26 Next Steps

This section describes implementation and functional tasks that must be completed before starting using an Oracle Fusion Applications setup.

This section contains the following topics:

26.1 Manage User Passwords for Login Access to Applications Components

For complete information about setting up and managing passwords for the new environment, see Secure Oracle Fusion Applications and Provision of Identities in the Oracle Fusion Applications Administrator's Guide.

26.2 Complete Common User Setup Tasks

For complete information about completing common user setup tasks needed to create an implementation project, optionally create initial implementation users, and set up the basic enterprise structure needed for implementing any and all Oracle Fusion Applications offerings see the Getting Started with Oracle Fusion Applications: Common Implementation posted on My Oracle Support (Doc ID 1387777.1).

26.3 Enable Product Offering Functionality

Before starting using any of the product offerings already installed, complete some common implementation tasks and enable the functionality of the offerings in the environment.

A large library of product-related documentation is available for use after provisioning. See Overview in the Oracle Fusion Functional Setup Manager User's Guide. See also the product-specific Oracle Fusion Applications implementation guides.

26.4 Troubleshoot Tips for Runtime Issues

Follow the instructions detailed in this section for resolving known runtime issues.

26.4.1 OutOfMemory Error Due to PermGen Space (Solaris)

Problem: An OutOfMemoryError due to PermGen space is reported on the SCMCommon WebLogic Managed Server in the Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Management domain for the Solaris x64 or Solaris Sparc platform.

Solution for Solaris x64

Perform the following steps to resolve this issue on the Solaris x64 platform.

  1. Check the cluster name for the managed server where the PermGen exception is reported. The cluster name can be found from the Administration Server console for the Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Management domain.

  2. Edit the $DOMAIN_HOME/config/fusionapps_start_params.properties file by performing the following steps.

    1. Identify the key/value pair which is fusion.SCMCommonCluster.SunOS-i386.memoryargs in fusionapps_start_params.properties.

    2. Duplicate the entire line containing the key/value pair of fusion.SCMCommonCluster.SunOS-i386.memoryargs and add this as a new line in fusionapps_start_params.properties.

    3. Comment the original line by adding a '#' at the beginning of the line.

    4. For the line added in Step b, change the default value in fusion.SCMCommonCluster.SunOS-i386.memoryargs by replacing 512m with 756m. This is what it should look like:

      fusion.SCMCommonCluster.SunOS-i386.memoryargs=-XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=756m -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=@HEAP_DUMP_PATH@ -XX:+ParallelGCVerbose -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=128m -XX:+UseParallelOldGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4

    5. Bounce the Managed Server.

An example for SCMCommonServer_1 for Solaris x64 follows.

  1. SCMCommonCluster is the cluster name for SCMCommonServer_1.

  2. Add the following entry:


    -XX:MaxPermSize756m -XX:+UseParallelGC


    -XX:HeapDumpPath=path_for_heap_dump -XX:+ParallelGCVerbose

    -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=128m -XX:+UseParallelOldGC


    In this example, the entry for fusion.default.SunOS-i386.memoryargs is already correct.

Solution for Solaris Sparc

Perform the following steps to resolve this issue on the Solaris Sparc platform.

  1. Check the cluster name for the managed server where the PermGen exception is reported. The cluster name can be found from the Administration Server console for the Oracle Fusion Supply Chain Management domain.

  2. Edit the $DOMAIN_HOME/config/fusionapps_start_params.properties file by performimg the following steps.

    1. Identify the key/value pair which is fusion.SCMCommonCluster.SunOS-sparc.memoryargs in fusionapps_start_params.properties.

    2. Duplicate the entire line containing the key/value pair of fusion.SCMCommonCluster.SunOS-sparc.memoryargs and add this as a new line in fusionapps_start_params.properties.

    3. Comment the original line by adding a '#' at the beginning of the line.

    4. For the line added in Step b, change the default value in fusion.SCMCommonCluster.SunOS-sparc.memoryargs by replacing 512m with 756m. This is what it should look like:

      fusion.SCMCommonCluster.SunOS-sparc.memoryargs=-XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=756m -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=@HEAP_DUMP_PATH@ -XX:+ParallelGCVerbose -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=128m -XX:+UseParallelOldGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4

    5. Bounce the Managed Server.

An example for SCMCommonServer_1 for Solaris Sparc follows.

  1. SCMCommonCluster is the cluster name for SCMCommonServer_1.

  2. Add the following entry:


    -XX:MaxPermSize756m -XX:+UseParallelGC


    -XX:HeapDumpPath=path_for_heap_dump -XX:+ParallelGCVerbose

    -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=128m -XX:+UseParallelOldGC


    In this example, the entry for fusion.default.SunOS-sparc.memoryargs is already correct.

26.5 (Optional) Install Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control

Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control (Cloud Control) is a system management software that delivers centralized monitoring, administration, and life cycle management functionality for the complete Oracle Fusion Applications IT infrastructure from one single console. For example, monitor all the Oracle WebLogic Server domains for all the product families from one console.

See Installing Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide and Getting Started in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Advanced Installation and Configuration Guide for information about Cloud Control installation.