7 Install Databases for Oracle Identity Management

This section describes how to install and configure the Oracle Identity Management database repositories.

7.1 Introduction to Installing Databases for Oracle Identity Management

The Oracle Identity Management components in the enterprise deployment use database repositories. This section describes how to perform the following steps:

7.2 Prerequisites for Installing Databases for Oracle Identity Management

An overview of databases and their schemas is in Plan for Database Requirements. All details in the sections below apply to those databases.

Before loading the metadata repository into thedatabases, check that they meet the requirements described in these subsections:

7.2.1 Verifying Database Versions Supported

To check if the database is certified or to see all certified databases, see the latest certification information published at https://support.oracle.com.

To determine the version of the installed Oracle Database, execute the following query at the SQL prompt:

select version from sys.product_component_version where product like 'Oracle%';

7.2.2 Patch the Oracle Database

Patches are required for some versions of Oracle Database. This section describes the patch details for different versions of the Oracle Database. Patch Requirements for Oracle Database 12c

Table 7-1 lists patches required for Oracle Identity Manager configurations that use Oracle Database 12c. Before configuring Oracle Identity Manager 12c, be sure to apply the patches to the Oracle Database 12c database.

Table 7-1 Required Patches for Oracle Database 12c

Platform Patch Number and Description on My Oracle Support








8617824: MERGE LABEL REQUEST ON TOP OF FOR BUGS 7628358 7598314 Patch Requirements for Oracle Database 12c

If Oracle Database 12c is used, make sure to download and install the appropriate version (based on the platform) for the RDBMS Patch Number 10259620. This is a prerequisite for installing the Oracle Identity Manager schemas.

Table 7-2 lists the patches required for Oracle Identity Manager configurations that use Oracle Database 12c. Make sure to download and install the following patches before creating Oracle Identity Manager schemas.

Table 7-2 Required Patches for Oracle Database 12c

Platform Patch Number and Description on My Oracle Support

Linux x86 (64-bit)

RDBMS Interim Patch#10259620.

If this patch is not applied, then problems might occur in user and role search and manager lookup. In addition, search results might return empty result.

Apply this patch in ONLINE mode. Refer to the readme.txt file bundled with the patch for the steps to be followed.

In some environments, the RDBMS Interim Patch has been unable to resolve the issue, but the published workaround works. Refer to the metalink note Wrong Results on with Function-Based Index and OR Expansion due to fix for Bug:8352378 [Metalink Note ID 1264550.1] for the workaround. This note can be followed to set the parameters accordingly with the only exception that they need to be altered at the Database Instance level by using ALTER SYSTEM SET <param>=<value> scope=<memory> or <both>. To query initialization parameters, use the command SHOW PARAMETERS <parameter-name>.

7.2.3 About Initialization Parameters

To query database for initialization parameters, run the following command:

SHOW PARAMETERS <parameter-name>;

The database must have the following minimum initialization parameters defined:

Table 7-3 Minimum Initialization Parameters for the Oracle Database

Parameter Value































The parallel_max_servers parameter is only required for Oracle Internet Directory databases where the Oracle RAC system has more than 32 CPUs

The size of the redo log files is 0.5G. A minimum of 2G for each redo log file is recommended to improve redo log performance.

For guidelines on setting up optimum parameters for the Database, see Tune Database Initialization Parameters in the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator’s Guide.

7.3 Oracle Identity Management Database Installation Checklist

Before initiating the Oracle Identity Management database installation, verify the following checklist:

  • Necessary infrastructure

    • Access to the database server console is provided for the database OS User as well as root/pseudo access (VNC recommended).

    • The provisioning repository or Oracle database installers are available and accessible from the database nodes.

  • Prerequisites for the database server

    • General Oracle database prerequisites have been satisfied.

  • Planning

    • Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Workbook, Databases tab, Identity Management Database table has information that is used for the database installation.

7.4 Install Oracle Database

For more information about installing Oracle Database Enterprise Edition with the Wizard, see Install Oracle Database Enterprise Edition with the Wizard.

7.5 Install Oracle Real Application Clusters

Install and configure the database repository as follows:

Oracle Clusterware

  • For 10g Release 2 (10.2), see Related Documents in the Oracle Database Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for a specific platform.

  • For 11g Release 1 (11.1), see the Installing Oracle Clusterware in the Oracle Clusterware Installation Guide for a specific platform.

Automatic Storage Management

  • For 10g Release 2 (10.2), see Related Documents in the Oracle Database Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for a specific platform.

  • For 11g Release 1 (11.1), see the Installing Oracle Clusterware in the Oracle Clusterware Installation Guide for a specific platform.

  • When the installer is run, select the Configure Automatic Storage Management option in the Select Configuration screen to create a separate Automatic Storage Management home.

Oracle Real Application Clusters

  • For 10g Release 2 (10.2), see Related Documents the Oracle Database Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for a specific platform.

  • For 11g Release 1 (11.1), see Oracle RAC Installation Checklist in the Oracle Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for a specific platform.

Oracle Real Application Clusters Database

Create a Real Applications Clusters Database with the following characteristics:

  • Database must be in archive log mode to facilitate backup and recovery.

  • Optionally, enable the Flashback database.

  • Create UNDO tablespace of sufficient size to handle any rollback requirements during the Oracle Identity Manager reconciliation process.

  • Database is created with ALT32UTF8 character set.

7.6 Running the Oracle Fusion Middleware RCU for Oracle Identity Management

Unzip the Oracle Fusion Middleware RCU zip file Linux: REPOSITORY_LOCATION/installers/fmw_rcu/linux/rcuHome.zip


Windows: REPOSITORY_LOCATION/installers/fmw_rcu/windows/rcuHome.zip

to: REPOSITORY_LOCATION/installers/rcu

where REPOSITORY_LOCATION is the Oracle Fusion Applications provisioning repository, as described in Create the Oracle Fusion Applications Provisioning Repository.

Use the Oracle Identity Management version of RCU, which now exists in that directory.

The Oracle Fusion Middleware RCU needs to be set up for the ODS and OAM components. Use FA as the prefix for the schema names.

Recommendation for Release 12 is to only use a single database for both ODS and OAM. However, it is recommended to create two separate service names (for the same database instance) and use one service name for OID application and the other for OAM applications. This will be used later in IDM DB Configuration Page.

Select a single password for all the schema while running the Oracle Fusion Middleware RCU.

The Oracle Fusion Middleware RCU is available only on Windows and Linux platforms. For Solaris, install and run the Oracle Fusion Middleware RCU from a Windows or Linux machine.

Run the Oracle Fusion Middleware RCU to create the collection of schemas used by Oracle Identity Management and Management Services.

  1. Start the Oracle Fusion Middleware RCU by issuing this command:
    UNIX: FMW_RCU_HOME/bin/rcu &
    Windows: FMW_RCU_HOME\bin\rcu.bat
  2. On the Welcome screen, click Next.
  3. On the Create Repository screen, select the Create operation to load component schemas into a database. Then click Next.
  4. On the Database Connection Details screen, provide the information required to connect to an existing database. For example:

    Database Type: Oracle Database

    • Host Name: Enter one of the Oracle RAC nodes. Enter the VIP address of one of the RAC database nodes or the database SCAN address, for example: DB-SCAN.mycompany.com

    • Port: The port number for the database listener (DB_LSNR_PORT). For example: 1521

    • Service Name: The service name of the database. For example OIDEDG.mycompany.com.

    • Username: sys

    • Password: The sys user password

    • Role: SYSDBA

    Click Next.

  5. On the Check Prerequisites screen, click OK after the prerequisites have been validated.
  6. On the Select Components screen, provide the following values:

    Create a New Prefix: Enter a prefix to be added to the database schemas, for example, enter FA.

    All schemas except for the ODS schema are required to have a prefix. In this release, the Oracle Fusion Middleware RCU prefix must be FA.

    Components: Select the schemas shown in the following table:

    Product Oracle Fusion Middleware RCU Option Service Name Comments

    Oracle Internet Directory

    Identity Management–Oracle Internet Directory

    Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Workbook - Database tab,

    IDM Database table, Service name (if not using a separate OID DB)

    OID Database, Service Name (if using a separate OID DB)


    Oracle Access Manager

    Identity Management–Oracle Access Manager

    Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Workbook , Database tab, IDM Database table, Service name

    Audit Services is also selected.

    Click Next.

    If the topology requires more than one database, the following important considerations apply:

    • Be sure to install the correct schemas in the correct database.

    • Run the Oracle Fusion Middleware RCU more than once to create all the schemas for a given topology, if necessary.

    • Review the tables in Plan for Database Requirements, which provide the recommended mapping between the schemas and their corresponding databases. Refer to Table 4-6 to ensure that the correct details are entered in this screen.

  7. On the Check Prerequisites screen, click OK after the prerequisites have been validated.
  8. On the Schema Passwords screen, enter the passwords for the schemas. Choose to use either the same password for all the schemas or different passwords for each of the schemas. Oracle recommends choosing different passwords for different schema's to enhance security

    Click Next.

  9. On the Map Tablespaces screen, accept the defaults and click Next.
  10. On the confirmation screen, click OK to allow the creation of the tablespaces.
  11. On the Creating tablespaces screen, click OK to acknowledge creation of the tablespaces.
  12. On the Summary screen, the summary and verify that the details provided are accurate. Click Create to start the schema creation process.
  13. On the Completion summary screen, verify that the schemas were created.

    Click Close to exit.

7.7 Validate the Oracle Identity Management Database Installation

To verify if the Oracle Identity Management database installation has been completed successfully, check the following:

  • The database is up and running on all nodes.

  • The database listener is up and running.

  • The database installation includes the required components.

  • Use SQL*Plus or another tool to check that the system user is able to connect to the database remotely.

  • Run opatch –lsinventory on the database to verify that patches have been applied according to the document for the specific platform.

  • Complete the manual postinstallation tasks detailed in the database patch readme files. See Complete Database Patch Postinstallation Tasks.

  • The password policy has been defined and the passwords defined for the Oracle Identity Management database schemas are in line with the policy.

7.8 Next Steps

When the Oracle Identity Management database installation has been completed, see Install Oracle Fusion Applications Transaction Database for complete information to install the Oracle Fusion Applications transaction database.