2.4 Registering Storage Providers with Oracle Big Data Manager

You must register storage providers with Oracle Big Data Manager to be able to see and use them in the console.

To register a new provider:

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Big Data Manager console as the bigdatamgr user, or as another user with administrator privileges.
  2. Click Administration at the top of the page to open the Administration page.
  3. Click Storages on the left of the page to show a list of registered storage providers.
  4. Click the Register new storage button.
  5. On the General page of the Register New Storage wizard, enter a name and description for the provider, select the storage type, and then click Next.
  6. On the Storage Details page, provide details for accessing the provider.
  7. On the Access page, specify which users can access this storage from within Oracle Big Data Manager. To add a user or user, select the name(s) in the left panel and click one of the arrows in the center, or drag the selected names(s) to the right panel.
  8. Review the details on the Confirmation page and click the Register button.