Duplicating Load Plans

You can duplicate an existing load plan from the Manage Load Plans page of Configuration Manager. A duplicated load plan is displayed in the Load Plans master list immediately. You can generate the duplicated load plan instantly.

To duplicate an existing load plan:
  1. In the Tasks pane of Configuration Manager, select Manage Load Plans under Load Plans Administration.

    The Manage Load Plans page is displayed.

  2. In the Load Plans master list, select the load plan you want to duplicate.
  3. In the Load Plans toolbar, click the Duplicate icon.

    The Duplicate Load Plan page is displayed.

  4. On the first page of the Duplicate Load Plan series, specify the following information:
    Field Description


    Enter a unique name for the load plan.


    (Optional) Enter additional information about the load plan.

    Load Plan Type

    (Optional) Select a load plan type. The possible values are the following:

    • Source Extract (SDE)

    • Source Extract and Load (SDE, SIL and PLP)

    • Warehouse Load (SIL and PLP)

    • Domain-only Extract and Load (SDE and SIL)

    Source Instances

    (Optional) Select the data sources from which the fact groups are selected.

  5. Click Next.

    The second page of the Duplicate Load Plan series is displayed.

  6. In the Available Selections tab, select the fact groups you want to include in the load plan definition.


    Fact groups might belong to a hierarchy of fact groups. You can select only the top level parent fact group and not a child fact group.

    A load plan must contain at least one fact group, and multiple fact groups might be selected from one or more data sources.

  7. Click Save.
    A submenu is displayed with the following options:
    • Click Save to save the load plan. After a load plan is saved, it is displayed in the Load Plans master list.

    • Click Save and Generate Load Plan to save the load plan and immediately generate it.