19 Complete Oracle Fusion Customer Relationship Management Post-Installation Tasks

This section describes the Oracle Fusion Customer Relationship Management (Oracle Fusion CRM) post-installation tasks that must be reviewed and completed before starting working with an Oracle Fusion CRM implementation.

This section contains the following topics:

19.1 Install and Configure the Bounce Handling Daemon

The E-Mail Marketing Server is a combination of components designed to support high volume, personalized e-mail messages, and to track e-mail bounces and click-through responses. The bounce handling daemon (BHD) tracks e-mail messages that cannot be delivered, parses the returned e-mail messages, and records the cause of the e-mail bounce.

The bounce handling daemon installation program is available on the Oracle Fusion Middleware companion disk. Prior to installing the program, ensure the Marketing application has been provisioned, noting the Oracle SOA Suite Server host and port, and determined the designated server to place the daemon. The designated server must have port 25 available.

It is recommended to place the bounce handling daemon in the DMZ. Optionally, place the bounce handling daemon behind an inbound mail transfer agent (MTA). The approach chosen depends on the configuration of the network, DMZ, existing inbound mail transfer agent, and firewall.

Complete the following steps to install and configure the bounce handling daemon:

  1. Using the companion disk, locate and run the installation program: fusionbhd/Disk1/runInstaller. Provide information when prompted, such as the JDK location, designated BHD server installation directory, and the http or https protocol, host and port for the Marketing SOA URL.
  2. Navigate to the WLS_HOME/config/fwmconfig directory and copy the files and directory listed below to the $HOME/bhd/fusionapps/crm/ewm/bhd/bin directory.
    • jps-config-jse.xml

    • default-keystore.jks

    • bootstrap directory (including the cwallet.sso)

  3. Update the root user permissions to allow read, write, and execute access to the jps-config-jse.xml and default-keystore.jks files and the bootstrap directory.
  4. Update the root user permissions to allow read, write, and execute access to the BHD server installation directory, it's subdirectories and files. The top level BHD server installation directory is specified during the install process.
  5. Grant read access to the fusionapps/crm/ewm/bhd/logs directory to nonroot users to provide availability to application log files.
  6. Log in as a root user in UNIX.
  7. Navigate to the fusionapps/crm/ewm/bhd directory.
  8. Enter the $ ./bin/bhd-onpremise-ctl.sh start command. This commands starts the BHD service for port 25.

For more information on provisioning, see Provision a New Oracle Fusion Applications Environment.

19.2 Set Up SMS Marketing

To use the SMS marketing campaign capability within Oracle Fusion Customer Relationship Management, enable it after installing Oracle Fusion Applications. Customers interested in SMS marketing campaigns need to complete SMPP Driver configuration in the SOA suite component Oracle User Messaging Service.

An instance of the SMPP driver is already installed as part of the Oracle Fusion Applications installation and is a part of the Oracle User Messaging Service, but it does not point to any User Messaging Server. To configure the SMPP driver, an account with an SMPP driver gateway vendor Is needed.


Before proceeding with the enabling process, ensure to have access rights to update and deploy applications on the WebLogic Administration Console and Oracle Enterprise Manager associated with the Customer Relationship Management domain.

  1. Log in to the WebLogic Administration Console associated with the Customer Relationship domain.

    Under Deployments, see the application usermessagingdriver-smpp in the Installed state.

  2. Expand usermessagingdriver-smpp and navigate to Targets tab. The Current Targets column shows (None specified), indicating that no target is configured.
  3. On the console, switch to the Lock & Edit mode, update the target to all servers in the CRM_SOACluster, and save the changes.
  4. While remaining in the Lock & Edit mode for the console, navigate to Deployments, select the checkbox next to usermessagingdriver-smpp, and click Update. The Update Application Assistant wizard appears.
  5. For the Deployment Plan Path field, click Change Path and select the Fusion Applications specific deployment plan: APPTOP/instance/applications/ums/crm/usermessagingdriver-smpp_FusionPlan.xml.
  6. On the next screen of the Update Application Assistant wizard, select Release Configuration to commit the changes made until this point. The state of the application usermessagingdriver-smpp changes to Active.
  7. Log out of WebLogic Administration Console.
  8. Log in to the Oracle Enterprise Manager associated with the Customer Relationship Management domain.
  9. Expand CRMDomain - User Messaging Service, right-click the application usermessagingdriver-smpp and select SMPP Driver Properties from the context menu.
  10. Configure the driver and apply the changes.
  11. Restart the usermessagingdriver-smpp application to bring into effect the driver configuration changes.

Use now the SMS Marketing capability of Oracle Fusion Customer Relationship Management.

19.3 Set Up Implicit Personalization Behavior

This topic covers the post-deployment activities required for Oracle Fusion CRM applications that support implicit personalization behavior.

Performing these activities fixes the inconsistent implicit personalization behavior between sessions in the following Oracle Fusion CRM applications:

  • Oracle Fusion CRM Common

  • Oracle Fusion Territory Management

  • Oracle Fusion Customer Center

  • Oracle Fusion Marketing

  • Oracle Fusion Order Capture Common Components

  • Oracle Fusion Sales

19.3.1 Post-Deployment Activities

Make the following changes to the adf-config.xml file as a post-deployment activity.

These steps are applicable only for the Oracle Fusion CRM applications where implicit personalization behavior is supported.

  1. Shut down the domain where the application is deployed.
  2. Search for adf-config.xml file. For example, for Sales application, this file is typically located at Sales <deploy directory>/SalesApp/V2.0/app/SalesApp/adf/META-INF/adf-config.xml
  3. Back up adf-config.xml file.
  4. Open adf-config.xml file in a text editor and comment out all occurrences of the tag <adf-faces-config> under the root node <adf-config>. . .</adf-config>. For example:
    <!-- adf-faces-config xmlns="http://xmlns.example.com/adf/faces/config">. . . </adf-faces-config --> 
  5. Add the following after the commented section.
    <adf-faces-config xmlns="http://xmlns.example.com/adf/faces/config"> 
                            <taglib uri="http://xmlns.example.com/adf/pageeditor">
                                    <tag name="layoutCustomizable">
                                            <!-- Added to pass JAudit-->
                                            <attribute name="layout"> 
                    <taglib uri="http://xmlns.example.com/adf/faces/customizable"> 
                            <tag name="showDetailFrame"> 
                                    <!-- Added to pass JAudit--> 
                                    <attribute name="disclosed"> 
                                    <attribute name="height">
                            <!-- Added to pass JAudit-->
                            <tag name="portlet">
                                    <attribute name="disclosed">
                                    <attribute name="height">
                    <taglib uri="http://xmlns.example.com/adf/faces/rich">
                            <tag name="column">
                                    <attribute name="displayIndex">
                                    <attribute name="visible">
                                    <attribute name="width">
  6. Specifically for Customer Center application, and as an additional step, locate these lines under the <mds:cust-config> section:
    <mds:match path="/oracle/apps/">
            <mds:customization-class name="oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.customization.ProductFamilyCC"/>
            <mds:customization-class name="oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.customization.SiteCC"/>

    When lines are commented, they appear as:

    <!--mds:match path="/oracle/apps/">
            <mds:customization-class name="oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.customization.ProductFamilyCC"/>
            <mds:customization-class name="oracle.apps.fnd.applcore.customization.SiteCC"/>
  7. Save and close the file.
  8. Start up the domain that hosts the Oracle Fusion CRM application.

19.4 Next Steps

If the Oracle Fusion Financials product offering has been installed, go to Complete Oracle Fusion Financials Post-Installation Tasks . Otherwise, go to the section that corresponds to the product offering that is installed.