
此範例對映指令碼可評估帳戶和實體欄以及對目標欄指派值。它還顯示如何使用 fdmResult 對映來更新目前列的其他欄:

# Sample Jython Mapping Script. Script evaluates account and entity
# columns and assign value for the target column. In addition it 
# also shows how to update the other columns of current row using
account = fdmRow.getString("ACCOUNT")
entity = fdmRow.getString("UD1")
# Map based on account and dept column values
fdmResultMap["ATTR1"] = account + "-" + entity
if (account[0:2] == "71"):
  fdmResult = "7110"
elif (account[0:2] == "72"):
  fdmResult = "7210"
elif (account[0:2] == "77" and entity == "205"):
  fdmResult = "7710"
  fdmResultMap["AMOUNTX"] = 0
  fdmResult = "7310"
此指令碼範例使用 SQL CASE 陳述式,根據條件處理目標欄的指派值。
# Sample SQL script. Script uses SQL CASE statement to conditionally
# process assign value for the target column. 
    WHEN ACCOUNT LIKE '61%'    AND ud1 = '205'    THEN '6110'
    WHEN ACCOUNT LIKE '61%'    AND ud1 = '240'    THEN '6120'
    ELSE '6130'