Oracle® Solaris 11.2 Dynamic Tracing Guide

Exit Print View

Updated: July 2014


The D keyword struct, short for structure, is used to introduce a new type composed of a group of other types. The new struct type can be used as the type for D variables and arrays, enabling you to define groups of related variables under a single name. D structs are the same as the corresponding construct in C and C++. If you have programmed in the Java programming language, think of a D struct as a class, but one with data members only and no methods.

Suppose you want to create a more sophisticated system call tracing program in D that records a number of things about each read(2) and write(2) system call executed by your shell, such as the elapsed time, number of calls, and the largest byte count passed as an argument. You could write a D clause to record these properties in three separate associative arrays as shown in the following example:

int maxbytes;    /* declare maxbytes */

syscall::read:entry, syscall::write:entry
/pid == 12345/
        ts[probefunc] = timestamp;
        maxbytes[probefunc] = arg2 > maxbytes[probefunc] ?
            arg2 : maxbytes[probefunc];

However, this clause is inefficient because DTrace must create three separate associative arrays and store separate copies of the identical tuple values corresponding to probefunc for each one. Instead, you can conserve space and make your program easier to read and maintain by using a struct. First, declare a new struct type at the top of the program source file:

struct callinfo {
        uint64_t ts;      /* timestamp of last syscall entry */
        uint64_t elapsed; /* total elapsed time in nanoseconds */
        uint64_t calls;   /* number of calls made */
        size_t maxbytes;  /* maximum byte count argument */

The struct keyword is followed by an optional identifier used to refer back to our new type, which is now known as struct callinfo. The struct members are then enclosed in a set of braces {} and the entire declaration is terminated by a semicolon (;). Each struct member is defined using the same syntax as a D variable declaration, with the type of the member listed first followed by an identifier naming the member and another semicolon (;).

The struct declaration itself simply defines the new type; it does not create any variables or allocate any storage in DTrace. Once declared, you can use struct callinfo as a type throughout the remainder of your D program, and each variable of type struct callinfo will store a copy of the four variables described by our structure template. The members will be arranged in memory in order according to the member list, with padding space introduced between members as required for data object alignment purposes.

You can use the member identifier names to access the individual member values using the “.” operator by writing an expression of the form:


The following example is an improved program using the new structure type. Go to your editor and type in the following D program and save it in a file named rwinfo.d:

Example 2-6  rwinfo.d: Gather read(2) and write(2) Statistics
struct callinfo {
        uint64_t ts;      /* timestamp of last syscall entry */
        uint64_t elapsed; /* total elapsed time in nanoseconds */
        uint64_t calls;   /* number of calls made */
        size_t maxbytes;  /* maximum byte count argument */

struct callinfo i[string];      /* declare i as an associative array */

syscall::read:entry, syscall::write:entry
/pid == $1/
        i[probefunc].ts = timestamp;
        i[probefunc].maxbytes = arg2 > i[probefunc].maxbytes ?
                arg2 : i[probefunc].maxbytes;

syscall::read:return, syscall::write:return
/i[probefunc].ts != 0 && pid == $1/
        i[probefunc].elapsed += timestamp - i[probefunc].ts;

        printf("        calls  max bytes  elapsed nsecs\n");
        printf("------  -----  ---------  -------------\n");
        printf("  read  %5d  %9d  %d\n",
            i["read"].calls, i["read"].maxbytes, i["read"].elapsed);
        printf(" write  %5d  %9d  %d\n",
            i["write"].calls, i["write"].maxbytes, i["write"].elapsed);

After you type in the program, run dtrace -q -s rwinfo.d, specifying one of your shell processes. Then go type in a few commands in your shell and, when you're done entering your shell commands, type Control-C in the dtrace terminal to fire the END probe and print the results:

# dtrace -q -s rwinfo.d `pgrep -n 

        calls  max bytes  elapsed nsecs
------  -----  ---------  -------------
  read     36       1024  3588283144
 write     35         59  14945541