2 Understand the Environment

This section shows how to access the Fusion Applications interfaces and how to start and stop the environment components.

The following topics are discussed:

For more information about the Oracle Fusion Applications environment topology, directory structures, and runtime processes, see Understand What the Oracle Fusion Applications Environment Looks Like in Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Guide.

2.1 Access Oracle Fusion Applications

End users access Oracle Fusion Applications through a set of URLs defined during the provisioning process (the provisioning wizard calls them external URLs). Depending on whether the topology includes a load balancer or reverse proxy, Oracle Fusion Applications URL endpoints may be at the load balancer or reverse proxy, or directly at the Oracle HTTP Server.

The main end user entry point to Oracle Fusion Applications is generally a URL similar to the following:


Each product family may have its own host name or port, depending on the web tier and load balancer configuration in the provisioning wizard.

Administrators can access the administration consoles through a set of internal or administrative URLs defined in the provisioning wizard. Administrators can use Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Applications Control and Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console to manage the Oracle Fusion Applications environment.

As with all URLs in Oracle Fusion Applications, access is subject to authentication through Oracle Access Manager.

2.2 Start and Stop an Oracle Fusion Applications Environment

Starting and stopping the Oracle Fusion Applications environment and its components, perform a range of maintenance operations that require process downtime. Understanding the state (that is, up, down, starting, and stopping) of each component in the Oracle Fusion Applications environment is an essential activity when diagnosing and resolving availability and performance issues, and when performing life-cycle and management operations.

A typical Oracle Fusion Applications environment contains the applications, the Oracle Database, and the Oracle Fusion Middleware components. Depending on whether is needed to start and stop an individual component or the entire environment, there are several supported scenarios for performing these operations correctly.

It is recommended to start and stop using the fastartstop utility, particularly when starting or stopping an entire Oracle Fusion Applications environment. Since some components in the environment are dependent on one another, it is crucial to start and stop Oracle Fusion Applications sequentially, in the following order:

  1. Oracle Database

  2. Oracle Identity Management Suite

  3. Node Manager

  4. Oracle Fusion Applications components on the provisioned environment

Important: Due to the dependencies built into the Oracle Fusion Applications environment, it is generally recommended to use the fastartstop utility instead of Cloud Control to start and stop. While it is possible to start and stop servers and clusters using Cloud Control interface buttons, it is safest to limit using such buttons to starting/stopping a single managed server, such as a SOA server, if desired.

2.2.1 Start the Entire Environment in Order

To perform a complete start of the Oracle Fusion Applications environment, start the Oracle WebLogic Server domain for the Oracle Fusion Setup product family before starting the domains for other product families.

Applications may not work correctly until all the Managed Servers in all domains have been started.

The following sections describe steps for performing a complete start of the Oracle Fusion Applications environment. Start the Oracle Database

Before you can start the Oracle Database, Fusion Applications Database must be discovered in EM to be able to start it in EM.

To start the Oracle database instance using Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console:

  1. In the Cloud Control Console, go to Targets and then, Databases.

  2. Select a database instance.

    The summary page for that instance appears.

  3. Go to Oracle Database, select Control, and then select, Startup/Shutdown.

    The credentials page appears.

  4. Enter the appropriate credentials:

    1. Enter the host computer credentials of the user who installed Oracle Database, or of any user who is authorized to use SQL *Plus.

    2. Enter the database credentials consisting of the user name SYS and the password assigned to SYS during the installation.

    3. From the Connect As list, select SYSDBA.

  5. Click OK.

    A confirmation page appears.

  6. Click Yes.

    A message indicating that the database is being started displays. When startup is complete, the instance's summary page appears.

For information about shutting down and starting up the Oracle database instance, see section Shutting Down and Starting Up the Oracle Instance in the Oracle Database 2 Day DBA. Start the Oracle Identity Management Suite

Provisioning created the startall.sh script which is used to start all of the Oracle Identity Management components on a particular server.

To start everything in the correct order, run one of the following commands on the hosts listed, in the order in which they are listed:
  1. Before invoking the following script, set JAVA_HOME to JDK_HOME.

    JDK_HOME can be found at:
    • LDAPHOST - $IDMTOP/products/dir/jdk

    • IDMHOST - $IDMTOP/products/app/jdk

    • WEBHOST - $IDMTOP/products/ohs/jdk

  2. From UNIX, invoke the startall.sh script. If starting the services on a single host is required, execute the command on that host.

  3. Enter the Oracle WebLogic Server and Node Manager administrator passwords when prompted.

    This script will prompt for passwords for nodemanager admin and weblogic admin. To avoid the prompt, passwords can also be passed command line:
    ./startall.sh <nm password> <weblogic password>


    • IDMHOST1

    • IDMHOST2

    • WEBHOST1

    • WEBHOST2

    The script starts the servers in the following order:

  • LDAPHOST1: oid1

  • LDAPHOST2: oid2

  • IDMHOST1: nodemanager1, adminserver, wls_ods1, wls_oam1

  • IDMHOST2: nodemanager2, wls_ods2, wls_oam2

  • WEBHOST1: ohs1

  • WEBHOST2: ohs2 Start Node Manager

Each host has its own copy of Node Manager and all Node Managers should be running before attempting to start any Administration Servers or Managed Servers.

Start Node Manager for each of the hosts for which the Administration Servers will be started:

  1. Set the JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable:


    setenv JAVA_OPTIONS "${JAVA_OPTIONS} -Dserver.group=AdminServer"
  2. Set the WLST_PROPERTIES environment variable:


    setenv WLST_PROPERTIES "-Dweblogic.security.SSL.trustedCAKeyStore=APPLICATIONS_CONFIG/keystores/fusion_trust.jks"

    where APPLICATIONS_CONFIG is one of the following directories:


  3. (UNIX) Start Node Manager with the startNodeManagerWrapper utility from the following location:
  4. For all the hosts, verify that Node Manager is running.


    netstat –a|grep 5556

    The 5556 port should be in a listening state. If the environment uses a different port, then use the port number in the System Port Allocation page during the creation of a provisioning plan. See the System Port Allocation section in the Oracle Fusion Applications Installation Guide.

  5. To stop Node manager, follow one of the options below:
    • Close the command shell in which it is running. Alternatively, after having set the nodemanager.properties attribute QuitEnabled to true (the default is false).
    • Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) can be used to connect to the Node Manager and shut it down.

For more information, see the Node Manager Commands topic in the WLS Command and Variable Reference section in the WLST Command Reference for WebLogic Server. Start the Key Oracle Fusion Middleware Components on the Provisioned Environment

The steps below will start the Administration Servers, Managed Servers, Oracle HTTP Server, and Oracle Business Intelligence on the provisioned environment using the fastartstop utility.

For more fastartstop options, see Special Uses of the fastartstop Utility and Understand the fastartstop Utility and its Syntax.

  1. At an operating system command prompt, navigate to the location of the fastartstop script:



    FA_ORACLE_HOME is the Oracle Fusion Applications home located at:

  2. From the shared host location, run the fastartstop utility with the -all option for all the domains:
    fastartstop.sh/fastartstop.cmd -Start -all
    -startAdminServer true
    -username user_name
    -fa_oracle_home FA_ORACLE_HOME
    [-loglevel log_level]
    [-timeout timeout_period]

    For more information about the fastartstop syntax, see Table 2-1.

    Note: when using -start -all, it can be specified -startAdminServer -true. By default, fastartstop will start the Admin servers, start the Managed servers, then will auto-shut-down the Admin servers. -startAdminServer -true overrides this behavior. The -startAdminServer true override cannot be used with start -domain.

2.3 Stop the Entire Environment in Order

Follow these procedures when the Oracle Fusion Applications environment needs to be completely shut down. For example, when preparing to perform a complete backup of the environment, or apply a patch.

2.3.1 Stop the Key Oracle Fusion Middleware Components on the Provisioned Environment

To stop the Administration Servers, Managed Servers, Oracle HTTP Server, and Oracle Business Intelligence on the provisioned environment using the fastartstop utility:

  1. At an operating system command prompt, navigate to the location of the fastartstop script:



    FA_ORACLE_HOME is the Oracle Fusion Applications home located at:

  2. From the shared host location, run the fastartstop utility with the -all option for all the domains:
    fastartstop.sh/fastartstop.cmd -Stop -all
    -username user_name
    -fa_oracle_home FA_ORACLE_HOME
    [-loglevel log_level]
    [-timeout timeout_period]

    For more information about the fastartstop syntax, see Table 2-1.

2.3.2 Stop the Oracle Identity Management Suite

  1. Before invoking this script, set JAVA_HOME to JAVA_HOME.

  2. Run the stopall script to stop all Oracle Identity Management servers.

  • UNIX:

  • During execution it will be necessary to enter the Oracle WebLogic Server and Node Manager administrator passwords.

2.3.3 Stop the Oracle Database

To stop the Oracle database instance using Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Console:

  1. In the Cloud Control Console, click Targets, and then select Databases.

  2. Select a database instance.

    The summary page for that instance appears.

  3. Go to Oracle Database then, Control , and then Startup/Shutdown.

    The credentials page appears.

  4. Enter the appropriate credentials:

    1. Enter the host computer credentials of the user who installed Oracle Database, or of any user who is authorized to use SQL *Plus.

    2. Enter the database credentials consisting of the user name SYS and the password that you assigned to SYS during the installation.

    3. From the Connect As list, select SYSDBA.

  5. Click OK.

    A confirmation page appears.

  6. Click Yes.

    A message indicating that the database is being stopped displays. When the process is complete, the instance's summary page appears.

2.4 Special Uses of the fastartstop Utility

The fastartstop utility is also used to start or stop the following:

  • Administration Servers and Managed Servers

  • Oracle HTTP Server

  • Oracle Business Intelligence

  • Product family domains

  • Oracle WebLogic Server clusters in a product family

  • Oracle WebLogic Server clusters in a product family for a configuration change

2.4.1 Start Administration Servers and Managed Servers

When an Administration Server is started, the applications that run on the Administration Server, including the WebLogic Server Administration Console and Fusion Applications Control, are also started.

To start the Administration Servers and Managed Servers:

  1. At an operating system command prompt, navigate to the location of the fastartstop script:



    FA_ORACLE_HOME is a directory named applications, located under the fusionapps Oracle Fusion Applications Middleware home.

  2. From the shared host location, run the fastartstop utility to start the Administration Servers and the Managed Servers:
    • To start only Administration Servers, use the -adminServersOnly option. Use the -startAdminSever option to keep Admin Servers running after starting/stopping Managed Servers. Use the -all option to start the Administration Servers for all the domains or the -domains option to start the Administration Server for specific domains.

      fastartstop.sh/fastartstop.cmd -Start
      -all|-domains domain_name,domain_nameN,domain_nameN
      -username user_name
      -fa_oracle_home FA_ORACLE_HOME
      [-loglevel log_level]
      [-timeout timeout_period]
      fastartstop.sh/fastartstop.cmd -Start
      -all|-domains domain_name,domain_nameN,domain_nameN
      -username user_name
      -fa_oracle_home FA_ORACLE_HOME
      -startAdminServer true
      [-loglevel log_level]
      [-timeout timeout_period]
      fastartstop.sh/fastartstop.cmd -Start
      -all|-domains "domain_name(server:AdminServer),domain_name(server:AdminServer)"
      -username user_name
      -fa_oracle_home FA_ORACLE_HOME
      [-loglevel log_level]
      [-timeout timeout_period]

      When the server suboption is used, enclose the -domains argument in quotes (applicable only on UNIX platforms):

      -domains "domain_name(server:AdminServer),domain_name(server:AdminServer)"
    • To start only the Managed Servers, use the -domains option with the server suboption to specify the Managed Servers to start:

      fastartstop.sh/fastartstop.cmd -Start 
      -domains "domain_name(server:managed_server_name,server:managed_server_name),domain_name(server:managed_server_name,server:managed_server_name)"
      -username user_name
      -fa_oracle_home FA_ORACLE_HOME
      [-loglevel log_level]
      [-timeout timeout_period]

      When the server suboption is used, enclose the -domains argument in quotes (applicable only on UNIX platforms):

      -domains "domain_name(server:managed_server_name,server:managed_server_name),domain_name(server:managed_server_name,server:managed_server_name)"
    • To start the Administration Servers and Managed Servers in one fastartstop command, use the -domains option to specify the domains and the -startAdminServer true, or use the -domains option with the server:all suboption:

      fastartstop.sh/fastartstop.cmd -Start 
      -domains domain_name,domain_nameN,domain_nameN
      -username user_name
      -fa_oracle_home FA_ORACLE_HOME
      -startAdminServer true
      [-loglevel log_level]
      [-timeout timeout_period]
      fastartstop.sh/fastartstop.cmd -Start 
      -domains "domain_name(server:all),domain_name(server:all)"
      -username user_name
      -fa_oracle_home FA_ORACLE_HOME
      [-loglevel log_level]
      [-timeout timeout_period]

      When the server suboption is used, enclose the -domains argument in quotes (applicable only on UNIX platforms):

      -domains "domain_name(server:all),domain_name(server:all)"

    For more information about the fastartstop syntax, see Table 2-1.

Do not use the following Oracle WebLogic Server scripts to start the Administration Servers:

(UNIX) DOMAIN_HOME/bin/startWebLogic.sh       

2.4.2 Stop Administration Servers and Managed Servers

When the Administration Server is stopped, the applications that run on the Administration Server, including the WebLogic Server Administration Console and Fusion Applications Control, are also stopped.

To stop the Administration Servers and Managed Servers:

  1. At an operating system command prompt, navigate to the location of the fastartstop script:



    FA_ORACLE_HOME is a directory named applications, located under the fusionapps Oracle Fusion Applications Middleware home.

  2. From the shared host location, run the fastartstop utility to stop the Administration Servers and the Managed Servers:
    • To stop only Administration Servers, use the -adminServersOnly option. Use the -startAdminSever option to keep Admin Servers up after starting/stopping managed servers. Use the -all option to stop the Administration Servers for all the domains or the -domains option to stop the Administration Servers for specific domains.

      fastartstop.sh/fastartstop.cmd -Stop
      -all|-domains domain_name,domain_nameN,domain_nameN
      -username user_name
      -fa_oracle_home FA_ORACLE_HOME
      [-loglevel log_level]
      [-timeout timeout_period]
      fastartstop.sh/fastartstop.cmd -Stop
      -all|-domains domain_name,domain_nameN,domain_nameN
      -username user_name
      -fa_oracle_home FA_ORACLE_HOME
      -startAdminServer false
      [-loglevel log_level]
      [-timeout timeout_period]
      fastartstop.sh/fastartstop.cmd -Stop
      -all|-domains "domain_name(server:AdminServer),domain_name(server:AdminServer)"
      -username user_name
      -fa_oracle_home FA_ORACLE_HOME
      [-loglevel log_level]
      [-timeout timeout_period]

      When the server suboption is used, enclose the -domains argument in quotes (applicable only on UNIX platforms):

      -domains "domain_name(server:AdminServer),domain_name(server:AdminServer)"
    • To stop only the Managed Servers, use the -domains option with the server suboption to specify the Managed Servers to stop:

      fastartstop.sh/fastartstop.cmd -Stop 
      -domains "domain_name(server:managed_server_name,server:managed_server_name),domain_name(server:managed_server_name,server:managed_server_name)"
      -username user_name
      -fa_oracle_home FA_ORACLE_HOME
      [-loglevel log_level]
      [-timeout timeout_period]

      When the server suboption is used, enclose the -domains argument in quotes (applicable only on UNIX platforms):

      -domains "domain_name(server:managed_server_name,server:managed_server_name),domain_name(server:managed_server_name,server:managed_server_name)"
    • To stop the Administration Servers and Managed Servers in one fastartstop command, use the -domains option with the server:all suboption to stop the servers for specific domains.

      fastartstop.sh/fastartstop.cmd -Stop 
      -domains domain_name,domain_nameN,domain_nameN
      -username user_name
      -fa_oracle_home FA_ORACLE_HOME
      [-loglevel log_level]
      [-timeout timeout_period]
      fastartstop.sh/fastartstop.cmd -Stop 
      -domains "domain_name(server:all),domain_name(server:all)"
      -username user_name
      -fa_oracle_home FA_ORACLE_HOME
      [-loglevel log_level]
      [-timeout timeout_period]

    When the server suboption is used, enclose the -domains argument in quotes (applicable only on UNIX platforms):

    -domains "domain_name(server:all),domain_name(server:all)"

    For more information about the fastartstop syntax, see Table 2-1.

Do not use the following Oracle WebLogic Server scripts to stop the Administration Servers:



2.4.3 Start Oracle HTTP Server

To start Oracle HTTP Server:

  • fastartstop

    1. OPMN of the OHS instance must be running for fastartstop to start the OHS component.

      At an operating system command prompt, navigate to the location of the fastartstop script:



      FA_ORACLE_HOME is a directory named applications and located under the fusionapps directory of Oracle Fusion Applications Middleware home.

    2. From the shared host location, run the fastartstop utility with -componentType option:

      fastartstop.sh/fastartstop.cmd  -Start -componentType OHS -fa_oracle_home /APPTOP/fusionapps/applications/
      -fa_oracle_home FA_ORACLE_HOME
      [-loglevel log_level]
      [-timeout timeout_period]

      The -username option is not needed for starting Oracle HTTP Server.

      For more information about the fastartstop syntax, see Table 2-1.

  • opmnctl


    WT_CONFIG_HOME/bin/opmnctl startproc process-type=OHS
  • Fusion Applications Control:

    1. From the navigation pane, expand the farm and the Web Tier installation type.

    2. Select the Oracle HTTP Server.

    3. From the Oracle HTTP Server menu, choose Control, and then Start Up.

2.4.4 Stop Oracle HTTP Server

To stop Oracle HTTP Server:

  • fastartstop

    1. At an operating system command prompt, navigate to the location of the fastartstop script:



      FA_ORACLE_HOME is a directory named applications, located under the fusionapps Oracle Fusion Applications Middleware home.

    2. From the shared host location, run the fastartstop utility with -componentType option:

      fastartstop.sh/fastartstop.cmd -Stop -componentType OHS
      -fa_oracle_home FA_ORACLE_HOME
      [-loglevel log_level]
      [-timeout timeout_period]

      The -username option is not needed for stopping Oracle HTTP Server.

      For more information about the fastartstop syntax, see Table 2-1.

  • opmnctl


    WT_CONFIG_HOME/bin/opmnctl stopproc process-type=OHS
  • Fusion Applications Control:

    1. From the navigation pane, expand the farm and then the Web Tier installation type.

    2. Select the Oracle HTTP Server.

    3. From the Oracle HTTP Server menu, choose Control, and then Shut Down.

2.4.5 Start Oracle Business Intelligence

To start Oracle Business Intelligence:

  • fastartstop

    1. At an operating system command prompt, navigate to the location of the fastartstop script:



      FA_ORACLE_HOME is a directory named applications, located under the fusionapps Oracle Fusion Applications Middleware home.

    2. From the shared host location, run the fastartstop utility with the -componentType BI option:

      fastartstop.sh/fastartstop.cmd -componentType BI
      -fa_oracle_home FA_ORACLE_HOME
      [-loglevel log_level]
      [-timeout timeout_period]

      These options start the BIDomain, including the Administration Server and all the Managed Servers, as well as the following Oracle Business Intelligence components:

      • JavaHost

      • Oracle BI Presentation Server

      • Oracle BI Scheduler

      • Oracle BI Server

      For more information about the fastartstop syntax, see Table 2-1.

  • Other tools

    See Starting and Stopping Oracle Business Intelligence in the System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

2.4.6 Stop Oracle Business Intelligence

To stop Oracle Business Intelligence:

  • fastartstop

    1. At an operating system command prompt, navigate to the location of the fastartstop script:



      FA_ORACLE_HOME is a directory named applications, located under the fusionapps Oracle Fusion Applications Middleware home.

    2. From the shared host location, run the fastartstop utility with the -componentType BI option:

      fastartstop.sh/fastartstop.cmd -componentType BI
      -fa_oracle_home FA_ORACLE_HOME
      [-loglevel log_level]
      [-timeout timeout_period]

      These options stop the BIDomain, as well as the following Oracle Business Intelligence components:

      • JavaHost

      • Oracle BI Presentation Server

      • Oracle BI Scheduler

      • Oracle BI Server

      For more information about the fastartstop syntax, see Table 2-1.

  • Other tools

    See Starting and Stopping Oracle Business Intelligence in the System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

2.4.7 Stop an Oracle WebLogic Server Domain for a Product Family

When applying a patch that only applies to a product family, first stop the Oracle WebLogic Server domain for the product family. Restart the domain after applying the patch. Stop the Oracle HTTP Server

To stop the Oracle HTTP server, see Stop Oracle HTTP Server. Stop the Product Family Domain

When an Oracle WebLogic Server domain is stopped for a product family , all the applications on the cluster of Managed Servers in the domain are stopped. For example, the Oracle Enterprise Scheduler ESSAPP application and the SOA Infrastructure soa-infra application stop running.

To stop a product family domain, use the fastartstop utility with the -domains option.

fastartstop.sh/fastartstop.cmd -Stop
-domains domain_name,domain_nameN,domain_nameN
-username user_name
-fa_oracle_home FA_ORACLE_HOME
[-loglevel log_level]
[-timeout timeout_period]

For more information about the fastartstop syntax, see Table 2-1.

To stop a product family domain using Fusion Applications Control:

  1. From the navigation pane, expand the farm, then WebLogic Domain.
  2. Select the Oracle WebLogic Server domain.
  3. From the WebLogic Domain menu, choose Control, then Shut Down.

2.4.8 Start an Oracle WebLogic Server Domain for a Product Family

An Oracle WebLogic Server domain must be started for a product family after applying a patch. The environment may require a restart of a domain for reasons other than a patch. Start the Oracle HTTP Server

To start the Oracle HTTP server, see Start Oracle HTTP Server. Start the Product Family Domain

When an Oracle WebLogic Server domain is started for a product family, the cluster of Managed Servers in the domain and all the applications are started.

To start a product family domain, use the fastartstop utility with the -domains option.

fastartstop.sh/fastartstop.cmd -Start
-domains domain_name,domain_nameN,domain_nameN
-username user_name
-fa_oracle_home FA_ORACLE_HOME
[-loglevel log_level]
[-timeout timeout_period]

For more information about the fastartstop syntax, see Table 2-1.

To start a product family domain using Fusion Applications Control:

  1. From the navigation pane, expand the farm, then WebLogic Domain.
  2. Select the Oracle WebLogic Server domain.
  3. From the WebLogic Domain menu, choose Control, then Start Up.

2.4.9 Start and Stop an Oracle WebLogic Server Cluster in a Product Family for a Configuration Change

If the Oracle WebLogic Server configuration is modified, it is necessary to stop and restart the cluster for the configuration changes to take effect. Starting and stopping a cluster stops all the Managed Servers within that cluster. Start and Stop an Oracle WebLogic Server Cluster Using fastartstop

The fastartstop utility enables the user to start or stop a cluster in a product family domain.

To start the Oracle WebLogic Server cluster:

  1. At an operating system command prompt, navigate to the location of the fastartstop script:



    FA_ORACLE_HOME is a directory named applications and located under the fusionapps directory of Oracle Fusion Applications Middleware home.

  2. From the shared host location, run the fastartstop utility.

    From the shared host location, run the fastartstop utility with the -domains option with the server suboption to specify all the Managed Servers in the cluster to start:

    fastartstop.sh/fastartstop.cmd -Start 
    -domains "domain_name(server:managed_server_name,server:managed_server_name)"
    -username user_name
    -fa_oracle_home FA_ORACLE_HOME
    [-loglevel log_level]
    [-timeout timeout_period]

    When the server suboption is used, enclose the -domains argument in quotes (applicable only on UNIX platforms):

    -domains "domain_name(server:managed_server_name,server:managed_server_name)"

    For a SOA cluster, start all the Managed Servers in the cluster with the -domains option and the -clusters option.

    fastartstop.sh/fastartstop.cmd -Start 
    -domains domain_name,domain_nameN,domain_nameN
    -clusters SOACluster
    -username user_name
    -fa_oracle_home FA_ORACLE_HOME
    [-loglevel log_level]
    [-timeout timeout_period]

    For more information about the fastartstop syntax, see Table 2-1.

2.5 Understand the fastartstop Utility and its Syntax

The fastartstop script is installed with the Oracle Fusion Applications patching framework. After provisioning, the registry file for each product family is populated with Oracle WebLogic Server domain entries for all product families, including the Oracle Fusion Applications Common Domain in the Oracle Fusion Setup product family. Use this utility to start all the domains or a selected domain. When the fastartstop utility is used to start a domain, all the Managed Servers will be started and the Administration Server of the domain will be stopped after all the Managed Servers have been started. The fastartstop utility uses Node Manager to start and stop servers. fastartstop will fail if Node Manager is not already running.

While the utility starts and stops the domains, it does not start and stop Oracle Identity Management Suite and the Oracle Database. Therefore, these components must be started separately.

2.5.1 fastartstop Syntax

If the Oracle Fusion Applications patching framework is installed, the fastartstop utility is available from the following directories:



FA_ORACLE_HOME is the Oracle Fusion Applications home located at:



The fastartstop utility supports the following syntax:


fastartstop -Start|-Stop|-Bounce|-StartBIPS|-StopBIPS
-all |-domains domain_name,domain_nameN,domain_nameN
|-domains "domain_name(server:all,server:managed_server_
name|AdminServer)","domain_name(server:all,server:managed_server_name |AdminServer)"
|-componentType <OHS or BI or GOP or OSN> 
|-componentDomain <component's domain name>|-iasInstance instance_id|-iasComponent
 component_id|-processType component_type 
|BIPServerComponents <valid with StartBIPS and StopBIPS options> <deprecated, use 
-componentType instead> 
-username <username> 
-fa_oracle_home <FA OracleHome>
[-clusters Cluster_Name1,Cluster_Name2,Cluster_NameN] 
[-adminServersOnly|-startAdminServer <true or false>, default is false] 
[-includeServers <ENABLED or DISABLED or ALL>, default is ALL]
[-loglevel <log level>]
[-timeout <timeout period for server in seconds>]
[-mode <mode value>] 
[-runId <an identifier to uniquely identify the run>]

Sample command is as follows:

fastartstop.sh -Start -all -username FAAdmin -fa_oracle_home /scratch/aime/work/APPTOP/fusionapps/applications -clusters ESSCluster,UCMCluster

The following table describes the options for the fastartstop script.

Table 2-1 Options for the fastartstop Script

Options Description


Specify the operation to execute:

  • Use -Start to start Oracle WebLogic Servers and OPMN managed services

  • Use -Stop to stop Oracle WebLogic Servers and OPMN managed services

  • Use -Bounce to restart Oracle WebLogic Servers and OPMN managed services


Specify what to start, stop, or restart:

  • Use -all for all components in all the domains. Components that are started include the Administration Server, Managed Servers, and OPMN-based components like Oracle Business Intelligence and Oracle HTTP Server

  • Use -domains for Managed Servers and the Administration Server in specific domains. Delineate the domain names with a comma, (domain_name,domain_name); white space is not allowed in the domain name list. This option does not manage OPMN-based components Oracle Business Intelligence and Oracle HTTP Server

  • Use suboption server to specify the Administration Server or Managed Servers for the domains to be started, stopped, or bounced. When the server suboption is used, enclose the -domains argument in quotes (applicable only on UNIX platforms):

    -domains "domain_name(server:all,server:managed_server_name|AdminServer)"

    If the server suboption is used for one domain, use it for all domains. Example 2-21 shows a mix, which would generate an error.

  • Use -componentType OHS for Oracle HTTP Server

  • Use -componentType BI for Oracle Business Intelligence components

  • Use -componentType OSN for OSN components

  • Use -componentDomain as an alternative to start or stop the Oracle Process Manager and Notification (OPMN) component. Use the -iasInstance, -iasComponent, and -processType suboptions to completely specify a component

    – Use -iasInstance to specify the instance ID. Enter a value of CommonDomain_webtier for Oracle HTTP Server

    – Use -iasComponent to specify the component ID for the component. The value is ohs for Oracle HTTP Server

    – Use -processType to specify the component type. The valid value is OHS for Oracle HTTP Server

    -iasComponent is a child of -iasInstance. Therefore, it is not possible to issue a fastartstop command using -iasComponent without its hierarchical parent command. It is possible to use -iasInstance independent of -iasComponent commands

    For example, -componentDomain CommonDomain -iasInstance CommonDomain_webtier will act upon all components under the CommonDomain_webtier instance ID. Similarly, -componentDomain CommonDomain -iasInstance CommonDomain_webtier -iasComponent ohs1 will act upon all process types under ohs1 component ID. However, -componentDomain CommonDomain -iasComponent ohs1 will result in an error, as the hierarchy is not maintained. The component named ohs1 can be present under any instance, so the hierarchy must be maintained to ensure the correct Oracle HTTP Server.


Specify the WebLogic cluster name.

The -clusters option cannot be used in combination with the following options:

  • -domains with managed servers

  • -adminServersOnly

  • -componentType


Specify a user with Oracle Fusion Middleware administration user privileges.


Specify the complete directory path to the Oracle Fusion Applications Oracle home. This directory is located at:

(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_BASE/fusionapps/applications


Use to start, stop, or restart the Administration Servers only, leaving the Managed Servers untouched.

This option is mutually exclusive to the following options:

  • -startAdminServer

  • -clusters

  • server suboption of the -domains option

Do not include the -adminServersOnly option in the same fastartstop command as these options.

When used with Bounce, fastartstop performs a restart for Administration Servers. If some Administration Servers fail during the Bounce command, in next run, failed servers will be acted upon. The servers bounced successfully in the previous runs will be skipped in the next run.


Specify true to start the Administration Server; specify false to stop the Administration Server. The default is false.

This option is mutually exclusive to the following options:

  • -adminServersOnly

  • server suboption of the -domains option

Do not include the -startAdminServer option in the same fastartstop command as these options.


Specify to display the syntax.


Specify the log level for the fastartstop.log file:

  • INFO: Provides informational messages

  • FINER: Provides detailed log messages

  • WARNING: Provides messages for potential problems

INFO is the default.


Specify the number of seconds to wait for the start, stop, or restart the domain or a server. When all the servers in the domain are started in parallel, the timeout is associated with the domain. When individual Administration Severs or Managed Severs are started instead of a domain, the timeout is associated with the server.

The default timeout is 40 minutes. In addition, this option has a minimum guard value of 12 minutes. If the user provides a value less than 12 minutes, then guard value will be used instead.


Specify the mode value with which the fastartstop script will be run. The <mode-value>_fass_control.properties file is located in the following directory (<mode-value> is any name):

(UNIX) <FA INSTANCE>/lcm/admin/FAStartStop

The mode values supported by default are:

  • saas

  • rup

By default, the following files will be available at the directory specified above:

  • saas_fass_control.properties

  • rup_fass_control.properties

The fastartstop utility requests a password for the user with Oracle Fusion Middleware administrator privileges specified by the -username argument. If this argument is passed to the fastarstop utility on the standard input, the utility will not prompt.

The fastartstop utility generates fastartstop.log in the following subdirectories:

(UNIX) APPLTOP/instance/lcm/logs/

FA_ORACLE_HOME is the Oracle Fusion Applications home located at:

(UNIX) APPLICATIONS_BASE/fusionapps/applications fastartstop: "Start" Syntax Examples

The following example shows starting the Administration Server and all the Managed Servers in the SCMDomain domain.

Example 2-1 Syntax Sample to Start the Administration Server and All Managed Servers in a Single Domain

./fastartstop.sh -Start -domains "SCMDomain(server:all)" -username FAAdmin -fa_oracle_home /scratch/aime/work/APPTOP/fusionapps/applications -loglevel FINER

The following example shows starting the Administration Server and the soa_server1 Managed Server in the SCMDomain domain.

Example 2-2 Syntax to Start the Administration Server and Another Managed Server in a Single Domain

./fastartstop.sh -Start -domains "SCMDomain(server:AdminServer,server:soa_server1)" -username FAAdmin -fa_oracle_home /scratch/aime/work/APPTOP/fusionapps/applications -loglevel FINER

The following example shows starting Managed Servers soa_server1 and AdvancedPlanningServer_1 in the SCMDomain domain.

Example 2-3 Syntax to Start Multiple Managed Servers in a Single Domain

./fastartstop.sh -Start -domains "SCMDomain(server:soa_server1,server:AdvancedPlanningServer_1)" -username FAAdmin -fa_oracle_home /scratch/aime/work/APPTOP/fusionapps/applications -loglevel FINER

The following example shows starting Managed Servers soa_server1 and AdvancedPlanningServer_1 in the SCMDomain domain and soa_server from the HCMDomain domain.

Example 2-4 Syntax to Start Multiple Managed Servers in Multiple Domains

./fastartstop.sh -Start -domains "SCMDomain(server:soa_server1,server:AdvancedPlanningServer_1),HCMDomain(server:soa_server)"  -username FAAdmin -fa_oracle_home /scratch/aime/work/APPTOP/fusionapps/applications -loglevel FINER

The following example shows starting all the Managed Servers and the Administration Server in the HCMDomain domain.

Example 2-5 Syntax to Start the Managed Servers and Administration Server in the SOA Cluster of a Single Domain

fastartstop.sh -Start -all -username FAAdmin -fa_oracle_home /scratch/aime/work/APPTOP/fusionapps/applications -clusters ESSCluster,UCMCluster

The following example shows starting the CommonDomain domain. Starting a domain includes starting its Administration Server followed by the Managed Servers. When all the Managed Servers are up, the Administration Server is stopped. If you want the Administration Server to continue to run, use -startAdminServer true, as shown in the previous example. This command does not start OPMN-based components Oracle Business Intelligence and Oracle HTTP Server.

Example 2-6 Syntax to Start a Specific Domain

./fastartstop.sh -Start -domains CommonDomain -username FUSION_APPS_PROV_PATCH_APPID -fa_oracle_home /slot/ems7770/oracle/apphome/fusionapps/applications 

The following example shows starting all the domains. Starting a domain includes starting its Administration Server followed by the Managed Servers. When all the Managed Servers are up, the Administration Server is stopped. If you want the Administration Servers to continue to run, use -startAdminServer true, as shown in the next example. The -all option also starts OPMN-based components Oracle Business Intelligence and Oracle HTTP Server.

Example 2-7 Syntax to Start All Domains

./fastartstop.sh -Start -all -username FUSION_APPS_PROV_PATCH_APPID -fa_oracle_home /slot/ems7770/oracle/apphome/fusionapps/applications 

The following example shows starting multiple domains. Starting domains starts all the Managed Servers and Administration Server for each product family domain.

Example 2-8 Syntax to Start Multiple Domains

./fastartstop.sh -Start -domains HCMDomain,BIDomain,ProjectsDomain -username FUSION_APPS_PROV_PATCH_APPID -fa_oracle_home /scratch/aime/V1HCM/APPTOP/fusionapps/applications -startAdminServer true -clusters soa fastartstop: "Stop" Syntax Examples

The following example shows stopping the Administration Server and all the Managed Servers in the SCMDomain domain.

Example 2-9 Syntax to Stop the Administration Server and All Managed Servers in a Single Domain

./fastartstop.sh -Stop -domains "SCMDomain(server:all)" -username FAAdmin -fa_oracle_home /scratch/aime/work/APPTOP/fusionapps/applications -loglevel FINER

The following example shows stopping Managed Servers soa_server1 and AdvancedPlanningServer_1 in the SCMDomain domain.

Example 2-10 Syntax to Stop Multiple Managed Servers in a Single Domain

./fastartstop.sh - Stop -domains "SCMDomain(server:soa_server1,server:AdvancedPlanningServer_1)" -username FAAdmin -fa_oracle_home /scratch/aime/work/APPTOP/fusionapps/applications -loglevel FINER

The following example shows stopping Managed Servers soa_server1 and AdvancedPlanningServer_1 in the SCMDomain domain and soa_server in the HCMDomain domain.

Example 2-11 Syntax to Stop Multiple Managed Servers in Multiple Domains

./fastartstop.sh - Stop -domains "SCMDomain(server:soa_server1,server:AdvancedPlanningServer_1),HCMDomain(server:soa_server)" -username FAAdmin -fa_oracle_home /scratch/aime/work/APPTOP/fusionapps/applications -loglevel FINER

The following example shows stopping the CommonDomain domain. Stopping a domain stops its Managed Servers and Administration Server.

Example 2-12 Syntax to Stop a Specific Domain

./fastartstop.sh -Stop -domains CommonDomain -username FUSION_APPS_PROV_PATCH_APPID -fa_oracle_home /slot/ems7770/oracle/apphome/fusionapps/applications 

The following example shows stopping all the product family domains. Stopping all the domains stops the Managed Servers, Administration Server, and the OPMN-based components Oracle Business Intelligence and Oracle HTTP Server for each domain.

Example 2-13 Syntax to Stop All Domains

./fastartstop.sh -Stop -all -username FUSION_APPS_PROV_PATCH_APPID -fa_oracle_home /slot/ems7770/oracle/apphome/fusionapps/applications 

The following example shows stopping multiple domains. Stopping domains stops all the Managed Servers and Administration Server for each product family domain.

Example 2-14 Syntax to Stop Multiple Domains

./fastartstop.sh -Stop -domains HCMDomain,BIDomain,ProjectsDomain -username FUSION_APPS_PROV_PATCH_APPID -fa_oracle_home /scratch/aime/V1HCM/APPTOP/fusionapps/applications -startAdminServer true -clusters soa fastartstop: "Bounce" Examples

The following examples show restarting the Administration Server and all the Managed Servers in the SCMDomain domain.

Example 2-15 Syntax to Bounce the Administration Server and All Managed Servers in a Single Domain

./fastartstop.sh -Bounce -domains "SCMDomain(server:all)" -username FAAdmin -fa_oracle_home /scratch/aime/work/APPTOP/fusionapps/applications -loglevel FINER

The following example shows restarting Managed Servers soa_server1 and AdvancedPlanningServer_1 in the SCMDomain domain.

Example 2-16 Syntax to Bounce Multiple Managed Servers in a Single Domain

./fastartstop.sh - Bounce -domains "SCMDomain(server:soa_server1,server:AdvancedPlanningServer_1)" -username FAAdmin -fa_oracle_home /scratch/aime/work/APPTOP/fusionapps/applications -loglevel FINER

The following example shows restarting Managed Servers soa_server1 and AdvancedPlanningServer_1 in the SCMDomain domain and soa_server in the HCMDomain domain.

Example 2-17 Syntax to Bounce Multiple Managed Servers in Multiple Domains

./fastartstop.sh - Bounce -domains "SCMDomain(server:soa_server1,server:AdvancedPlanningServer_1),HCMDomain(server:soa_server)"  -username FAAdmin -fa_oracle_home /scratch/aime/work/APPTOP/fusionapps/applications -loglevel FINER

The following example shows restarting the CommonDomain domain. Restarting a domain restarts the Managed Servers and Administration Server in the domain.

Example 2-18 Syntax to Bounce a Specific Domain

./fastartstop.sh -Bounce -domains CommonDomain -username FUSION_APPS_PROV_PATCH_APPID -fa_oracle_home /slot/ems7770/oracle/apphome/fusionapps/applications fastartstop: Other Syntax Examples

The following are additional examples of fastartstop syntax.

Using the adminServersOnly option:

Example 2-19 Syntax to Restart all the Administration Servers

./fastartstop.sh -Bounce -all  -username FAAdmin -fa_oracle_home /scratch/aime/work/APPTOP/fusionapps/applications -loglevel FINER -adminServersOnly

Using combination commands:

If the server suboption is set to all and another Managed Server or Administration Server with the -domain option, all will take precedence and the start, stop, or restart operation will occur on all servers.

Example 2-20 Syntax with Contradicting server Suboption Settings

./fastartstop.sh -Bounce -domains "SCMDomain(server:all,server:soa_server1)" -username FAAdmin -fa_oracle_home /scratch/aime/work/APPTOP/fusionapps/applications -loglevel FINER

If you use the server suboption for one domain, you must use it for all domains. In addition, you cannot use the server suboption with the -adminServersOnly option. The following example shows server:all for the SCMDomain domain, but not for the HCMDomain domain. It also shows the -adminServersOnly option in combination with the server suboption. This syntax would generate an error.

Example 2-21 Syntax with server Suboption Settings Not Consistently Used

./fastartstop.sh -Start|Stop|Bounce -domains "SCMDomain(server:all),HCMDomain" -username FAAdmin -fa_oracle_home /scratch/aime/work/APPTOP/fusionapps/applications -loglevel FINER -adminServersOnly

If the server suboption of the -domains option is used, the following options cannot be used:

  • -startAdminServer

  • -clusters

  • -adminServersOnly

The following example shows incorrect combinations of these commands. If these examples are entered, you would see error messages.

Example 2-22 Sample Syntax with Contradicting server Suboption Settings

./fastartstop.sh -Start|Stop|Bounce -domains "SCMDomain(server:all)" -username FAAdmin -fa_oracle_home /scratch/aime/work/APPTOP/fusionapps/applications -loglevel FINER -clusters SOA

./fastartstop.sh -Start|Stop|Bounce -domains "SCMDomain(server:all)" -username FAAdmin -fa_oracle_home /scratch/aime/work/APPTOP/fusionapps/applications -loglevel FINER -startAdminServer true

./fastartstop.sh -Start|Stop|Bounce -domains "SCMDomain(server:all)" -username FAAdmin -fa_oracle_home /scratch/aime/work/APPTOP/fusionapps/applications -loglevel FINER -adminServersOnly

./fastartstop.sh -Start|Stop|Bounce -domains "SCMDomain(server:all),HCMDomain" -username FAAdmin -fa_oracle_home /scratch/aime/work/APPTOP/fusionapps/applications -loglevel FINER -adminServersOnly