70 Configure Attachments Component Properties

This appendix provides information about the properties that you can use to change the default behavior of the Attachments, Attachments Carousel, and Attachment Views components user interfaces.

This appendix includes the following sections:

70.1 About Configuring the Attachments Component UI

The default behavior of the Attachments component can be changed by setting the properties on the component using the Property Inspector.

Following is a list of some of the properties that are supported by the Attachment component. The following table contains basic descriptions of why and how each property is used.

The most important properties to take note of are:

  • mode - This property drives the UI that is rendered. It is automatically set when you add attachments to your page and should not be changed. Mode values include link, table, and columnLink.

  • repositoryMode - This property indicates whether a user is aware of the content repository. Additional options appear for these users (repositoryMode=true), allowing them to perform advanced functions such as selecting repository files and folders to attach to the business object, and checking in and checking out attached files.

Table 70-1 Attachments Component Properties

Property Description Default Value


String. Acceptable values are link, columnLink, and table.

The mode property is set automatically at the time the component is created.


Boolean: true / false.

True: Repository related functionality is enabled, including: the ability to select and attach a document/folder from the Content Server, and version control.



Not used.



Not used.



Boolean: true / false. True: Adds the Status column to the Attachments table.



String. Message to be displayed on Delete Attachment confirmation page.

Are you sure you want to delete the selected attachment(s)?


Number. Maximum number of rows to display in a single range of rows in attachment table. Some ranges may have fewer than the number specified here, i.e. the last range when there is an insufficient number of rows. To display all rows at once, set this attribute value to 0.



Boolean: true / false. True: Display attachment type of "File" in the Type choice list.

False: the component is hidden.



Boolean: true / false. True: Display attachment type of "Text" in the Type choice list.



Boolean: true / false. True: Display attachment type of "URL" in the Type choice list.



Number. Maximum number of attachments displayed as links in the hover popup when mode is set to link or columnLink.



Boolean: true / false. Enables/disables the "Add" icon in the attachments table toolbar and inline for link and columnLink modes.

True: enables the icon in the toolbar.

False: disables the icon in the toolbar.



Boolean: true / false.

True: shows the icon in the toolbar.

False: hides the icon in the toolbar.



String. This must be an Attachment Entity Name. For use when showing the attachments for multiple entities in the Attachments table/popup. Setting this property indicates that update and delete actions will only be possible on this entity.



Boolean: true / false. Enables/disables the update icons in the attachments table toolbar. These include the "Check In", "Check Out" and "Cancel Check Out" icons. This property also enables/disables the users' ability to update the Category, Title and Description of the Attachments.

True: enables the icons and makes the Category, Title and Description columns editable for existing attachments.

False: disables the update icons and makes the Category, Title and Description columns read-only for existing attachments.



Boolean: true / false. Controls show/hide of the update icons in the attachments table toolbar. These include the "Check In", "Check Out" and "Cancel Check Out" icons.

True: shows the update icons in the toolbar.

False: hides the update icons in the toolbar.



Boolean: true / false. Determines whether more than one attachment can be assigned.

False: User can only add a one attachment.



Boolean: true / false. Enables/disables the "Delete" icon in the attachments toolbar and inline for link and columnLink modes. True: Deleting attachments is allowed.

True: enables the icon.

False: disables the icon.



Boolean: true / false. Controls show/hide of the "Delete" icon in the attachments table toolbar.

True: shows the icon in the toolbar.

False: hides the icon in the toolbar preventing users from deleting attachments.



Boolean: true / false. True: Viewing attachments is allowed.

False: Links for viewing documents in Attachments tables are disabled.



String. Value selected as the default in the Category poplist when adding new attachments.



Boolean: true / false. True: Component is rendered in the page.

False: the component is not rendered.



String. The identifier of the component.



Boolean: true / false.

True: the component is displayed in the page.

False: the component is hidden.



String. Displays string as a tip when the user hovers the cursor over the Attachment component.



String. Specifies the title for the Attachment popup.



Number. Sets the maximum number of rows that the table height will automatically adjust to depending on the amount of data in the table.



String. This property is only used with the AutoHeightRows property. If AutoHeightRows is not set, this property should be not be set either.



Number. The interval between which the row banding occurs. This value controls the display of the row banding in the table. For example, rowBandingInterval=1 would display alternately banded rows in the grid.



Number. The interval between which the column banding occurs. This value controls the display of the column banding in the table. For example, columnBandingInterval=1 would display alternately banded columns in the grid.



Boolean: true / false. Controls show/hide of the Category column in the Attachments table.



String. Stores a comma-separated list of Category Names that will be used at run time to populate Category LOV when a user adds new attachments or attempts to update the Category of an existing attachment. This list must be a subset of the Categories that are assigned to your Entity.



Boolean: true / false.

True: shows the secondary toolbar.

False: hides the icon in the toolbar.



Boolean: true / false. True disables all creation/update/delete functions in the Attachment component at runtime.



String. For use when an Attachment component and Attachment Carousel component are on the same page. The Carousel component can be refreshed only when a change is made to the visible details in the Attachment component. Rather than being refreshed on every user event. Enter a space separated list of Attachment Carousel component IDs.



String. Provides the end user with the option to control the order the attachment rows are displayed in the table. Set to true to enable.



String. Users can designate one attachment to be the primary from all of the attachments assigned to a category. Set to true to enable.



Boolean: true / false. True Activates the declarative af:resetActionListener which is associated with the OK and Cancel buttons for each popup in the Attachments component. The resetActionListener resets all of the values submitted to avoid the data in the form from being stale.

For more information, see "How to Use a Command Component to Reset Input Fields" in Developing Web User Interfaces with Oracle ADF Faces.



String. A space-separated list of fields that will not be rendered into the page. The fields are Attached By (attachedBy), Attached Date (attachedDate), Description, Shared, and Checked Out By (checkedOutBy).



Boolean: true / false. True renders the attachment component for a FUSE UI page. Only link mode is supported for FUSE.



Boolean: true / false. True displays the Delete Attachment Confirmation page when the delete icon is used.



Activating the enableOrdering or enablePrimaryCategory properties on an existing page will require an update to the page bindings. Do the following:

  1. Select the Page Bindings tab. In the Bindings list, select the Attachment Model.

  2. Click on the link at the top of the page for the Page Definition File.

    The file will open with the Attachments collection selected.

  3. At the bottom of the selection, add two new attributes so that the end of the entry looks like this:

       <Item Value="SeqNum"/>
       <Item Value="PrimaryCategoryFlag"/>

70.2 About Configuring the Attachments Carousel UI

The default behavior of the Attachments Carousel component can be changed by setting the properties on the component using the Property Inspector.


Most of the attributes map directly to either the Attachment, Carousel or CarouselItem attributes. Wherever there is overlap of attribute names, either Carousel or CarouselItem has been prefixed to assist in identifying which attribute is being set.

Following is a list of some of the properties that are supported by the Attachments Carousel component. Refer to Table 70-2 for basic descriptions of why and how each property is used.

The most important property to take note of is:

repositoryMode - This property indicates whether a user is aware of the content repository. Additional options appear for these users (repositoryMode=true), allowing them to perform advanced functions such as selecting repository files and folders to attach to the business object, and checking in and checking out attached files.

Table 70-2 Attachments Carousel Component Properties

Property Description Default Value


String. The identifier of the component.



Boolean: true / false.

True: Component is rendered in the page.

False: Component is not rendered.



Boolean: true / false.

True: Component is displayed on the page.

False: Component does not display on the page.



Boolean: true / false.

True: Repository-related functionality is enabled, including: the ability to select and attach a document/folder from the Content Server, and version control.



Boolean: true / false.

True: Display attachment type of "File" in the Type choice list.

False: Component is hidden.



Boolean: true / false.

True: Display attachment type of "Text" in the Type choice list.



Boolean: true / false.

True: Display attachment type of "URL" in the Type choice list.



String. Valid Values: start, center, end; determines the horizontal alignment of the carousel items.



String. Valid Values: horizontal, vertical horizontal (the default); for the images being displayed along an x-axis or vertical for y-axis.



String. Valid Values: middle, top, bottom; determines the vertical alignment of the carousel items.



Boolean: true / false.

True: shows the detail section, which provides information about the carousel item that has the current focus.

False: hides the detail section.



Boolean: true / false. Enables/disables the "Add" icon in the attachments table toolbar and inline for link and columnLink modes.

True: shows the carousel secondary toolbar.

False: hides the icon in the toolbar.



Boolean: true / false.

True: shows the carousel toolbar.

False: hides the icon in the toolbar.



Boolean: true / false.

True: shows the secondary toolbar.

False: hides the icon in the toolbar.



String. This must be an Attachment Entity Name. For use when showing the attachments for multiple entities in the Attachments table/popup. Setting this property indicates that update and delete actions will only be possible on this entity.



Boolean: true / false.

True: Adds the Status column to the Attachments table.



String. Not used



Boolean. Not used.



Boolean. Not used.



String. Stores a comma-separated list of Category Names that will be used at run time to populate Category LOV when a user adds new attachments or attempts to update the Category of an existing attachment. This list must be a subset of the Categories that are assigned to your Entity.



String. Enables the Attachment component to refresh other components in the page when user interaction updates the Attachment information. Works off a space separated list of component IDs.



Number. Sets the maximum number of rows that the table height will automatically adjust to depending on the amount of data in the table.



Number. The interval between which the column banding occurs. This value controls the display of the column banding in the table. For example, columnBandingInterval=1 would display alternately banded columns in the grid.



String. This property is only used with the AutoHeightRows property. If AutoHeightRows is not set, this property should be not be set either.



String. Value selected as the default in the Category poplist when adding new attachments.



String. Specifies the title for the Attachment popup.



Number. Maximum number of rows to display in a single range of rows in attachment table. Some ranges may have fewer than the number specified here, i.e. the last range when there is an insufficient number of rows. To display all rows at once, set this attribute value to 0.



Boolean: true / false.

Controls show/hide of the Category column in the Attachments table.



Number. The offset shift factor that a carousel item will have relative to its nearest item towards the current carousel item in circular displayItems mode. This is the distance an auxiliary item will be moved from its nearest item towards the current item (the distance is the size of the next nearest item multiplied by this offset factor).



String. Valid Values: off, hover; whether mouse movements within the auxiliary item area of the carousel in circular displayItems mode causes the auxiliary items to be scaled to match the current carousel item.



Number. The size scaling factor that a carousel item will have relative to its nearest item towards the current carousel item in circular displayItems mode. A value of 1 means the auxiliary items will all be the same size. A value less than 1 means the auxiliary items will become smaller the further they are from the current item. A value greater than 1 means the auxiliary items will become larger the further they are from the current item. Note that regardless of item size, the current carousel item is the only item that is interactive; clicking on an auxiliary item will only spin the carousel.



String. Valid Values: full, small, compact, none; specifies how the area where the user spins the carousel is presented. The "full" option lets a user spin through carousel items one at a time, jump to a specific item, or drag the slider thumb to continuously spin the carousel until the mouse is let go. The "small" option lets a user click the next and previous buttons to spin through carousel items one at a time. The "compact" option is similar to "small" but omits details such as the "x of y" progress information. The "none" option provides no control area at all.



String. Valid Values: circular, oneByOne; the current carousel item will always be shown but you can use this attribute to specify how the auxiliary carousel items are displayed. Use "circular" if you want the auxiliary items displayed near the current item in a scaled down pattern with as many items shown as will fit. Use "oneByOne" if you only want the current item shown.



String. The text of an empty carousel. If the text is enclosed in an open and closing html tag, it will be formatted. The formatting behavior is similar to outputFormatted component. If it is not enclosed in an open and closing html tag, it will not be formatted.



Boolean: true / false. True: disables all creation/update/delete functions in the Attachment component at runtime.



Boolean: true / false. Enables/disables the "Add" icon in the attachments table toolbar.

True: enables the icon in the toolbar.

False: disables the icon in the toolbar.



Boolean: true / false. Enables/disables the "Add" icon in the attachments table toolbar.

True: shows the icon in the toolbar.

False: hides the icon in the toolbar.



Boolean: true / false. Enables/disables the update icons in the attachments table toolbar. These include the "Check In", "Check Out" and "Cancel Check Out" icons. This property also enables/disables the users' ability to update the Category, Title and Description of the Attachments.

True: enables the icons and makes the Category, Title and Description columns editable for existing attachments.

False: disables the update icons and makes the Category, Title and Description columns read-only for existing attachments.



Boolean: true / false. Controls show/hide of the update icons in the attachments table toolbar. These include the "Check In", "Check Out" and "Cancel Check Out" icons.

True: shows the update icons in the toolbar.

False: hides the update icons in the toolbar.



Boolean: true / false. Enables/disables the "Delete" icon in the attachments toolbar and inline for link and columnLink modes. True: Deleting attachments is allowed.

True: enables the icon.

False: disables the icon.



Boolean: true / false. Controls show/hide of the "Delete" icon in the attachments table toolbar.

True: shows the icon in the toolbar.

False: hides the icon in the toolbar preventing users from deleting attachments.



Boolean: true / false.

True: Viewing attachments is allowed.

False: Links for viewing documents in Attachments tables are disabled.



Boolean: true / false.

True: shows the update icons in the toolbar.

False: hides the update icons in the toolbar.



Boolean: true / false.

True: displays the Delete Attachment Confirmation page when the delete icon is used.



String. Allows the end-user to modify the display order of the attachments. This can be performed via keyboard commands or a reorder Attachments dialog launched from the Attachments Action menu.



Valid Values: immediate, lazy; whether data should be fetched when the component is rendered initially. When contentDelivery is "immediate", data is fetched and inlined into the component chrome. If contentDelivery is "lazy", data will be fetched and delivered to the client during a subsequent request.



Number. The number of rows in the data fetch block.

Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core



Number. The index of the first row in the currently range of rows. This index is zero-based. This attribute is used to control which range of rows to display to the user.



Boolean: true / false.

Whether or not data validation - client-side or server-side - should take place when events are generated by this component. When immediate is true, the default ActionListener provided by the JavaServer Faces implementation should be executed during Apply Request Values phase of the request processing lifecycle, rather than waiting until the Invoke Application phase.



Number. The maximum number of rows to display in a single range of rows. Some ranges might have fewer than the number of rows specified by this attribute (eg: the last range might have an insufficient number of rows). To display all rows at once, set this attribute to 0. The default is 25.



Number. The interval between which the row banding occurs. This value controls the display of the row banding in the table. For example, rowBandingInterval=1 would display alternately banded rows in the grid.






String. Message to be displayed on Delete Attachment confirmation page.

Are you sure you want to delete the selected attachment(s)?


String. Displays string as a tip when the user hovers the cursor over the Attachment component.



Boolean: true / false.






String. A Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your

String. A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your .jspx page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes, like "AFInstructionText".



String. The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component. If the inlineStyle's CSS properties do not affect the DOM element you want affected, then you will have to create a skin and use the skinning keys which are meant to target particular DOM elements, like ::label or ::icon-style.




String. the CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component. If the inlineStyle's CSS properties do not affect the DOM element you want affected, then you will have to create a skin and use the skinning keys which are meant to target particular DOM elements, like ::label or ::icon-style.




Boolean: true / false. True Activates the declarative af:resetActionListener which is associated with the OK and Cancel buttons for each popup in the Attachments component. The resetActionListener resets all of the values submitted to avoid the data in the form from being stale.

For more information, see "How to Use a Command Component to Reset Input Fields" in Developing Web User Interfaces with Oracle ADF Faces.



String. A space-separated list of fields that will not be rendered into the page. The fields are Attached By (attachedBy), Attached Date (attachedDate), Description, Shared, and Checked Out By (checkedOutBy).



String: custom. When the property is set to custom, the Attachments Carousel component will use the customCarouselItem facet for the Carousel Item rather than the default Carousel Item.


A facet (placeholder) is provided on the Attachments Carousel component for product teams to develop their own Carousel Item. The facet customCarouselItem is provided. To enable the facet to be shown instead of the default Carousel Item set the property carouselItemViewer to custom.

The facet tableAppsTableSecondaryToolbar is provided to add toolbar buttons to the Attachments Table toolbar.

70.3 About Configuring the Attachment Views Components UI

The default behavior of the Attachment Views component can be changed by setting properties on the component using the Property Inspector.

Table 70-3 Attachment Views Component Properties

Property Description Default Value


String. This must be an Attachment Entity Name. For use when showing the attachments for multiple entities in the Attachments table/popup. Setting this property indicates that update and delete actions will only be possible on this entity.



String: true / false. Controls whether the Actions menu is rendered in the toolbar.



Boolean: true / false. Enables/disables the Add icon in the toolbar. True: enables the icon in the toolbar. False: disables the icon in the toolbar.



Boolean: true / false. True: shows the icon in the toolbar. False: hides the icon in the toolbar.



Boolean: true / false. True: shows the Inline Action Items facet for the List View. False: hides the facet.



Boolean: true / false. True: shows the Inline Icon Items facet for the List View. False: hides the facet.



Boolean: true / false. True: shows the Inline Action Items facet for the Table View. False: hides the facet.



Boolean: true / false. True: shows the Inline Icon Items facet for the Table View. False: hides the facet.



Boolean: true / false. True: Adds the Status field to the Detail pane.



Collection Model. Required.



Binding (EL only). An EL reference that will store the component instance on a bean. This can be used to give programmatic access to a component from a backing bean, or to move creation of the component to a backing bean.



Boolean: true / false. True displays the Delete Attachment Confirmation dialog when the delete icon is used.



String. Value selected as the default in the Category poplist when adding new attachments.



Boolean: true / false. Enables/disables the Delete icon in the toolbar True: enables the icon. False: disables the icon.



Boolean: true / false. Controls show/hide of the Delete icon in the attachments table toolbar. True: shows the icon in the toolbar. False: hides the icon in the toolbar preventing users from deleting attachments.



String. Message to be displayed on Delete Attachment confirmation page.



String. A space-separated list of views to show. The views are all, table, and list. The default is all, which will show table and list views. It also automatically includes the planned grid and carousel views.



String. Users can designate one attachment to be the primary from all of the attachments assigned to a category. Set to true to enable.



String. A space-separated list of fields that will not be rendered into the page. The fields are Attached By (attachedBy), Attached Date (attachedDate), Description, Shared, and checked Out By (checkedOutBy).



Number. Maximum number of cards to display for the grid view.



String. The identifier for the component. Every component may be named by a component identifier that must conform to the following rules:

  • They must start with a letter (as defined by the Character.isLetter() method) or underscore ( _ ).

  • Subsequent characters must be letters (as defined by the Character.isLetter() method), digits as defined by the Character.isDigit() method, dashes ( - ), or underscores ( _ ). To minimize the size of responses generated by JavaServer Faces, it is recommended that component identifiers be as short as possible. If a component has been given an identifier, it must be unique in the namespace of the closest ancestor to that component that is a NamingContainer (if any).



String. Specifies the title for the Attachment popup.



Number. Maximum number of rows to display for the List View.






String. Provides the end user with the option to control the order the attachment rows are displayed in the table. Set to true to enable.



Boolean: true / false. True disables all creation/update/delete functions in the Attachment component at runtime.



String. Null, or a comma-separated concatenation of the Entity Name and PK1_VALUE through PK5_VALUEs. Empty tailing PK Values do not need to be included.

Supplying a non-null value triggers a comparison of the Attachments for the current record and the record identified by the supplied key.



Boolean: true / false. True: Component is rendered in the page. False: the component is not rendered.



String: true / false. Controls the visibility of the Sort dropdown list in the toolbar.



String. A space-separated list of fields that will not be included in the Sort dropdown list. The fields are Title, Description, Category, Checked Out By (checkedOutBy), Shared, Last Updated By (lastUpdatedBy), Last Update Date (lastUpdateDate), Status, Size.



String. A space-separated list of attachment types that are available for use in the Attachments Views component. The types are – all, file, text, and URL. The default "all" type automatically provides access to all current and any future Attachment types.



Boolean: true / false. Enables/disables the users' ability to update the Category, Title and Description of the Attachments. True: Makes the Category, Title and Description columns editable for existing attachments. False: Makes the Category, Title and Description columns read-only for existing attachments.



String. Stores a comma-separated list of category names that will be used at runtime to populate the category LOV when a user adds new attachments or attempts to update the category of an existing attachment. This list must be a subset of the categories that are assigned to your entity.



Boolean: true / false. Controls show/hide of the update icons in the toolbar. These include the "Check In", "Check Out" and "Cancel Check Out" icons. True: shows the update icons in the toolbar. False: hides the update icons in the toolbar.



Boolean: true / false. True: the component is displayed in the page. False: the component is hidden.


The Attachment Views component is a declarative component composed of a number of Oracle Application Development Framework components. The following are the principal components that make up the Attachment Views component:

  • List

    • List Item

  • Grid

    • Grid Item

  • Carousel

    • Carousel Item

  • Table

    • Column

      • Category

      • Title

      • Description

      • CheckedOutBy

      • Shared

      • LastUpdatedBy

      • Status

      • Size

Properties for each of these items that are not already used by the Attachments View to provide specific functionality have been exposed. To provide a unique name for common property names, a prefix has been added to the sub-components. This helps to differentiate the InlineStyle property on the Category column and the InlineStyle on the Title column from the InlineStyle of the table itself. For example, tableColumnCategoryInlineStyle, tableColumnTitleInlineStyle and tableInlineStyle are prepended with table.

For consistency, the label and visible properties for the Attachment fields have been consolidated into their own properties. Rather than having to override the label for Title in the table view, list view and Details pane, you can set the property just once and it will display across all of the occurrences.

The following table provides the full set of configuration properties, along with descriptions of what each property does, as found in the Oracle Application Development Framework tag documentation.


The properties for the Grid, Grid Item, Carousel and Carousel Item will be used when the Grid and Carousel views become available in the future.

Table 70-4 Oracle Application Development Framework Configuration Properties

Property Description Default Value


String. The text of an empty listview. If the text is enclosed in an open and closing HTML tag, it will be formatted. The formatting behavior is similar to outputFormatted component. If it is not enclosed in an open and closing html tag, it will not be formatted.

#{avlAttrs.listModel.viewable ? applcoreBundle.TABLE_EMPTY_TEXT_NO_ROWS_YET : applcoreBundle.TABLE_EMPTY_TEXT_ACCESS_DENIED}


Integer. The number of items in the data fetch block Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core



String. The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component. Be aware that because of browser CSS precedence rules, CSS rendered on a DOM element takes precedence over external stylesheets like the skin file. Therefore skins will not be able to override what you set on this attribute. If the inlineStyle's CSS properties do not affect the DOM element you want affected, then you will have to create a skin and use the skinning keys which are meant to target particular DOM elements, like ::label or ::icon-style.



String. A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your String. A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your .jspx page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes, like "AFInstructionText".



String. The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component. Be aware that because of browser CSS precedence rules, CSS rendered on a DOM element takes precedence over external stylesheets like the skin file. Therefore skins will not be able to override what you set on this attribute. If the inlineStyle's CSS properties do not affect the DOM element you want affected, then you will have to create a skin and use the skinning keys which are meant to target particular DOM elements, like ::label or ::icon-style.



String. A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your String. A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your .jspx page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes, like "AFInstructionText".



String. The text of an empty ListView. If the text is enclosed in an open and closing html tag, it will be formatted. The formatting behavior is similar to outputFormatted component. If it is not enclosed in an open and closing HTML tag, it will not be formatted.



Integer. The number of items in the data fetch block Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core



String. The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component. Be aware that because of browser CSS precedence rules, CSS rendered on a DOM element takes precedence over external stylesheets like the skin file. Therefore skins will not be able to override what you set on this attribute. If the inlineStyle's CSS properties do not affect the DOM element you want affected, then you will have to create a skin and use the skinning keys which are meant to target particular DOM elements, like ::label or ::icon-style.



Integer. The number of items in the data fetch block Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core



String. The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component. Be aware that because of browser CSS precedence rules, CSS rendered on a DOM element takes precedence over external stylesheets like the skin file. Therefore skins will not be able to override what you set on this attribute. If the inlineStyle's CSS properties do not affect the DOM element you want affected, then you will have to create a skin and use the skinning keys which are meant to target particular DOM elements, like ::label or ::icon-style.



String. A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your String. A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your .jspx page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes, like "AFInstructionText".



Number. The offset shift factor that a carousel item will have relative to its nearest item towards the current carousel item in circular displayItems mode. This is the distance an auxiliary item will be moved from its nearest item towards the current item (the distance is the size of the next nearest item multiplied by this offset factor).



String. Whether mouse movements within the auxiliary item area of the carousel in circular displayItems mode causes the auxiliary items to be scaled to match the current carousel item. Valid values: off, hover.



Number. The size scaling factor that a carousel item will have relative to its nearest item towards the current carousel item in circular displayItems mode. A value of 1 means the auxiliary items will all be the same size. A value less than 1 means the auxiliary items will become smaller the further they are from the current item. A value greater than 1 means the auxiliary items will become larger the further they are from the current item. Note that regardless of item size, the current carousel item is the only item that is interactive; clicking on an auxiliary item will only spin the carousel.



String. Specifies if data should be fetched when the component is rendered initially. When contentDelivery is "immediate", data is fetched and inlined into the component chrome. If contentDelivery is "lazy", data will be fetched and delivered to the client during a subsequent request. Valid values: immediate, lazy



String. Specifies how the area where the user spins the carousel is presented. The "full" option lets a user spin through carousel items one at a time, jump to a specific item, or drag the slider thumb to continuously spin the carousel until the mouse is let go. The "small" option lets a user click the Next and Previous to spin through carousel items one at a time. The "compact" option is similar to "small" but omits details such as the "x of y" progress information. The "none" option provides no control area at all. Valid Values: full, small, compact, none.



String. The current carousel item will always be shown, but you can use this attribute to specify how the auxiliary carousel items are displayed. Use "circular" if you want the auxiliary items displayed near the current item in a scaled down pattern with as many items shown as will fit. Use "oneByOne" if you only want the current item shown. Valid Values: circular, oneByOne.



String. The text of an empty carousel. If the text is enclosed in an open and closing HTML tag, it will be formatted. The formatting behavior is similar to outputFormatted component. If it is not enclosed in an open and closing HTML tag, it will not be formatted.



Integer. The number of rows in the data fetch block Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core



String. Determines the horizontal alignment of the carousel items. Valid values: start, center, end.



Boolean. Specifies if data validation – client-side or server-side – should take place when events are generated by this component. When immediate is true, the default ActionListener provided by the JavaServer Faces implementation should be executed during Apply Request Values phase of the request processing lifecycle, rather than waiting until the Invoke Application phase.



String. The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component. Be aware that because of browser CSS precedence rules, CSS rendered on a DOM element takes precedence over external stylesheets like the skin file. Therefore skins will not be able to override what you set on this attribute. If the inlineStyle's CSS properties do not affect the DOM element you want affected, then you will have to create a skin and use the skinning keys which are meant to target particular DOM elements, like ::label or ::icon-style.



String. Horizontal (the default) for the images being displayed along an x-axis or vertical for y-axis. Valid values: horizontal, vertical.



String. A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your String. A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your .jspx page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes, like "AFInstructionText".



String. Determines the vertical alignment of the carousel items. Valid values: middle, top, bottom.



String. The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component. Be aware that because of browser CSS precedence rules, CSS rendered on a DOM element takes precedence over external stylesheets like the skin file. Therefore skins will not be able to override what you set on this attribute. If the inlineStyle's CSS properties do not affect the DOM element you want affected, then you will have to create a skin and use the skinning keys which are meant to target particular DOM elements, like ::label or ::icon-style.



String. A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your String. A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your .jspx page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes, like "AFInstructionText".



String. The Text of the carousel item.



Number. Sets the maximum number of rows that the table height will automatically adjust to depending on the amount of data in the table.



Number. The interval between which the column banding occurs. This value controls the display of the column banding in the table. For example, columnBandingInterval=1 would display alternately banded columns in the grid.



String. Setting this value to "disabled" turns off user column resizing. The default is "enabled". Valid values: enabled, disabled



Indicates what kind of stretching to apply to the columns. For optimal performance, use the "none" (default) option. To stretch the last column to fill up any unused space inside of the viewport, use the "last" option. To automatically insert an empty blank column and have it stretch (so the row background colors will span the entire width of the table), use the "blank" option. To stretch a specific leaf (non-group) column to fill up any unused space inside of the viewport, use the option where you specify "column:" followed by the ID of the column that you want to have stretched, for example, "column:myColId". To stretch more than one column, use the "multiple" option. When using the "multiple" option, you can set the widths in the columns (non-group) to be percentages. See the column documentation for how percentages are handled. Note that row headers and frozen columns will not be stretched because doing so could easily leave the user unable to access the scrollable data body of the table. Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core



String. Use this property only with the AutoHeightRows property. If AutoHeightRows is not set, this property also should be not be set.



Boolean. Specifies if column reordering is disabled in the table. Column reordering is on by default. Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core.



String. The text of an empty table. If the text is enclosed in an open and closing HTML tag, it will be formatted. The formatting behavior is similar to outputFormatted component. If it is not enclosed in an open and closing HTML tag, it will not be formatted.

#{avtAttrs.tblModel.viewable ? applcoreBundle.TABLE_EMPTY_TEXT_NO_ROWS_YET : applcoreBundle.TABLE_EMPTY_TEXT_ACCESS_DENIED}


Integer. The number of rows in the data fetch block. Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core.



String. Determines if the column-freezing zone is from the specified column to the start or the end of the table row. Valid values: start, end.



Boolean. Specifies if the Horizontal GridLines are to be drawn.



String. Inline style that is applied to the table in the table view.



Integer. Specifies the maximum number of rows to retain on the client when scrollPolicy="loadMore".



Number. The interval at which row banding occurs. This value controls the display of the row banding in the table. For example, rowBandingInterval=1 would display alternately banded rows in the grid.



Integer. Determines the number of rows to show in email mode, print mode, or other in situations where table scrolling is unavailable. This property will not have an affect outside of these situations.



String. The short description of the component. The shortDesc text may be used in two different ways, depending on the component.

For components with images, the shortDesc is often used to render an HTML "Alt" attribute for the image.

shortDesc is also commonly used to render an HTML title attribute, which is used by user agents to display "tooltip" help text. In this case, the behavior of the tooltip is controlled by the user agent. For example, Firefox 2 truncates long tooltips. For form components, the shortDesc is displayed in a note window. For components that support the helpTopicId attribute and are not using the shortDesc as image Alt text, it is recommended that helpTopicId is used instead of shortDesc because it is more flexible and provides more accessible descriptive text than the use of the title attribute.



String. A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your .jspx page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes, like "AFInstructionText".



String. The summary of the table's purpose and structure for user agents rendering to non-visual media.



Boolean. Specifies if the vertical GridLines are to be drawn.



String. The width of the component. Default value is 300 pixels. Do not use 100% since it does not account for borders and padding. Use styleClass = "AFStretchWidth" in order to achieve 100%.



String. The alignment for this column. The values "start", "end", and "center" are used for left-justified, right-justified, and center-justified respectively in LTR display. Use "left" or "right" when left-justified or right-justified cells are needed irrespective of the LTR or RTL display. The default value is null, which implies that it is skin dependent and may vary for the row header column vs data column. Valid values: start, end, center, left, right



Integer. The display order index of the column. Columns can be re-arranged and are displayed in the table based on the displayIndex. Columns are sorted based on the displayIndex property; columns without displayIndex are displayed at the end, in the order in which they appear. The displayIndex attribute is honored only for top-level columns, since it is not possible to rearrange a child column outside of the parent column.

Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core.



String. A CSS style class to use for the column footer. Use the headerClass, footerClass, and styleClass attributes on the column with caution. Changing the horizontal padding/borders of the header, footer and data cells will cause misalignment of the table cells.



Boolean. Specifies if the column is frozen. In the table, the frozen column is locked with the header and cannot be scrolled with the rest of the columns. The frozen attribute is honored only on the top-level column, since it is not possible to freeze a child column by itself without its parent being frozen. If the table has a detailStamp for its rows, column freezing is turned off.

Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core.



String. A CSS style class to use for the column footer. Use the headerClass, footerClass, and styleClass attributes on the column with caution. Changing the horizontal padding/borders of the header, footer and data cells cause misalignment of the table cells.



Boolean. Specifies if the column header should be allowed to wrap.

Not supported on the following renderkits: oracle.adf.rich.



String. The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component. Be aware that because of browser CSS precedence rules, CSS rendered on a DOM element takes precedence over external stylesheets like the skin file. Therefore skins will not be able to override what you set on this attribute. If the inlineStyle's CSS properties do not affect the DOM element you want affected, then you will have to create a skin and use the skinning keys which are meant to target particular DOM elements, like ::label or ::icon-style.



String. The minimum number of pixels that the column can sized. When a user attempts to resize the column, this minimum width will be enforced. Also, when a column is flexible, it will also never be stretched to be a size smaller than this minimum width. If a pixel width is defined and if the minimum width is larger, the minimum width will become the smaller of the two values. By default, the minimum width is 12 pixels.

Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core.



Boolean. Specifies if whitespace wrapping should be allowed in this column.



String. A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your .jspx page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes, like "AFInstructionText".



String.The width of the column. The default column width is 100px. There is no auto-sizing for columns. Set the width attribute to ensure the column is wide enough to accommodate the width of the contents. When the "multiple" option is used in the table that contains the column, the width can be set to a percentage. Non-group column widths as percentages will be honored. When widths using percentages exist and the table columnStretching is set to "multiple", the percentages are used to determine a normalized ratio. For example, if two columns have their widths set to "100%", they will each be normalized to take up .5 times the stretchable space. Stretchable space is defined as the space after pixel widths are taken into account. Minimum widths are honored by the stretching.



String. The alignment for this column. The values "start", "end", and "center" are used for left-justified, right-justified, and center-justified respectively in LTR display. Use "left" or "right" when left-justified or right-justified cells are needed irrespective of the LTR or RTL display. The default value is null, which implies that it is skin dependent and may vary for the row header column vs data column. Valid values: start, end, center, left, right



Integer. The display order index of the column. Columns can be re-arranged and they are displayed in the table based on the displayIndex. Columns are sorted based on the displayIndex property, columns without displayIndex are displayed at the end, in the order in which they appear. The displayIndex attribute is honored only for top-level columns, since it is not possible to rearrange a child column outside of the parent column.

Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core.



String. A CSS style class to use for the column footer. Use the headerClass, footerClass, and styleClass attributes on the column with caution. Changing the horizontal padding/borders of the header, footer and data cells will cause misalignment of the table cells.



Boolean. Specifies if the column is frozen. In the table, the frozen column is locked with the header and cannot be scrolled with the rest of the columns. The frozen attribute is honored only on the top-level column, since it is not possible to freeze a child column by itself without its parent being frozen. If the table has a detailStamp for its rows, column freezing is turned off.

Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core.



String. A CSS style class to use for the column footer. Use the headerClass, footerClass, and styleClass attributes on the column with caution. Changing the horizontal padding/borders of the header, footer and data cells will cause misalignment of the table cells.



Boolean. Specifies if the column header should be allowed to wrap

Not supported on the following renderkits: oracle.adf.rich.



String. The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component. Be aware that because of browser CSS precedence rules, CSS rendered on a DOM element takes precedence over external stylesheets like the skin file. Therefore skins will not be able to override what you set on this attribute. If the inlineStyle's CSS properties do not affect the DOM element you want affected, then you will have to create a skin and use the skinning keys which are meant to target particular DOM elements, like ::label or ::icon-style.



String. The minimum number of pixels that the column can sized. When a user attempts to resize the column, this minimum width will be enforced. Also, when a column is flexible, it will also never be stretched to be a size smaller than this minimum width. If a pixel width is defined and if the minimum width is larger, the minimum width will become the smaller of the two values. By default, the minimum width is 12 pixels.

Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core.



Boolean. Specifies if whitespace wrapping should be allowed in this column.



String. A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your .jspx page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes, like "AFInstructionText".



String.The width of the column. The default column width is 100px. There is no auto-sizing for columns. Set the width attribute to ensure the column is wide enough to accommodate the width of the contents. When the "multiple" option is used in the table that contains the column, the width can be set to a percentage. Non-group column widths as percentages will be honored. When widths using percentages exist and the table columnStretching is set to "multiple", the percentages are used to determine a normalized ratio. For example, if two columns have their widths set to "100%", they will each be normalized to take up .5 times the stretchable space. Stretchable space is defined as the space after pixel widths are taken into account. Minimum widths are honored by the stretching.



String. The alignment for this column. The values "start", "end", and "center" are used for left-justified, right-justified, and center-justified respectively in LTR display. Use "left" or "right" when left-justified or right-justified cells are needed irrespective of the LTR or RTL display. The default value is null, which implies that it is skin dependent and may vary for the row header column vs data column. Valid values: start, end, center, left, right



Integer. The display order index of the column. Columns can be re-arranged and they are displayed in the table based on the displayIndex. Columns are sorted based on the displayIndex property, columns without displayIndex are displayed at the end, in the order in which they appear. The displayIndex attribute is honored only for top-level columns, since it is not possible to rearrange a child column outside of the parent column.

Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core.



String. A CSS style class to use for the column footer. Use the headerClass, footerClass, and styleClass attributes on the column with caution. Changing the horizontal padding/borders of the header, footer and data cells cause misalignment of the table cells.



Boolean. Specifies if the column is frozen. In the table, the frozen column is locked with the header and cannot be scrolled with the rest of the columns. The frozen attribute is honored only on the top-level column, since it is not possible to freeze a child column by itself without its parent being frozen. If the table has a detailStamp for its rows, column freezing is turned off.

Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core.



String. A CSS style class to use for the column footer. Use the headerClass, footerClass, and styleClass attributes on the column with caution. Changing the horizontal padding/borders of the header, footer and data cells cause misalignment of the table cells.



Boolean. Specifies if the column header should be allowed to wrap

Not supported on the following renderkits: oracle.adf.rich.



String. The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component. Be aware that because of browser CSS precedence rules, CSS rendered on a DOM element takes precedence over external stylesheets like the skin file. Therefore skins will not be able to override what you set on this attribute. If the inlineStyle's CSS properties do not affect the DOM element you want affected, then you will have to create a skin and use the skinning keys which are meant to target particular DOM elements, like ::label or ::icon-style.



String. The minimum number of pixels that the column can sized. When a user attempts to resize the column, this minimum width will be enforced. Also, when a column is flexible, it will also never be stretched to be a size smaller than this minimum width. If a pixel width is defined and if the minimum width is larger, the minimum width will become the smaller of the two values. By default, the minimum width is 12 pixels.

Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core.



Boolean. Specifies if whitespace wrapping should be allowed in this column.



String. A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your .jspx page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes, like "AFInstructionText".



String.The width of the column. The default column width is 100px. There is no auto-sizing for columns. Set the width attribute to ensure the column is wide enough to accommodate the width of the contents. When the "multiple" option is used in the table that contains the column, the width can be set to a percentage. Non-group column widths as percentages will be honored. When widths using percentages exist and the table columnStretching is set to "multiple", the percentages are used to determine a normalized ratio. For example, if two columns have their widths set to "100%", they will each be normalized to take up .5 times the stretchable space. Stretchable space is defined as the space after pixel widths are taken into account. Minimum widths are honored by the stretching.



String. The alignment for this column. The values "start", "end", and "center" are used for left-justified, right-justified, and center-justified respectively in LTR display. Use "left" or "right" when left-justified or right-justified cells are needed irrespective of the LTR or RTL display. The default value is null, which implies that it is skin dependent and may vary for the row header column vs data column. Valid values: start, end, center, left, right



Integer. The display order index of the column. Columns can be re-arranged and are displayed in the table based on the displayIndex. Columns are sorted based on the displayIndex property; columns without displayIndex are displayed at the end, in the order in which they appear. The displayIndex attribute is honored only for top-level columns, since it is not possible to rearrange a child column outside of the parent column.

Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core.



String. A CSS style class to use for the column footer. Use the headerClass, footerClass, and styleClass attributes on the column with caution. Changing the horizontal padding/borders of the header, footer and data cells cause misalignment of the table cells.



Boolean. Specifies if the column is frozen. In the table, the frozen column is locked with the header and cannot be scrolled with the rest of the columns. The frozen attribute is honored only on the top-level column, since it is not possible to freeze a child column by itself without its parent being frozen. If the table has a detailStamp for its rows, column freezing is turned off.

Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core.



String. A CSS style class to use for the column footer. Use the headerClass, footerClass, and styleClass attributes on the column with caution. Changing the horizontal padding/borders of the header, footer and data cells cause misalignment of the table cells.



Boolean. Specifies if the column header should be allowed to wrap.

Not supported on the following renderkits: oracle.adf.rich.



String. The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component. Be aware that because of browser CSS precedence rules, CSS rendered on a DOM element takes precedence over external stylesheets like the skin file. Therefore skins will not be able to override what you set on this attribute. If the inlineStyle's CSS properties do not affect the DOM element you want affected, then you will have to create a skin and use the skinning keys which are meant to target particular DOM elements, like ::label or ::icon-style.



String. The minimum number of pixels that the column can sized. When a user attempts to resize the column, this minimum width will be enforced. Also, when a column is flexible, it will also never be stretched to be a size smaller than this minimum width. If a pixel width is defined and if the minimum width is larger, the minimum width will become the smaller of the two values. By default, the minimum width is 12 pixels.

Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core.



Boolean. Specifies if whitespace wrapping should be allowed in this column.



String. A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your String. A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your .jspx page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes, like "AFInstructionText".



String.The width of the column. The default column width is 100px. There is no auto-sizing for columns. Set the width attribute to ensure the column is wide enough to accommodate the width of the contents. When the "multiple" option is used in the table that contains the column, the width can be set to a percentage. Non-group column widths as percentages will be honored. When widths using percentages exist and the table columnStretching is set to "multiple", the percentages are used to determine a normalized ratio. For example, if two columns have their widths set to "100%", they will each be normalized to take up .5 times the stretchable space. Stretchable space is defined as the space after pixel widths are taken into account. Minimum widths are honored by the stretching.



String. The alignment for this column. The values "start", "end", and "center" are used for left-justified, right-justified, and center-justified respectively in LTR display. Use "left" or "right" when left-justified or right-justified cells are needed irrespective of the LTR or RTL display. The default value is null, which implies that it is skin dependent and may vary for the row header column vs data column. Valid values: start, end, center, left, right



Integer. The display order index of the column. Columns can be re-arranged and are displayed in the table based on the displayIndex. Columns are sorted based on the displayIndex property; columns without displayIndex are displayed at the end, in the order in which they appear. The displayIndex attribute is honored only for top-level columns, since it is not possible to rearrange a child column outside of the parent column.

Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core.



String. A CSS style class to use for the column footer. Use the headerClass, footerClass, and styleClass attributes on the column with caution. Changing the horizontal padding/borders of the header, footer and data cells cause misalignment of the table cells.



Boolean. Specifies if the column is frozen. In the table, the frozen column is locked with the header and cannot be scrolled with the rest of the columns. The frozen attribute is honored only on the top-level column, since it is not possible to freeze a child column by itself without its parent being frozen. If the table has a detailStamp for its rows, column freezing is turned off.

Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core.



String. A CSS style class to use for the column footer. Use the headerClass, footerClass, and styleClass attributes on the column with caution. Changing the horizontal padding/borders of the header, footer and data cells cause misalignment of the table cells.



Boolean. Specifies if the column header should be allowed to wrap.

Not supported on the following renderkits: oracle.adf.rich.



String. The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component. Be aware that because of browser CSS precedence rules, CSS rendered on a DOM element takes precedence over external stylesheets like the skin file. Therefore skins will not be able to override what you set on this attribute. If the inlineStyle's CSS properties do not affect the DOM element you want affected, then you will have to create a skin and use the skinning keys which are meant to target particular DOM elements, like ::label or ::icon-style.



String. The minimum number of pixels that the column can sized. When a user attempts to resize the column, this minimum width will be enforced. Also, when a column is flexible, it will also never be stretched to be a size smaller than this minimum width. If a pixel width is defined and if the minimum width is larger, the minimum width will become the smaller of the two values. By default, the minimum width is 12 pixels.

Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core.



Boolean. Specifies if whitespace wrapping should be allowed in this column.



String. A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your String. A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your .jspx page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes, like "AFInstructionText".



String.The width of the column. The default column width is 100px. There is no auto-sizing for columns. Set the width attribute to ensure the column is wide enough to accommodate the width of the contents. When the "multiple" option is used in the table that contains the column, the width can be set to a percentage. Non-group column widths as percentages will be honored. When widths using percentages exist and the table columnStretching is set to "multiple", the percentages are used to determine a normalized ratio. For example, if two columns have their widths set to "100%", they will each be normalized to take up .5 times the stretchable space. Stretchable space is defined as the space after pixel widths are taken into account. Minimum widths are honored by the stretching.



String. The alignment for this column. The values "start", "end", and "center" are used for left-justified, right-justified, and center-justified respectively in LTR display. Use "left" or "right" when left-justified or right-justified cells are needed irrespective of the LTR or RTL display. The default value is null, which implies that it is skin dependent and may vary for the row header column vs data column. Valid values: start, end, center, left, right



Integer. The display order index of the column. Columns can be re-arranged and are displayed in the table based on the displayIndex. Columns are sorted based on the displayIndex property; columns without displayIndex are displayed at the end, in the order in which they appear. The displayIndex attribute is honored only for top-level columns, since it is not possible to rearrange a child column outside of the parent column.

Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core.



String. A CSS style class to use for the column footer. Use the headerClass, footerClass, and styleClass attributes on the column with caution. Changing the horizontal padding/borders of the header, footer and data cells will cause misalignment of the table cells.



Boolean. Specifies if the column is frozen. In the table, the frozen column is locked with the header and cannot be scrolled with the rest of the columns. The frozen attribute is honored only on the top-level column, since it is not possible to freeze a child column by itself without its parent being frozen. If the table has a detailStamp for its rows, column freezing is turned off.

Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core.



String. A CSS style class to use for the column footer. Use the headerClass, footerClass, and styleClass attributes on the column with caution. Changing the horizontal padding/borders of the header, footer and data cells will cause misalignment of the table cells.



Boolean. Specifies if the column header should be allowed to wrap.

Not supported on the following renderkits: oracle.adf.rich.



String. The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component. Be aware that because of browser CSS precedence rules, CSS rendered on a DOM element takes precedence over external stylesheets like the skin file. Therefore skins will not be able to override what you set on this attribute. If the inlineStyle's CSS properties do not affect the DOM element you want affected, then you will have to create a skin and use the skinning keys which are meant to target particular DOM elements, like ::label or ::icon-style.



String. The minimum number of pixels that the column can sized. When a user attempts to resize the column, this minimum width will be enforced. Also, when a column is flexible, it will also never be stretched to be a size smaller than this minimum width. If a pixel width is defined and if the minimum width is larger, the minimum width will become the smaller of the two values. By default, the minimum width is 12 pixels.

Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core.



Boolean. Specifies if whitespace wrapping should be allowed in this column.



String. A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your String. A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your .jspx page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes, like "AFInstructionText".



String.The width of the column. The default column width is 100px. There is no auto-sizing for columns. Set the width attribute to ensure the column is wide enough to accommodate the width of the contents. When the "multiple" option is used in the table that contains the column, the width can be set to a percentage. Non-group column widths as percentages will be honored. When widths using percentages exist and the table columnStretching is set to "multiple", the percentages are used to determine a normalized ratio. For example, if two columns have their widths set to "100%", they will each be normalized to take up .5 times the stretchable space. Stretchable space is defined as the space after pixel widths are taken into account. Minimum widths are honored by the stretching.



String. The alignment for this column. The values "start", "end", and "center" are used for left-justified, right-justified, and center-justified respectively in LTR display. Use "left" or "right" when left-justified or right-justified cells are needed irrespective of the LTR or RTL display. The default value is null, which implies that it is skin dependent and may vary for the row header column vs data column. Valid values: start, end, center, left, right



Integer. The display order index of the column. Columns can be re-arranged and are displayed in the table based on the displayIndex. Columns are sorted based on the displayIndex property; columns without displayIndex are displayed at the end, in the order in which they appear. The displayIndex attribute is honored only for top-level columns, since it is not possible to rearrange a child column outside of the parent column.

Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core.



String. A CSS style class to use for the column footer. Use the headerClass, footerClass, and styleClass attributes on the column with caution. Changing the horizontal padding/borders of the header, footer and data cells will cause misalignment of the table cells.



Boolean. Specifies if the column is frozen. In the table, the frozen column is locked with the header and cannot be scrolled with the rest of the columns. The frozen attribute is honored only on the top-level column, since it is not possible to freeze a child column by itself without its parent being frozen. If the table has a detailStamp for its rows, column freezing is turned off.

Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core.



String. A CSS style class to use for the column footer. Use the headerClass, footerClass, and styleClass attributes on the column with caution. Changing the horizontal padding/borders of the header, footer and data cells will cause misalignment of the table cells.



Boolean. Specifies if the column header should be allowed to wrap.

Not supported on the following renderkits: oracle.adf.rich.



String. The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component. Be aware that because of browser CSS precedence rules, CSS rendered on a DOM element takes precedence over external stylesheets like the skin file. Therefore skins will not be able to override what you set on this attribute. If the inlineStyle's CSS properties do not affect the DOM element you want affected, then you will have to create a skin and use the skinning keys which are meant to target particular DOM elements, like ::label or ::icon-style.



String. The minimum number of pixels that the column can sized. When a user attempts to resize the column, this minimum width will be enforced. Also, when a column is flexible, it will also never be stretched to be a size smaller than this minimum width. If a pixel width is defined and if the minimum width is larger, the minimum width will become the smaller of the two values. By default, the minimum width is 12 pixels.

Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core.



Boolean. Specifies if whitespace wrapping should be allowed in this column.



String. A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your .jspx page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes, like "AFInstructionText".



String.The width of the column. The default column width is 100px. There is no auto-sizing for columns. Set the width attribute to ensure the column is wide enough to accommodate the width of the contents. When the "multiple" option is used in the table that contains the column, the width can be set to a percentage. Non-group column widths as percentages will be honored. When widths using percentages exist and the table columnStretching is set to "multiple", the percentages are used to determine a normalized ratio. For example, if two columns have their widths set to "100%", they will each be normalized to take up .5 times the stretchable space. Stretchable space is defined as the space after pixel widths are taken into account. Minimum widths are honored by the stretching.



String. The alignment for this column. The values "start", "end", and "center" are used for left-justified, right-justified, and center-justified respectively in LTR display. Use "left" or "right" when left-justified or right-justified cells are needed irrespective of the LTR or RTL display. The default value is null, which implies that it is skin dependent and may vary for the row header column vs data column. Valid values: start, end, center, left, right



Integer. The display order index of the column. Columns can be re-arranged and are displayed in the table based on the displayIndex. Columns are sorted based on the displayIndex property; columns without displayIndex are displayed at the end, in the order in which they appear. The displayIndex attribute is honored only for top-level columns, since it is not possible to rearrange a child column outside of the parent column.

Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core.



String. A CSS style class to use for the column footer. Use the headerClass, footerClass, and styleClass attributes on the column with caution. Changing the horizontal padding/borders of the header, footer and data cells will cause misalignment of the table cells.



Boolean. Specifies if the column is frozen. In the table, the frozen column is locked with the header and cannot be scrolled with the rest of the columns. The frozen attribute is honored only on the top-level column, since it is not possible to freeze a child column by itself without its parent being frozen. If the table has a detailStamp for its rows, column freezing is turned off.

Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core.



String. A CSS style class to use for the column footer. Use the headerClass, footerClass, and styleClass attributes on the column with caution. Changing the horizontal padding/borders of the header, footer and data cells will cause misalignment of the table cells.



Boolean. Specifies if the column header should be allowed to wrap.

Not supported on the following renderkits: oracle.adf.rich.



String. The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component. Be aware that because of browser CSS precedence rules, CSS rendered on a DOM element takes precedence over external stylesheets like the skin file. Therefore skins will not be able to override what you set on this attribute. If the inlineStyle's CSS properties do not affect the DOM element you want affected, then you will have to create a skin and use the skinning keys which are meant to target particular DOM elements, like ::label or ::icon-style.



String. The minimum number of pixels that the column can sized. When a user attempts to resize the column, this minimum width will be enforced. Also, when a column is flexible, it will also never be stretched to be a size smaller than this minimum width. If a pixel width is defined and if the minimum width is larger, the minimum width will become the smaller of the two values. By default, the minimum width is 12 pixels.

Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core.



Boolean. Specifies if whitespace wrapping should be allowed in this column.



String. A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your .jspx page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes, like "AFInstructionText".



String.The width of the column. The default column width is 100px. There is no auto-sizing for columns. Set the width attribute to ensure the column is wide enough to accommodate the width of the contents. When the "multiple" option is used in the table that contains the column, the width can be set to a percentage. Non-group column widths as percentages will be honored. When widths using percentages exist and the table columnStretching is set to "multiple", the percentages are used to determine a normalized ratio. For example, if two columns have their widths set to "100%", they will each be normalized to take up .5 times the stretchable space. Stretchable space is defined as the space after pixel widths are taken into account. Minimum widths are honored by the stretching.



String. The alignment for this column. The values "start", "end", and "center" are used for left-justified, right-justified, and center-justified respectively in LTR display. Use "left" or "right" when left-justified or right-justified cells are needed irrespective of the LTR or RTL display. The default value is null, which implies that it is skin dependent and may vary for the row header column vs data column. Valid values: start, end, center, left, right



Integer. The display order index of the column. Columns can be re-arranged and are displayed in the table based on the displayIndex. Columns are sorted based on the displayIndex property; columns without displayIndex are displayed at the end, in the order in which they appear. The displayIndex attribute is honored only for top-level columns, since it is not possible to rearrange a child column outside of the parent column.

Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core.



String. A CSS style class to use for the column footer. Use the headerClass, footerClass, and styleClass attributes on the column with caution. Changing the horizontal padding/borders of the header, footer and data cells will cause misalignment of the table cells.



Boolean. Specifies if the column is frozen. In the table, the frozen column is locked with the header and cannot be scrolled with the rest of the columns. The frozen attribute is honored only on the top-level column, since it is not possible to freeze a child column by itself without its parent being frozen. If the table has a detailStamp for its rows, column freezing is turned off.

Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core.



String. A CSS style class to use for the column footer. Use the headerClass, footerClass, and styleClass attributes on the column with caution. Changing the horizontal padding/borders of the header, footer and data cells will cause misalignment of the table cells.



Boolean. Specifies if the column header should be allowed to wrap.

Not supported on the following renderkits: oracle.adf.rich.



String. The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component. Be aware that because of browser CSS precedence rules, CSS rendered on a DOM element takes precedence over external stylesheets like the skin file. Therefore skins will not be able to override what you set on this attribute. If the inlineStyle's CSS properties do not affect the DOM element you want affected, then you will have to create a skin and use the skinning keys which are meant to target particular DOM elements, like ::label or ::icon-style.



String. The minimum number of pixels that the column can sized. When a user attempts to resize the column, this minimum width will be enforced. Also, when a column is flexible, it will also never be stretched to be a size smaller than this minimum width. If a pixel width is defined and if the minimum width is larger, the minimum width will become the smaller of the two values. By default, the minimum width is 12 pixels.

Not supported on the following renderkits: org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.core.



Boolean. Specifies if whitespace wrapping should be allowed in this column.



String. A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your .jspx page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes, like "AFInstructionText".



String.The width of the column. The default column width is 100px. There is no auto-sizing for columns. Set the width attribute to ensure the column is wide enough to accommodate the width of the contents. When the "multiple" option is used in the table that contains the column, the width can be set to a percentage. Non-group column widths as percentages will be honored. When widths using percentages exist and the table columnStretching is set to "multiple", the percentages are used to determine a normalized ratio. For example, if two columns have their widths set to "100%", they will each be normalized to take up .5 times the stretchable space. Stretchable space is defined as the space after pixel widths are taken into account. Minimum widths are honored by the stretching.



String. Overrides the default label for all occurrences in the Attachments View component



Boolean: true / false. True: the field is displayed in the view. False: the field is hidden.



String. Overrides the default label for all occurrences in the Attachments View component.



String. Overrides the default label for all occurrences in the Attachments View component.



Boolean: true / false. True: the field is displayed in the view. False: the field is hidden.



String. Overrides the default label for all occurrences in the Attachments View component.



Boolean: true / false. True: the field is displayed in the view. False: the field is hidden.



String. Overrides the default label for all occurrences in the Attachments View component.



Boolean: true / false. True: the field is displayed in the view. False: the field is hidden.



String. Overrides the default label for all occurrences in the Attachments View component.



Boolean: true / false. True: the field is displayed in the view. False: the field is hidden.



String. Overrides the default label for all occurrences in the Attachments View component.



Boolean: true / false. True: the field is displayed in the view. False: the field is hidden.



String. Overrides the default label for all occurrences in the Attachments View component.



Boolean: true / false. True: the field is displayed in the view. False: the field is hidden.



String. Overrides the default label for all occurrences in the Attachments View component.



Boolean: true / false. True: the field is displayed in the view. False: the field is hidden.


70.4 About Configuring the Attachment Link Component UI

The default behavior of the Attachment Link Component can be changed by setting properties on the component using the Property Inspector. The majority of the properties available are only used to configure how the Attachment Views component appears in the popup. See Configuring the Attachment Views Component UI (http://aseng-wiki.us.oracle.com/asengwiki/display/ATG/Release+10+Uptake#Release10Uptake-ConfiguringtheAttachmentViewsComponentUI) for more information on these properties. The following table documents the properties that directly affect the Attachment Link component.

Table 70-5 Attachment Link Component Properties.

Property Description Default Value


Collection Model.  Required.

No default value


String. The identifier for the component. Every component may be named by a component identifier that must conform to the following rules:

They must start with a letter (as defined by the Character.isLetter() method) or underscore ( _ ).

    Subsequent characters must be letters (as defined by the Character.isLetter() method), digits as defined by the Character.isDigit() method, dashes ( - ), or underscores ( _ ). To minimize the size of responses generated by JavaServer Faces, it is recommended that component identifiers be as short as possible. If a component has been given an identifier, it must be unique in the namespace of the closest ancestor to that component that is a NamingContainer (if any).



String: Classic, Abridged.  Required.  Specifies how the component should display.  Classic will display with information about the last attachment, and action icons.  Abridged will display as a single icon.  



Number. Maximum number of attachments displayed as links in the hover popup when mode is set to link or columnLink.



String. Enables the display of the delete icon.  This setting will not override the deleteAllowed or readOnly properties, which will also affect the display of the delete icon.




No default value 


String: default, true, false, skipDataControls, validateCurrentRows. Controls whether the model validation is skipped for the binding container, while the Manage Attachments popup is displayed. The default value does not change the skip validation configuration. Set to false to perform a normal validation. Set to true to skip all validation. Set to skipDataControls to skip only data control validation. Set to validateCurrentRows to validate only the rows modified in the last request.
