C How Do I?

This appendix provides answers to common How Do I? questions.

This appendix covers the following main topics:

C.1 How do I save different scanner settings for each client profile?

You can configure different scanner settings for each client profile:
  1. Select a client profile to use for batches to scan, based on their structure.
    To scan, you must have a TWAIN-compliant scanner available to your system.
  2. Click the drop-down list on the right side of the Capture Settings/Source button in the batch pane (Ctrl+Alt+S).

    When you click the drop-down list arrow, one or more capture sources are listed. A check mark displays next to the selected capture source.

  3. If you have multiple scanner sources listed, select one to use.
  4. Click the left side of the Capture Settings/Source button in the batch pane (Ctrl+S).
    Settings relating to the selected scanner display.
  5. Select scanner settings and click OK.
    The scanner settings are associated with the client profile and saved on the local system associated with the current Windows users.

C.2 How do I split a document into two documents?


You can perform this task only for image documents.
  1. Select the page at which you want to split the document into two documents.
  2. From the document pane toolbar, click the Create New Document button. The selected page and subsequent pages of the original document are moved to a new document. The new document will appear directly below the original document.

C.3 How do I merge documents into a single document?


You can perform this task only for image documents.
  1. Select the document to merge with its previous document.
    If you select the first document in a batch, you are prompted to delete the document because it has no previous document.
  2. Click the Remove/Delete Documents button.
  3. When prompted, select Remove the separation option and click OK.
    The pages of the selected document are appended to the previous document.

C.4 How do I move pages from one document to another?

Drag and drop the thumbnails of pages from image documents to move pages from one document to another document.


  • Hold down the Ctrl key or Shift key to select multiple pages.

  • If you drag the only remaining page in a document to another document, the document is automatically removed.

  • You cannot move pages of non-image documents.

C.5 How do I reorder pages of a document?

To reorder a page within a document, drag and drop the page’s thumbnail to the new location. When you drag and drop a page to a new location, the selected page is moved before the target page.


  • Hold down the Ctrl key or Shift key to select multiple pages.

  • You cannot reorder pages of non-image documents.

C.6 How do I flip all pages in a batch if the pages were scanned upside down?

  1. In the Document pane, press Ctrl+A to select the thumbnails of all the pages (applies to images only).
  2. Click the Flip button to rotate all selected pages by 180 degrees. The page is saved as last rotated within the batch.