webapp will always have the correct PORT information, even when the request is coming through a firewall or a proxy. If this parameter is configured, the HOST header will be ignored and the information in this parameter will be used in its place.

MBean Attribute:

WAP Enabled

Indicates whether the session ID should include JVM information. (Checking this box may be necessary when using URL rewriting with WAP devices that limit the size of the URL to 128 characters, and may also affect the use of replicated sessions in a cluster.) When this box is selected, the default size of the URL will be set at 52 characters, and it will not contain any special characters.

Gets the WAPEnabled attribute of the WebServerMBean object

MBean Attribute:

Remote Address Override

If specified, this IP address is returned in calls to getRemoteAddr() to support environments with external load balancers.

MBean Attribute:

Send Server Header

Indicates whether this server name is sent with the HTTP response. (This is useful for wireless applications where there is limited space for headers.)

Indicates whether this server instance includes its name and WebLogic Server version number in HTTP response headers.

MBean Attribute:

Accept Context Path In Get Real Path

Indicates whether this server allows the inclusion of the context path in the virtual path to context.getRealPath(). (If checked, you cannot use sub directories with the same name as contextPath). This is a compatibility switch that will be deprecated in future releases.

Gets the acceptContextPathInGetRealPath attribute of the WebServerMBean object

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

HTTP Max Message Size

The maximum number of bytes allowed in messages that are received over the HTTP protocol. If you configure custom network channels for this server, each channel can override this maximum message size.

This maximum message size helps guard against a denial of service attack in which a caller attempts to force the server to allocate more memory than is available thereby keeping the server from responding quickly to other requests.

A value of -1 causes the HTTP protocol to use the maximums that are specified elsewhere along the order of precedence.

MBean Attribute:

Enable Tunneling

Specifies whether tunneling for the T3, T3S, HTTP, HTTPS, IIOP, and IIOPS protocols should be enabled for this server.

If you create network channels for this server, each channel can override this setting.

MBean Attribute:

Tunneling Client Ping

The interval (in seconds) at which to ping a tunneled client to see if it is still alive.

If you create network channels for this server, each channel can override this setting.

MBean Attribute:

Minimum value: 1

Tunneling Client Timeout

The amount of time (in seconds) after which a missing tunneled client is considered dead.

If you create network channels for this server, each channel can override this setting.

MBean Attribute:

Minimum value: 1

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