Reloading the Time Dimension Tables After Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Is Loaded

You can reload the Time Dimension Tables after Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse is loaded.

The default value for the last date in time dimension is Dec 31, 2020. If you need to extend this date, you must use Configuration Manager to change the default value of the variable END_DATE to a larger value (no greater than Dec 31, 2050, which is the upper limit). The time dimension tables will be extended automatically in the next incremental load.

You will see a Subject Area named Common Dimension and Extend Day Dimension. If you have Multiple calendar in your Day Dimension, then choose the configuration tag Extend Day Dimension Multiple Calendar Support, or else remove it. Then assemble the Subject Area.

  1. Choose the Task Sil_DayDimension_XTND.
  2. Choose a new START_DATE (= @ END_DATE +1) and new END_DATE and set the parameter values.
  3. Choose the Task SDE_FUSION_TimePeriodMCalPeriod_XTND. Retain the START_DATE and choose a new END_DATE.
  4. Build the corresponding Load Plan with same name.
  5. Remember to change FILE_MCAL_CAL_D, FILE_MCAL_CONTEXT_G, FILE_MCAL_PERIOD_DS (these 3 in universal) and FILE_MCAL_CONFIG_G, in case you use them as source.
  6. To update the load plan for a Fusion Applications container, choose the Task Sil_DayDimension_XTND.
  7. Choose a new START_DATE (= END_DATE +1) and new END_DATE and set the parameter values.
  8. Choose the Task SDE_FUSION_TimePeriodMCalPeriod_XTND. Retain the START_DATE and choose a new END_DATE.
  9. Build the corresponding Load Plan named 'Common-Extend Day Dimension Fusion'.