7 Configuring an Oracle Big Data Appliance Full Rack or Starter Rack

This chapter describes how to configure the system, accounts, and software for an Oracle Big Data Appliance full rack or starter rack.

This chapter contains the following sections:


  • Oracle recommends that you have the bda-install-preview.html file available while completing these procedures. See "About the Configuration Files."

  • Oracle recommends that an Oracle field engineer performs the configuration steps described in this chapter.

7.1 Configuring the KVM Switch

A KVM switch is provided only in Oracle Big Data Appliance racks with Sun Fire X4270 M2 servers.

The KVM configuration consists of these procedures:

7.1.1 Starting the KVM Switch

To start the KVM switch:

  1. Ensure that all connected components are powered off.

  2. Pull the KVM tray out from the front of the rack, and open it using the handle.

  3. Touch the touch pad.

  4. Toggle between the host and KVM interface by pressing the Ctrl key on the left side twice, similar to double-clicking with a mouse. You see the main user interface page.

  5. In the navigator on the left, select Target Devices under Unit View. In the main display area, verify that 18 target devices are listed with Action set to KVM Session.

    The sessions are numbered from the bottom of the rack to the top.

  6. If 18 sessions are not shown:

    1. In the navigator under Appliances, expand Ports, and then select IQ Adaptors.

    2. In the main display area, choose the Port table heading to sort the sessions by port number.

    3. Note any missing sessions, so that you can fix them later.

    4. In the navigator, choose Target Devices to return to the Target Devices page.

7.1.2 Connecting the KVM Switch to the Management Network

To connect the KVM switch to the management network:

  1. In the navigator under User Accounts, select Local.
  2. Under Users, choose Admin.
  3. Set the password for the Admin account to welcome1, and then choose Save. Do not modify any other parameters.
  4. Under Appliance Settings, expand Network, and then choose IPv4. The Network Information page appears.
  5. Enter values for Address, Subnet, and Gateway, and then choose Save.
  6. Under Appliance Settings, choose DNS to display the DNS Information page.
  7. Enter the IP addresses of the DNS servers, and then choose Save.
  8. Under Network, choose General to display the Appliance General Network Settings page.
  9. Connect the KVM LAN1 Ethernet port to the management network.
  10. To verify that the port has been configured correctly, ensure that the Media Access Control (MAC) address on the Network Settings page matches the label next to the LAN1/LAN2 ports at the rear of the KVM switch.
  11. Under Users, select Overview to display the Unit Maintenance page.
  12. Enter a name for the KVM switch, and then choose Save.
  13. To restart the KVM switch, choose Reboot under Overview and Yes to confirm.

7.1.3 Checking the KVM Firmware Version

You may need to upgrade the KVM firmware to the recommended version.

To check the KVM firmware version:

  1. In the navigator under Appliance Settings, select Versions. There are two version numbers, Application and Boot. Compare the displayed versions with these recommended versions:

    • Application:

    • Boot: 1.9.16473

    If the application firmware version is earlier than 1.10.2, then you should upgrade it. To upgrade the firmware, continue with this procedure. Otherwise, you are done.

  2. Download the firmware from this website to a USB flash drive:


  3. Plug the flash drive into the KVM USB port and open a browser session.

  4. Log in to the KVM as Admin with password welcome1.

  5. Under Appliance, select Overview.

  6. From the Tools list, select Upgrade Firmware.

  7. Select the connection method, such as FTP or HTTP.

  8. Enter the file name of the downloaded firmware.

  9. Click Upgrade.

    The upgrade process takes 5 to10 minutes, including an automatic restart.

  10. Confirm the firmware version by selecting Versions under Appliance Settings.

7.1.4 Configuring the KVM Switch to Access the Servers

To configure the KVM switch to access the servers:

  1. Under Unit View, select Target Devices to display the Target Devices page.
  2. Start up the server. The power button is on the front panel.
  3. Click the server name in the Name column to display the Unit Overview page.
  4. Click Overview and overwrite the name with the Oracle standard naming format of customer prefix, node type, and number. For example, bda1node03 identifies the third server from the bottom of the bda1 rack.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Repeat Steps 2 through 5 for each server in the rack. Each server boots through BIOS, and boots the operating system with the default factory IP configuration.

7.1.5 Accessing a Server by Using the KVM Switch

To access a server by using the KVM switch:

  1. Under Unit View, select Target Devices to display the Target Devices page.
  2. Click the system name in the Name column.
  3. Click KVM Session to open a session with the server.

7.2 Configuring the Cisco Ethernet Switch

The Cisco Catalyst 4948 Ethernet switch supplied with Oracle Big Data Appliance has IPBASEK9-MZ firmware. The switch is minimally configured during installation. These procedures configure the Cisco Ethernet switch into one large virtual LAN.

The Cisco Ethernet switch configuration consists of these topics and procedures:

7.2.1 Scope of the Configuration

This configuration disables IP routing and sets the following:

  • Host name

  • IP address

  • Subnet mask

  • Default gateway

  • Domain name

  • Name server

  • NTP server

  • Time

  • Time zone

7.2.2 Prerequisites for Configuring the Ethernet Switch

To avoid disrupting the customer network, observe these prerequisites:

  • Do not connect the Cisco Ethernet switch until the network administrator has verified the running configuration and made any necessary changes.

  • Do not connect the Cisco Ethernet switch to the customer network until the IP addresses on all components have been configured in Oracle Big Data Appliance. This sequence prevents any duplicate IP address conflicts, which are possible due to the default addresses set in the components when shipped.

  • Configure the Cisco Ethernet switch with the network administrator.

7.2.3 Configuring the Ethernet Switch on the Customer Network

To configure the Ethernet switch on the customer network:

  1. Connect a serial cable from the Cisco switch console to a laptop or similar device. An RJ45 to DB9 serial cable is included with the Cisco documentation package.

    The status lights turn on and this message is displayed:

    Switch con0 is now available
    Press RETURN to get started.
  2. If the Ethernet switch displays status lights and a welcome message, then continue. If it does not, then go to "Correcting the Autoboot Settings."

  3. Ensure that the terminal session is recorded on the laptop by logging the output. You can use the output as a record that the switch has been configured correctly. The default serial port speed is 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no handshake.

  4. Change to enable mode using the following command. The default password is welcome1.

    Switch> enable
  5. Configure the network for a single VLAN. The following is an example of the configuration:

    Switch# configure terminal
    Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
    Switch(config)# interface vlan 1
    Switch(config-if)# ip address
    Switch(config-if)# end
    Switch# *Jan 23 15:54:00.506: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I:Configured from console by console
    Switch# write memory
    Building configuration...
    Compressed configuration from 2474 bytes to 1066 bytes [OK ]
  6. If the network does not require IP routing on the switch, then disable the default IP routing setting and configure the default gateway. This method is preferred. Consult the network administrator if in doubt.

    Switch# configure terminal
    Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
    Switch(config)# no ip routing
    Switch(config)# ip default-gateway
    Switch(config)# end 
    *Jan 23 15:54:00.506: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I:Configured from console by console
    Switch# write memory
    Building configuration...
    Compressed configuration from 3600 bytes to 1305 bytes[OK]]
  7. If the network requires IP routing on the switch, and then keep the default IP routing setting and configure the default gateway as follows:

    Switch# configure terminal
    Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
    Switch(config)# ip route
    Switch(config)# end
    *Jan 23 15:55:02.506: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I:Configured from console by console
    Switch# write memory
    Building configuration...
    Compressed configuration from 2502 bytes to 1085 bytes [OK ]
  8. Set the host name of the switch to the name specified in the installation preview. This example uses the name bda1sw-ip.

    Switch# configure terminal
    Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
    Switch(config)# hostname bda1sw-ip
    bda1sw-ip(config)# end
    *Jan 23 15:57:50.886: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
    bda1sw-ip# write memory
    Building configuration...
    Compressed configuration from 3604 bytes to 1308 bytes[OK]

    The system host name appears in the prompt.

  9. Configure up to three DNS servers, using the IP addresses specified in the installation preview instead of the examples shown here. If no DNS service is available, then set the domain name anyway, so that the SSH keys are configurable.

    bda1sw-ip# configure terminal
    Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
    bda1sw-ip(config)# ip domain-name mydomain.com
    bda1sw-ip(config)# ip name-server
    bda1sw-ip(config)# ip name-server
    bda1sw-ip(config)# ip name-server
    bda1sw-ip(config)# end
    *Sep 15 14:26:37.045: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
    bda1sw-ip# write memory
    Building configuration...
    Compressed configuration from 2603 bytes to 1158 bytes[OK]

Correcting the Autoboot Settings

If the Cisco Ethernet switch does not display any link or status lights, then the incorrect autoboot settings may prevent it from starting. If the serial console port shows the rommon prompt, then complete the following procedure.

Correcting the autoboot settings of the Cisco switch:

  1. Verify that the IPBASE and IPBASEK9 firmware reboot files are available:

    rommon 1 >dir bootflash:
    File Size (Bytes) File Name
    25213107 cat4500e-ipbase-mz.150-2.SG2.bin
    32288280 cat4500e-ipbasek9-mz.151-1.SG.bin
    Total space = 128165888 bytes, Available = 60643328 bytes
  2. Restart the switch manually using the default image:

    rommon 2 >boot
    Rommon reg: 0x00004780
    Reset2Reg: 0x00009EFF
    Fortooine controller 0x0B5A753B..0x0B70B6CD original
    diagsk5 version 5.0.1
  3. Press Enter to get the Switch prompt.

  4. Enter enable mode. Enter welcome1 for the password or just press Enter:

    Password: welcome1
  5. Verify that the boot variable is not set:

    Switch# show bootvar
    BOOT variable =
    CONFIG_FILE variable does not exist
    BOOTLDR variable does not exist
    Configuration register is 0x2102
  6. Verify that IPBASEK9 is available in the boot file system:

    Switch# dir bootflash:
    Directory of bootflash:/
    6 -rw- 25213107 Dec 3 2012 17:27:38 +00:00 cat4500eipbase-mz.150-2.SG2.bin
    7 -rw- 32288280 Apr 1 2013 11:41:54 +00:00 cat4500eipbasek9-mz.151-1.SG.bin
    128165888 bytes total (60643328 bytes free)
  7. If IPBASEK9 is not listed in the bootflash directory, then you must install it before continuing. See My Oracle Support Document ID 1415044.1.

  8. Set the BOOT variable as shown in this example:

    Switch# config term
    Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
    Switch(config)# config-register 0x2102
    Switch(config)# no boot system
    Switch(config)# boot system bootflash:cat4500e-ipbasek9-mz.151-1.SG.bin
    Switch(config)# end
  9. Verify the new BOOT setting:

    Switch# show running-config | include boot
    boot system bootflash:cat4500e-ipbasek9-mz.151-1.SG.bin
  10. Save the changes to the startup configuration:

    Switch# copy running-config startup-config all
    Destination filename [startup-config]? Enter
    Switch# write memory
    Building configuration...
    Compressed configuration from 3628 bytes to 1281 bytes[OK]
  11. Reload the firmware.

    Switch# reload
    Proceed with reload? [confirm] y
    *Apr 24 09:31:32.887: %SYS-5-RELOAD: Reload requested by console. Reload reason: Reload command

    The switch automatically restarts and then continues the reload process.

7.2.4 Setting Up Telnet Access on the Ethernet Switch

Oracle Big Data Appliance ships with a version of the Cisco Ethernet switch software that supports both telnet and SSH. Telnet access is optional. The following procedure describes how to enable and disable remote telnet access.


Telnet access is not secure.

To set up telnet access to the Ethernet switch:

  1. Set the password for telnet access if necessary; it should already be set when you receive Oracle Big Data Appliance.

    bda1sw-ip# configure terminal
    Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
    bda1sw-ip(config)# enable password welcome1
    bda1sw-ip(config)# enable secret welcome1 
    The enable secret you have chosen is the same as your enable password.
    This is not recommended. Re-enter the enable secret.
    bda1sw-ip(config)# end
    bda1sw-ip# write memory 
    *Jan 23 15:57:50.886: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I:Configured from console by console
    Building configuration...
    Compressed configuration from 2502 bytes to 1085 bytes [OK ]
  2. Set up telnet access. In this example, the first login output shows that the password is not set and telnet access is disabled. If the login command returns nothing, then the password is set and telnet access is available.

    Switch# configure terminal
    Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
    bda1sw-ip(config)# line vty 0 15
    bda1sw-ip(config-line)# login
    %Login disabled on line 1,until 'password' is set
    %Login disabled on line 2,until 'password' is set
    %Login disabled on line 3,until 'password' is set
    bda1sw-ip(config-line)# password welcome1
    bda1sw-ip(config-line)# login
    bda1sw-ip(config-line)# end
    bda1sw-ip# write memory
    *Jan 23 15:58:53.630: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
    Building configuration...
    Compressed configuration from 3604 bytes to 1308 bytes[OK]
  3. To disable telnet access and prevent remote access, follow this example:

    Switch# configure terminal
    Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
    bda1sw-ip(config)# line vty 0 15
    bda1sw-ip(config-line)# no password
    bda1sw-ip(config-line)# login
    %Login disabled on line 1, until 'password' is set
    %Login disabled on line 2, until 'password' is set
    %Login disabled on line 3, until 'password' is set
    bda1sw-ip(config-line)# end
    bda1sw-ip# write memory
    *Jan 23 15:58:53.630: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
    Building configuration...
    Compressed configuration from 3786 bytes to 1468 bytes[OK]

7.2.5 Configuring SSH on the Ethernet Switch

The current firmware supports remote connections using SSH. To set up SSH on the Cisco Ethernet switch, follow this example:

bda1sw-ip# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
bda1sw-ip(config)# crypto key generate rsa
% You already have RSA keys defined named bda1sw-ip.mydomain.com.
% Do you really want to replace them? [yes/no]: yes
Choose the size of the key modulus in the range of 360 to 2048 for
your General Purpose Keys. Choosing a key modulus greater than 512
may take a few minutes.
How many bits in the modulus [512]: 768
% Generating 768 bit RSA keys, keys will be non-exportable...[OK]
bda1sw-ip(config)# username admin password 0 welcome1
bda1sw-ip(config)# line vty 0 15
bda1sw-ip(config-line)# transport input ssh
bda1sw-ip(config-line)# exit
bda1sw-ip(config)# aaa new-model
bda1sw-ip(config)# ip ssh time-out 60
bda1sw-ip(config)# ip ssh authentication-retries 3
Oracle Internal and Approved Partners Only Page 11 of 47 V 1.0 Created: 21. Dec. 2012
Task Comment Check
bda1sw-ip(config)# ip ssh version 2
bda1sw-ip(config)# end
*Sep 15 14:26:37.045: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
bda1sw-ip# write memory
Building configuration...
Compressed configuration from 2603 bytes to 1158 bytes[OK]

7.2.6 Setting the Clock and Time Zone on the Ethernet Switch

The Cisco Ethernet switch keeps internal time in coordinated universal time (UTC) format.

To set the local time and time zone, ordering is important. The following is an example of setting the local time to the U.S. Eastern time zone:

bda1sw-ip# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
bda1sw-ip(config)# clock timezone EST -5
bda1sw-ip(config)# clock summer-time EDT recurring
bda1sw-ip(config)# end
bda1sw-ip# clock set 15:00:00 January 23 2012
bda1sw-ip# write memory
Building configuration...
Compressed configuration from 3778 bytes to 1433 bytes[OK]
bda1sw-ip# show clock
15:00:18.819 EST Mon Jan 23 2012

Clock Commands

The following are descriptions of the commands for setting the clock and time zone:

  • To use UTC, enter this command:

    no clock timezone global configuration
  • To use a time zone:

    clock timezone zone hours-offset [minutes-offset]

    In this command, zone is the time zone to display when standard time is in effect, hours-offset is the hours offset from UTC, and minutes-offset is the minutes offset from UTC.

  • To set summer time hours:

    clock summer-time zone recurring [week day month hh:mm week day month \
    hh:mm [offset]]

    In this command, zone is the time zone to be displayed when summer time (daylight savings time) is in effect, week is the week of the month (1 to 5 or last), day is the day of the week, month is the month, hh:mm is the time in 24-hour format, and offset is the number of minutes to add during summer time. The default offset is 60 minutes. Summer time is disabled by default.

  • To manually set the clock to any time:

    clock set hh:mm:ss month day year

    In this command, hh:mm:ss is the hour, month, and second in 24-hour format, day is the day of the month, month is the month, and year is the year. The time specified is relative to the configured time zone.

See Also:

Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Command Reference at


7.2.7 Configuring the NTP Servers for the Ethernet Switch

Configure up to two NTP servers. Use IP addresses instead of names, which fail when the switch is not connected to the network. If you must use names, then configure the NTP servers after the switch is connected to the network and DNS is resolving names correctly.

The following example shows the NTP server synchronized to local time when the Cisco switch is connected to the network and has access to NTP.

bda1sw-ip# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
bda1sw-ip(config)# ntp server prefer
bda1sw-ip(config)# ntp server
bda1sw-ip(config)# end
Jan 23 20:00:41.235: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I:Configured from console by console
bda1sw-ip# write memory
Building configuration...
Compressed configuration from 3870 bytes to 1487 bytes [OK ]
bda1sw-ip# show ntp status
output varies by network
bda1sw-ip# show clock
15:00:57.919 EST Mon Jan 23 2012

A symbol may precede the output of the show clock command:

  • * (star): The time is not authoritative.
  • . (dot) The time is authoritative, but NTP is not synchronized.
  • (blank) The time is authoritative, as shown in the example.

7.2.8 Disabling the Spanning Tree

By default, spanning tree is enabled on Cisco switches, but it is disabled in the factory on all the server connection ports 1 to 47.

Adding a switch with spanning tree enabled can cause problems on networks where it is disabled intentionally. As a precaution, disable spanning tree on the uplink port's VLAN before connecting to the customer network.

If spanning tree must be turned on before or after the connection, then the network administrator can specify the appropriate protocol settings, as described in the Cisco switch configuration documentation.

To disable the spanning tree:

  1. If the port must be disabled, then enter these commands:

    bda1sw-ip# configure terminal
    Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
    Switch(config)# no spanning-tree vlan 1
    Switch(config)# end
    Jan 23 20:01:15.083: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
    bda1sw-ip# write memory
    Building configuration...
    Compressed configuration from 2654 bytes to 1163 bytes[OK]
  2. To verify the disabling of the spanning tree:

    bda1sw-ip# show spanning-tree vlan 1
    Spanning tree instance(s) for vlan 1 does not exist.
  3. To re-enable the default protocol settings, if necessary:

    Switch# configure terminal
    Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
    Switch(config)# spanning-tree vlan 1
    Switch(config)# end
    Switch# write memory

7.2.9 Verifying the Ethernet Configuration

To verify the Cisco Ethernet switch configuration:

  1. Verify the configuration by entering the following command:
    bda1sw-ip# show running-config

    The following is an example of the output:

    Building configuration...
    Current configuration :2654 bytes
    version 15.0
    no service pad
    service timestamps debug datetime msec
    service timestamps log datetime msec
    no service password-encryption
    service compress-config
  2. If any setting is incorrect, then repeat the appropriate step. To erase a setting, enter no in front of the same command. For example, to erase the default gateway, enter these commands:
    bda1sw-ip# configure terminal
    Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
    bda1sw-ip# no ip default-gateway
    bda1sw-ip# end
    *Sep 15 14:13:26.013: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
    bda1sw-ip# write memory
  3. Save the current configuration by entering this command:
    bda1sw-ip# copy running-config startup-config
    Destination filename [startup-config]?
    Building configuration...
    Compressed configuration from 2654 bytes to 1189 bytes[OK]
  4. Exit from the session with this command:
    bda1sw-ip con0 is now available
    Press RETURN to get started.
  5. Disconnect the cable from the Cisco console.
  6. To check the configuration, attach a laptop to port 48 and ping the IP address of the internal management network.


Do not connect the Cisco Ethernet switch to the management network until after the system is configured with the customer's IP addresses and the switch configuration is complete.

7.3 Configuring the InfiniBand Leaf and Spine Switches

Oracle Big Data Appliance has two Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway leaf switches and one Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 36 spine switch. To configure the switches, follow these procedures for each one:

7.3.1 Configuring an InfiniBand Switch

To configure an InfiniBand switch:

  1. Connect to the switch using a serial or an Ethernet connection.
  2. Log in as ilom-admin with password welcome1.

    The switch has a Linux-like operating system and an Oracle ILOM interface that is used for configuration.

  3. Check the firmware version, which should be 2.1.3-4 or later:
    -> version
    SP firmware 2.1.3-4
    SP firmware build number: 47111
    SP firmware date: Sat Aug 24
    16:59:14 IST 2013
    SP filesystem version: 0.1.22
  4. Change to the /SP/network directory.
    cd /SP/network
  5. Enter these commands to configure the switch:
    set pendingipaddress=ip_address 
    set pendingipnetmask=ip_netmask
    set pendingipgateway=ip_gateway
    set pendingipdiscovery=static
    set commitpending=true

    In these commands, ip_address, ip_netmask, and ip_gateway represent the appropriate settings on your network.

  6. Enter a show command to view the changes. If any values are wrong, reenter the set commands ending with set commitpending=true.
    -> show
            commitpending = (Cannot show property)
            dhcp_ser_ip = none
            ipaddress =
            ipdiscovery = static
            ipgateway =
            ipnetmask =
            macaddress = 00:21:28:E7:B3:34
            managementport = SYS/SP/NET0
            outofbandmacaddress = 00:21:28:E7:B3:33
            pendingipaddress =
            pendingipdiscovery = static
            pendingipgateway =
            pendingipnetmask =
            pendingmanagementport = /SYS/SP/NET0
            sidebandmacaddress = 00:21:28:E7:B3:35
            state = enabled
  7. Set and verify the switch host name, replacing hostname with the valid name of the switch, such as bda1sw-ib2. Do not include the domain name.
    -> set /SP hostname=hostname
    -> show /SP hostname
            hostname = bda1sw-iba
  8. Set the DNS server name and the domain name:
    -> set /SP/clients/dns auto_dns=enabled
    -> set /SP/clients/dns nameserver=ip_address
    -> set /SP/clients/dns searchpath=domain_name

    In these commands, ip_address is one to three comma-separated IP addresses of the name servers in the preferred search order, and domain_name is the full DNS domain name, such as us.example.com.

  9. Verify the settings:
    -> show /SP/clients/dns
            auto_dns = enabled
            nameserver =,
            retries = 1
            searchpath = us.example.com
            timeout = 5

7.3.2 Setting the Time Zone and Clock on an InfiniBand Switch

To set the time zone on an InfiniBand switch:

  1. Check the current time setting:
    -> show /SP/clock

    If the setting is not accurate, continue with these steps.

  2. Set the time zone, replacing zone_identifier with the time zone in the Configuration Template, such as America/New_York:
    -> set /SP/clock timezone=zone_identifier
  3. Check the current time setting:
    -> show /SP/clock

    If the setting is not accurate, continue with these steps.

  4. Set the SP clock manually, replacing MMDDHHmmCCyy with the month, day, hour, minute, century, and year.
    -> set datetime=MMddHHmmCCyy
  5. Check the current time setting:
    -> show /SP/clock
  6. Configure the Network Time Protocol (NTP), replacing ip_address with the server address. Server 1 is the primary NTP server and Server 2 is the secondary server.
    -> set /SP/clients/ntp/server/1 address=ip_address
    -> set /SP/clients/ntp/server/2 address=ip_address
  7. Enable the NTP servers:
    -> set /SP/clock usentpserver=enabled


    Properly synchronized clocks are required for the Mammoth software installation to succeed. If no NTP server is available on the administrative network, then configure the first Oracle Big Data Appliance server as an NTP server.

  8. Verify the settings:
    -> show /SP/clients/ntp/server/1
    -> show /SP/clients/ntp/server/2
    -> show /SP/clock

7.3.3 Checking the Health of an InfiniBand Switch

To check the health of an InfiniBand leaf or spine switch:

  1. Open the Fabric Management shell:

    -> show /SYS/Fabric_Mgmt

    The prompt changes from -> to FabMan@hostname->

  2. Check the firmware version, which for gateway switches should be 2.0.5-2 or later, and for the spine switch should be 2.1.3-4 or later. Check My Oracle Support ID 1474875.1 for the current version.

    SUN DCS gw version: 2.0.5-2
    Build time: Nov 29 2011 16:05:05
    FPGA version: 0x34
    SP board info:
    Manufacturing Date: 2011.05.31
    Serial Number: "NCD6Q0126"
    Hardware Revision: 0x0006
    Firmware Revision: 0x0000
    BIOS version: SUN0R100
    BIOS date: 06/22/2010
  3. Check the overall health of the switch and correct any issues:

    FabMan@bda1sw-ib2-> showunhealthy
    OK - No unhealthy sensors
  4. Check the environment. Ensure that all tests return OK and PASSED, and correct any issues before continuing. This example shows a problem with PSU1 caused by a loose power cord. See the line starting with WARNING PSU.

    FabMan@bda1sw-ib2-> env_test
    Environment test started:
    Starting Environment Daemon test:
    Environment daemon running
    Environment Daemon test returned OK
    Starting Voltage test
    Voltage ECB OK
    Measured 3.3V Main = 3.28 
    Measured 3.3V Standby = 3.39 V
    Measured 12V = 11.97 V
    Measured 5V = 4.99 V
    Measured VBAT = 3.09 V
    Measured 1.0V = 1.01 V
    Measured I4 1.2V = 1.22 V
    Measured 2.5V = 2.52 V
    Measured V1P2 DIG = 1.19 V
    Measured V1P2 ANG = 1.18 V
    Measured 1.2V BridgeX = 1.22 V
    Measured 1.8V = 1.78 V
    Measured 1.2V Standby = 1.20 V
    Voltage test returned OK
    Starting PSU test:
    PSU 0 present OK
    WARNING PSU 1 present AC Loss
    PSU test returned 1 faults
    Starting Temperature test:
    Back temperature 30
    Front temperature 29
    SP temperature 36
    Switch temperature 52,
  5. Verify a priority setting of 5 for the InfiniBand Gateway leaf switches or 8 for the InfiniBand Switch 36 spine switch:

    FabMan@bda1sw-ib2-> setsmpriority list
    Current SM settings:
    smpriority 5
    controlled_handover TRUE
    subnet_prefix 0xfe80000000000000

    If smpriority is correct, then you can skip the next step.

  6. To correct the priority setting:

    1. Stop the InfiniBand Subnet Manager:

      FabMan@bda1sw-ib2-> disablesm
    2. Set the priority to 5 for the InfiniBand Gateway leaf switches or 8 for the InfiniBand Switch 36 spine switch. This example is for a leaf switch:

      FabMan@bda1sw-ib2-> setsmpriority 5
    3. Restart the InfiniBand Subnet Manager:

      FabMan@bda1sw-ib2-> enablesm
  7. Exit the Fabric Management shell:

    FabMan@bda1sw-ib2-> exit
  8. Exit the Oracle ILOM shell:

    -> exit
  9. Log in to the switch as root and restart it to ensure that all changes take effect:

    # reboot
  10. Repeat these steps for the other InfiniBand switches.

7.3.4 Checking the Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway Switches

You must check all gateway switch instance numbers (NM2-GW) in the fabric to ensure that the automatic setup assigned unique instance numbers to each switch, both within each rack and among all racks in a multirack environment.

If two switches in the fabric share the same instance number, then the IB-10GbE ports might not work correctly.

The switches must not use consecutive numbers. Oracle recommends even numbers only. From the factory, the Oracle Big Data Appliance gateway switches use the numbers 10 and 20.

If Oracle Big Data Appliance racks are connected to Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud Machine racks, then verify that the instance numbers are even and unique to each switch in the fabric.


All Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway switches in the fabric must run firmware version 2.1.3-4 NM2 or later. Update the firmware as necessary.

To check the gateway switches:

  1. Login as user ilom-admin on rack 1 gateway switch 1:

    localhost: ilom-admin
    password: welcome1
  2. Enter the Fabric Management shell:

    -> show /SYS/Fabric_Mgmt
    NOTE: show on Fabric_Mgmt will launch a restricted Linux shell.
    User can execute switch diagnosis, SM Configuration and IB
    monitoring commands in the shell. To view the list of commands,
    use "help" at rsh prompt.
    Use exit command at rsh prompt to revert back to
    ILOM shell.
  3. Display the current number:

    FabMan@bda1sw-iba->setgwinstance --list
    No BXM system name set, using 6 last bits of the ip-address, value: 24

    If you see No BXM system name set (as shown here), or a system name of 0, then you must set the instance number manually.

  4. If rack 1 gateway switch 1 is not set to 10:

    FabMan@bda1sw-iba->setgwinstance 10
    Stopping Bridge Manager..-. [ OK ]
    Starting Bridge Manager. [ OK ]
    FabMan@bda1sw-iba->setgwinstance --list
    BXM system name set to 10
  5. Repeat Steps 1 to 4 for gateway switch 2. Set it to 20 instead of 10.

  6. If multiple racks are cabled together (Oracle Big Data Appliance racks and Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud Machine racks), then repeat Steps 1 to 5 on each rack. Increment the instance numbers from the previous rack by 2 to get a unique number:

    • Set rack 2 gateway switch 1 to 12 (10+2).

    • Set rack 2 gateway switch 2 to 22 (20+2).

    Continue in this way, assigning even numbers between 0 and 63.

7.4 Configuring the Power Distribution Units

The power distribution unit (PDU) configuration consists of these procedures:

7.4.1 Connecting the PDUs to the Network

The power distribution units (PDUs) are configured with a static IP address to connect to the network for monitoring. Ensure that you have the following network information before connecting the PDUs:

  • Static IP address

  • Subnet mask

  • Default gateway

To connect the PDUs to the network:

  1. Use a web browser to access the PDU metering unit by entering the factory default IP address for the unit. The address of PDU A is, and the address of PDU B is

    The Current Measurement page opens. If the PDUs do not respond, then they probably have different IP addresses:

    1. Press and hold the red RESET button.

    2. When the display starts to count down in about 10 to 15 seconds, release the button and then press it again without holding it down.

    3. When the monitor is restarting, note the current IP setting, and whether it is a dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) or static address. Use those addresses to connect.

  2. Log in as the admin user on the PDU metering unit. The default password is adm1n or admin. Change this password after configuring the network.

  3. To check the firmware version, select Module Info. The version should be 1.06. You can upgrade the firmware for a lower version. See "Updating the PDU Firmware Version."

  4. Click Net Configuration in the upper left of the page.

  5. Confirm that the DHCP Enabled option is not selected.

  6. Enter the following network settings for the PDU metering unit:

    • IP address

    • Subnet mask

    • Default gateway

  7. Click Submit to set the network settings and reset the PDU metering unit.

  8. Repeat Steps 6 and 7 for the second PDU.

7.4.2 Updating the PDU Firmware Version

To update the PDU firmware version:

  1. Download the latest firmware version from My Oracle Support:

    1. Log in at http://support.oracle.com.

    2. Select the Patches & Updates tab.

    3. For Patch Search, click Product or Family (Advanced).

    4. For Product, select Sun Rack II PDU.

    5. For Release, select Sun Rack II PDU 1.0.6.

    6. Click Search to see the Patch Search Results page.

    7. Click the patch name, such as 16523441.

    8. Download the file.

  2. Unzip the file on your local system. It has a name such as p16523441_1060_Generic.zip. Then unzip the PDU file, which has a name like OraclePDU_v1.0.6.zip.

  3. In the PDU web interface, select Net Configuration and log in as admin with password adm1n.

  4. Scroll down to Firmware Update.

  5. Click Browse, select the MKAPP_V1.06.DL file, and click Submit.

  6. Click Browse, select the HTML_V1.06.DL file, and click Submit.

  7. Click Module Info to verify the firmware version number.

  8. Click Net Configuration, and then click Logout.

7.5 Configuring the Oracle Big Data Appliance Servers

Before configuring the network, ensure that the Oracle Big Data Appliance servers are set up correctly.


If you must connect to the Oracle ILOM serial management port, then the baud rate setting on the servers changes from the default Oracle ILOM setting of 9600 to 115200 baud, 8 bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit. To display the server console, use this command:

start HOST/console

To check the Oracle Big Data Appliance servers:

  1. Power on all servers by pressing the power button on the front panel of each server. The servers take 5 to 10 minutes to run through the normal startup tests.

  2. Use a laptop to connect to a server:

    1. Open an SSH connection using PuTTY or a similar utility.

    2. Enter the default IP address of the server.

  3. Log in as the root user to the first server. The password is welcome1.

  4. Set up passwordless SSH for root by entering the setup-root-ssh command, as described in "Setting Up Passwordless SSH".

    For starter racks, with or without expansion, you must use the -j parameter. See setup-root-ssh.

    # setup-root-ssh -j "etho0_ips[range]"
  5. Verify that SSH keys are distributed across the rack:

    # cd /opt/oracle/bda
    # dcli "hostname ; date"
  6. If prompted for a password, enter Ctrl+C several times. This prompt confirms distribution of the keys, so that you can continue to the next step. Otherwise, generate the root SSH keys across the rack, replacing password with a valid password and using the -j parameter for a starter rack:

    # setup-root-ssh -p password [-j "eth0_ips[range]"]

    Enter the dcli command in Step 5 again to verify the keys.

  7. Compare the system serial numbers (S/N) on the front sticker to the server assignments from the bottom (1) to the top (18) of the rack, to ensure that they match:

    # dcli "dmidecode -s "chassis-serial-number" 1143FMM064
         . 1144FMM1A0
  8. Compare the rack master serial number on the rack front sticker to the rack assignment, to ensure that they match:

    # dcli "ipmitool sunoem cli 'show /SP system_identifier'" | grep = system_identifier = Oracle Big Data Appliance AK00024695
         . system_identifier = Oracle Big Data Appliance AK00024695
  9. If the rack master serial number is incorrect, then reset it in the ILOM on every system. Enter the following command on one line, with no breaks, replacing R-MSN with the rack master serial number (such as AK00024695):

    # dcli -l root \"ipmitool sunoem cli' set /SP system_identifier=\"\"Oracle Big Data Appliance R-MSN\""'" \> /tmp/set-rack-csn.out

    In the previous syntax, the system_identifier has a 40-character limit.

  10. Verify that the InfiniBand ports are up, two on each server (36 total for a full rack of 18 servers).

    # dcli ibstatus | grep phys phys state: 5: LinkUp phys state: 5: LinkUp
    .. phys state: 5: LinkUp phys state: 5: LinkUp
  11. Verify that the InfiniBand ports are running at 40 Gbps (4X QDR):

    # dcli ibstatus | grep rate | more rate: 40 Gb/sec (4X QDR) rate: 40 Gb/sec (4X QDR)
    .. rate: 40 Gb/sec (4X QDR) rate: 40 Gb/sec (4X QDR)
  12. Verify that Oracle ILOM does not detect any faults:

    # dcli 'ipmitool sunoem cli "show faulty"'

    The output should appear as follows for each server:

    bda1node02-adm.example.com: Connected. Use ^D to exit.
    bda1node02-adm.example.com: -> show faulty
    bda1node02-adm.example.com: Target      | Property        | Value
    bda1node02-adm.example.com: -> Session closed
    bda1node02-adm.example.com: Disconnected
  13. Power up each server and verify that BDA_IMAGING_SUCCEEDED and BDA_REBOOT_SUCCEEDED are in the /root directory of every server:

    # dcli 'ls /root/BDA*'
  14. Save the hardware profile output from each system in a file for review, replacing filename with a file name of your choice:

    # dcli bdacheckhw > filename
  15. Check the hardware profile output file using commands like the following. In these example, the file name is all-bdahwcheck.out.

    • To verify that there are no failures in the hardware profile:

      grep -vi SUCCESS ~/all-bdahwcheck.out

      This command returns all lines that do not show SUCCESS, so no returned lines means no failures.

    • To verify 32 cores:

      grep cores  ~/all-bdahwcheck.out 
    • To verify 63 GB of memory:

      grep memory ~/all-bdahwcheck.out
    • To verify four fans:

      grep fans ~/all-bdahwcheck.out
    • To verify that the status is OK for both power supplies:

      grep supply ~/all-bdahwcheck.out
    • To verify that disks 0 to 11 are all the same model, online, spun up, and no alert:

      grep disk ~/all-bdahwcheck.out | grep "model\|status" | more
    • To verify that the host channel adapter model is Mellanox Technologies MT26428 ConnectX VPI PCIe 2.0:

      grep Host ~/all-bdahwcheck.out | grep model | more
  16. Save the RAID configuration in a file, replacing filename with a file name of your choice:

    dcli MegaCli64 -ldinfo -lall -a0 | grep "Virtual Drive\|State" > filename
  17. Verify that 12 virtual drives (0 to 11) are listed for each server. In this example, the RAID configuration is stored in a file named all-ldstate.out.

    less ~/all-ldstate.out
  18. Save the software profile output from each system into a file for review, replacing filename with a file name of your choice:

    dcli bdachecksw > filename
  19. Verify that the partition setup and software versions are correct. In this example, the software profile is stored in a file named all-bdaswcheck.out.

    less ~/all-bdaswcheck.out
  20. Verify the system boots in this order: USB, RAID Slot 0, PXE:

    # dcli "ubiosconfig export all -x /tmp/bios.xml"
    [# dcli "grep -m1 -A20 boot_order /tmp/bios.xml" | more
    [root@bda01 bda]# dcli "ubiosconfig export all -x /tmp/bios.xml"
    [root@bda01 bda]# dcli "grep -m1 -A20 boot_order /tmp/bios.xml" | more
        <description>USB:USBIN:ORACLE UNIGEN-UFD PMAP</description>
        <description>RAID:PCIE6:(Bus 50 Dev 00)PCI RAID Adapter</description>
        <description>PXE:NET0:IBA XE Slot 4000 v2196</description>
        <description>PXE:NET1:IBA XE Slot 4001 v2196</description>
        <description>PXE:NET2:IBA XE Slot 8800 v2196</description>
  21. If the boot order is incorrect:

    1. Log in to the ILOM for that server and force the next restart into BIOS setup:

      # set /HOST boot_device=bios
    2. Restart the server and correct the BIOS.

7.6 Configuring the Network

Oracle Big Data Appliance Configuration Generation Utility generates the cluster-network.json and rack-network.json files, which are used to configure all three network interfaces and all Oracle ILOMs. See "Generating the Configuration Files" if you do not have this file.

The network configuration consists of these procedures:

7.6.1 Copying the Configuration Files to Oracle Big Data Appliance

To copy the configuration files to Oracle Big Data Appliance:

  1. Copy the configuration files to a USB flash drive.
  2. Use a laptop or the KVM switch to open a console session to the first server. The first server is the lowest server in the rack. See Figure E-1.
  3. Log in as the root user on the first server. The initial password is welcome1.
  4. Plug the USB drive into the USB port of the first server. The port is on the right front of the server. Information like the following is displayed on the console:
    # scsi 0:0:0:0: Direct-Access     CBM      USB 2.0
    Q: 0 ANSI:2
    sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg14 type 0
    sd 0:0:0:0: [sdn] 7954432 512-byte logical blocks: (4.07 GB/3.79 GiB)
    sd 0:0:0:0: [sdn] Write Protect is off
    sd 0:0:0:0: [sdn] Assuming drive cache: write through
    sd 0:0:0:0: [sdn] Assuming drive cache: write through
    sd 0:0:0:0: [sdn] Assuming drive cache: write through
    sd 0:0:0:0: [sdn] Attached SCSI removable disk
  5. Enter the showusb command to locate the USB drive. The command returns with the mapped device or, if no USB drive is connected, with no output.
    # showusb
  6. Create a directory on the server:
    # mkdir /mnt/usb
  7. Mount the device using the device name given in Step 5. The following is an example of the command.
    # mount -t vfat /dev/sdn1 /mnt/usb
  8. Verify the location of the file on the USB flash drive:
    # ls /mnt/usb
  9. Copy network.json or networkexpansion.json from the USB flash drive to the /opt/oracle/bda directory on the server:
    # cd /mnt/usb
    # cp network.json /opt/oracle/bda


    If cluster_name-config.json is also on the drive, you can copy it to the server for use in Installing the Oracle Big Data Appliance Software.

  10. Dismount the USB flash drive and remove the device:
    # umount /mnt/usb
    # rmdir /mnt/usb
  11. Remove the USB flash drive from the server.

7.6.2 Starting the Network Configuration

The networksetup-one script sets up the host names and Oracle ILOM names for all servers and configures the administrative network and the private InfiniBand network. The procedure varies slightly depending on whether you are configuring a new rack—either a full rack or a starter rack—or configuring additional servers after deploying the starter rack.

To start the network configuration on a new rack:

  1. Log in as the root user on the first server. The initial password is welcome1. For example:

    # ssh root@
  2. For a new rack, verify that /opt/oracle/bda contains the new network.json file.

    For the additional servers over the starter rack, verify that /opt/oracle/bda contains both network.json from an existing node and the new networkexpansion.json file.

  3. Verify that the InfiniBand network is healthy:

    # cd /opt/oracle/bda
    # bdacheckib -s
    LINK bdasw-ib1.0B ... bdasw-ib3.8B UP
    LINK bdasw-ib1.1B ... bdasw-ib2.8B UP
    LINK bdasw-ib3.15A ... bda2.HCA-1.2 UP
    LINK bdasw-ib3.15B ... bda1.HCA-1.2 UP
    LINK bdasw-ib3.14A ... bda4.HCA-1.2 UP
    LINK bdasw-ib3.14B ... bda3.HCA-1.2 UP
    LINK bdasw-ib3.13A ... bda6.HCA-1.2 UP

    The InfiniBand network is used extensively during software installation. To perform more in-depth checks of the fabric, run the iblinkinfo utility.

  4. Remove passwordless SSH. See "remove-root-ssh."

  5. Reconnect to the server using its ILOM instead of SSH:

    # ssh root@
    Password: welcome1
    -> start -f /HOST/console
    bda1 login:
    User: root
    Password: welcome1

    The networksetup-one script restarts the network services, so you do not see all of the output using an ssh connection.

  6. Begin the network configuration:

    # cd /opt/oracle/bda/network
    # ./networksetup-one

Example 7-1 shows sample output from the networksetup-one script.

Example 7-1 Sample Output from networksetup-one

# ./networksetup-one
networksetup-one: check syntax and static semantics of /opt/oracle/bda/network.json
networksetup-one: passed
networksetup-one: ping servers on ship admin network
networksetup-one: passed
networksetup-one: test ssh to servers on ship admin network
hello from node02
hello from node03
networksetup-one: passed
networksetup-one: copy /opt/oracle/bda/network.json to servers
network.json  0% 0  0.0KB/s   --:-- ETAnetwork.json 100% 4304  4.2KB/s 00:00
network.json  0% 0  0.0KB/s   --:-- ETAnetwork.json 100% 4304  4.2KB/s 00:00
networksetup-one: passed
networksetup-one: executing network settings on all servers
networksetup-one: wait a few seconds for the network to restart on
bda1node02.example.com BdaUserConfigNetwork: reset network
bda1node03.example.com BdaUserConfigNetwork: reset network
bda1node04.example.com BdaUserConfigNetwork: reset network
networksetup-one: deploying this server
networksetup-one: network will restart momentarily, pardon our dust
bda1node01.example.com BdaUserConfigNetwork: reset network
networksetup-one: generate dcli bda host file lists
networksetup-one: ping server ips on admin network
networksetup-one: passed
networksetup-one: passed
networksetup-one: test ssh server ips on admin network
hello from bda1node02.example.com
hello from bda1node03.example.com
hello from bda1node04.example.com
networksetup-one: passed

7.6.3 Connecting to the Administrative Network

Before completing the network configuration, you must connect Oracle Big Data Appliance to the 1 GbE administrative (management) network.

To connect Oracle Big Data Appliance to the administrative network:

  1. Connect port 48 of the Cisco Ethernet switch to the administrative network.

  2. To use the small form-factor pluggable (SFP) ports for a fiber uplink in port 48 (optional), reconfigure the port:

    bda1sw-ip# configure terminal
    Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
    bda1sw-ip(config)# interface gigabitEthernet 1/48
    bda1sw-ip(config-if)# media-type sfp
    bda1sw-ip(config-if)# end
    *Sep 15 14:12:06.309: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
    bda1sw-ip# write memory
    bda1sw-ip# copy running-config startup-config

    See Also:

    For SFP port configuration details, the Cisco Catalyst 4948 Install Guide at


7.6.4 Connecting to the Client Network

You must also connect Oracle Big Data Appliance to the 10 GbE client network.

To connect Oracle Big Data Appliance to the client network:

  1. Connect the two Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway leaf switches to the data center.

  2. After the cables are routed, the network administrator may need to alter the network switch end configuration to recognize the links.

  3. Use SSH to connect to a Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway switch, and log in as the ilom-admin user.

  4. Enter the Fabric Management shell:

    -> show /SYS/Fabric_Mgmt
  5. Ensure that the Bridge entries have active links from the leaf switches to the customer network switch:

    FabMan@bda1sw-iba-> listlinkup

    This output shows four ports connected to each switch:

    Connector 0A-ETH Present
    Bridge-0 Port 0A-ETH-1 (Bridge-0-2) up (Enabled)
    Bridge-0 Port 0A-ETH-2 (Bridge-0-2) down (Enabled)
    Bridge-0 Port 0A-ETH-3 (Bridge-0-1) up (Enabled)
    Bridge-0 Port 0A-ETH-4 (Bridge-0-1) down (Enabled)
    Connector 1A-ETH Present
    Bridge-1 Port 1A-ETH-1 (Bridge-1-2) up (Enabled)
    Bridge-1 Port 1A-ETH-2 (Bridge-1-2) down (Enabled)
    Bridge-1 Port 1A-ETH-3 (Bridge-1-1) up (Enabled)
    Bridge-1 Port 1A-ETH-4 (Bridge-1-1) down (Enabled)
  6. Repeat Steps 3 to 5 on the second gateway switch (-ib3).

7.6.5 Completing the Network Configuration

The networksetup-two script completes some steps started by networksetup-one that require a network connection. It also configures the default VLAN and all required VNICs for the 10 GbE client network. It then verifies all network connections and displays a message if it discovers any unexpected ones, including those caused by cabling mistakes.

The 10 GbE ports of the Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway switches must be connected to the data center.

To complete the network configuration:

  1. Ensure that both the administrative network and the client network are connected to Oracle Big Data Appliance.


    This procedure fails if the networks are not connected. See "Connecting to the Administrative Network".

  2. Run the following script to complete the network setup:

    ./networksetup-two | tee /tmp/network-conf.out

    The previous command captures the output in a file named /tmp/network-conf.out.

Example 7-2 shows sample output from the script.

Example 7-2 Sample Output from networksetup-two

# ./networksetup-two
networksetup-two: check syntax and static semantics of /opt/oracle/bda/network.json
networksetup-two: passed
networksetup-two: ping server ips on admin network
networksetup-two: passed
networksetup-two: test ssh server ips on admin network
hello from bda1node02.example.com
hello from bda1node03.example.com
hello from bda1node04.example.com
networksetup-two: passed
networksetup-two: run connected network post script on each server
networksetup-two: post network setup for
networksetup-two: post network setup for
networksetup-two: post network setup for
networksetup-two: post network setup for this node
networksetup-two: ping admin servers by name on admin network
networksetup-two: passed
networksetup-two: verify infiniband topology
networksetup-two: passed
networksetup-two: start setup client network (10gigE over Infiniband)
networksetup-two: ping both gtw leaf switches
networksetup-two: passed
networksetup-two: verify existence of gateway ports
networksetup-two: passed
networksetup-two: ping server ips on admin network
networksetup-two: passed
networksetup-two: ping servers by name on admin network
networksetup-two: passed
networksetup-two: test ssh server ips on admin network
hello from bda1node02.example.com
hello from bda1node03.example.com
networksetup-two: passed
networksetup-two: check existence of default vlan for port 0A-ETH-1 on bda1sw-ib2
networksetup-two: no default vlan for port, create it
spawn ssh root@ createvlan 0A-ETH-1 -vlan -1 -pkey default
networksetup-two: verify default vlan for port 0A-ETH-1 for bda1sw-ib2
networksetup-two: passed
networksetup-two: apply eoib on each server
networksetup-two: wait a few seconds for the network to restart on
networksetup-two: wait a few seconds for the network to restart on
check and delete vNIC for bda1node02 eth9 on switch bda1sw-ib2
check and delete vNIC for bda1node02 eth9 on switch bda1sw-ib3
create vNIC eth9 bda1node02 using switch bda1sw-ib3
vNIC created
check and delete vNIC for bda1node02 eth8 on switch bda1sw-ib2
networksetup-two: ping server ips on client network
networksetup-two: passed
networksetup-two: test ssh server ips on client network
hello from bda1node02.example.com
hello from bda1node03.example.com
networksetup-two: passed
networksetup-two: end setup client network

7.6.6 Checking the Virtual Interface Cards (VNICs)

Verify that the VNICs were created correctly on both gateway switches.

To check the VNICs:

  1. Use SSH to connect to a Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway switch, and log in as the ilom-admin user.

  2. Enter the Fabric Management shell:

    -> show /SYS/Fabric_Mgmt
  3. Verify that the active ports are assigned to the default VLAN (0):

    FabMan@bda1sw-ib2-> showvlan
    Connector/LAG VLN PKEY
    ------------- --- ----
    0A-ETH-1       0  ffff
    0A-ETH-3       0  ffff
    1A-ETH-1       0  ffff
    1A-ETH-3       0  ffff
  4. Verify that the VNICs were created round-robin on each server and 10 GbE interface:

    FabMan@hostname-> showvnics
    --- -------- --- ----------------------- --------------------------------
    ---- ----------------- --- ---- --------
    561 UP N 0021280001CF4C23 bda1node12 BDA 0000
    CE:4C:23:85:2B:0A NO ffff 0A-ETH-1
  5. Ensure that you can ping in to and out from the 10 GB interfaces.

7.6.7 Verifying Access to the Network Services

Ensure that all network services are running correctly.

To verify access to the network services:

  1. Verify that the dcli command is working:

    # cd /opt/oracle/bda
    # dcli "hostname ; date"
  2. If you are prompted for a password, then enter Ctrl+c several times. Otherwise, generate new SSH keys with the setup-root-ssh utility. See "setup-root-ssh."

  3. Use the output from the date command to check that the servers are synchronized within a few seconds. If they are not, then restart each device. Time differences can cause the software installation to fail.

    You can also check the NTP clients:

    # ntpq -p
  4. Verify network connectivity:

    # bdachecknet | tee -a /tmp/bdachecknet_exp.out
    bdachecknet: check syntax and static semantics of /opt/oracle/bda/network.json
    bdachecknet: passed
    bdachecknet: ping test private infiniband ips (bondib0 40gbs)
    bdachecknet: passed
    bdachecknet: ping test admin ips (eth0 1gbs)
    bdachecknet: passed
    bdachecknet: ping test client access ips (bondeth0 10gbs Eoib)
    bdachecknet: passed
    bdachecknet: test admin network resolve and reverse resolve
    bdachecknet: passed
    bdachecknet: test admin name array matches ip array
    bdachecknet: passed
    bdachecknet: test client network (eoib) resolve and reverse resolve
    bdachecknet: passed
    bdachecknet: test client name array matches ip array
    bdachecknet: passed
    bdachecknet: test ntp servers
    bdachecknet: passed
    bdachecknet: test arp -a
    bdachecknet: passed
  5. If the network is not able to resolve both DNS names and IP addresses, then correct the /etc/resolv.conf files. Otherwise, the software installation will fail.

  6. Check the accessibility of the PDUs by entering the IP address or host name as the address in a browser.

    If the connection is successful, you see the Current Measurement page.

7.7 Configuring Multiple Oracle Big Data Appliance Racks

The general process when installing multiple racks is to configure the individual racks, cable the racks together, and validate the multirack network.

7.7.1 Configuring and Cabling Multiple Racks

Complete one of the following procedures. They differ depending on whether you are setting up a new installation or adding racks to an operational installation, and whether there are other engineered systems, such as Oracle Exadata Database Machine.

To add one or more racks to an operational Oracle Big Data Appliance rack:

  1. Complete the configuration steps for each new Oracle Big Data Appliance rack individually:

  2. Unplug the power to the InfiniBand switches on the new racks.

  3. Cable the Oracle Big Data Appliance racks together. See Connecting Multiple Oracle Big Data Appliance Racks.

  4. Plug in power to the InfiniBand switches. Wait five minutes between switches while the subnet manager fabric is updated.

  5. Revalidate the InfiniBand network. See "Validating a Multirack InfiniBand Network."

To connect Oracle Big Data Appliance racks to a new Oracle Exadata Database Machine or Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud Machine rack:

  1. Complete the configuration steps for each Oracle Big Data Appliance rack individually:

  2. Cable the Oracle Big Data Appliance racks together. See Connecting Multiple Oracle Big Data Appliance Racks.

  3. Revalidate the InfiniBand network. See "Validating a Multirack InfiniBand Network."

To add one or more racks to an operational Oracle Exadata Database Machine or Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud Machine rack:

  1. Complete the configuration steps for each new Oracle Big Data Appliance rack individually:

  2. Unplug the power to the InfiniBand switches on the new racks.

  3. Cable the Oracle Big Data Appliance, Oracle Exadata Database Machine, or Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud Machine racks together. See Connecting Multiple Oracle Big Data Appliance Racks.

  4. Plug in power to the InfiniBand switches. Wait five minutes between switches while the subnet manager fabric is updated.

  5. Ensure that the subnet manager only runs on the switches with the highest firmware versions:

    For example, if Oracle Big Data Appliance has the highest firmware version, then make its spine switch the master and its gateway switches the failover. On the racks that have lower firmware versions than the Oracle Big Data Appliance InfiniBand switches (both spine and gateway), disable the subnet manager.

    1. Log into the Exadata master switch as root.

    2. Verify that the Oracle Big Data Appliance switches are visible:

      # ibswitches
    3. Disable the subnet manager on Oracle Exadata Database Machine:

      # disablesm
    4. Log in to each additional lower-version InfiniBand switch and verify that the master switch changes to the Oracle Big Data Appliance spine switch:

      # getmaster
    5. Disable subnet manager on each lower-version InfiniBand switch:

      # disablesm
  6. Revalidate the InfiniBand network. See "Validating a Multirack InfiniBand Network."

7.7.2 Validating a Multirack InfiniBand Network

After cabling the racks together, verify that the InfiniBand network is operating correctly.


The bdacheckib utility validates connections among Oracle Big Data Appliance and Oracle Exadata Database Machine racks. It does not check other types of racks, such as Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud Machine.

To validate the InfiniBand network:

  1. Generate a topology file for the network:

    # bdacheckib -g

    The name of the generated file is sample-multi-rack.json

  2. Open sample-multi-rack.json in a text editor.

  3. Reorder the elements to start with the rack at the left and end with the rack on the right. Save the file.

  4. Validate the configuration:

    # bdacheckib sample-multi-rack.json
    Verifing rack #1
    leaf: bda1sw-ib2
    LINK ... to rack2 UP
    LINK ... to rack2 UP
    LINK ... to rack1 UP
    LINK ... to rack2 UP
    LINK ... to rack3 UP
    LINK ... to rack3 UP
    LINK ... to rack1 UP
    LINK ... to rack1 UP
    leaf: bda1sw-ib3
    LINK ... to rack2 UP
    LINK ... to rack2 UP
    LINK ... to rack1 UP

Example 7-3 shows a sample configuration file.

Example 7-3 Multirack Configuration File sample-multi-rack.json

# cat sample-multi-rack.json
# This json multirack spec is generated. The array elements are sorted
# alphabetically. A proper arranged json spec representing racks from left to right
# can be used as input mr.json to bdacheckib (bdacheckib mr.json)
# Commas separating rack elements are optional.
[{"SPINE_NAME": "bda1sw-ib1", "LEAF1_NAME": "bda1sw-ib2", "LEAF2_NAME": "bda1sw-ib3"}
{"SPINE_NAME": "bda2sw-ib1", "LEAF1_NAME": "bda2sw-ib2", "LEAF2_NAME": "bda2sw-ib3"}
{"SPINE_NAME": "exa1sw-ib1", "LEAF1_NAME": "exa1sw-ib2", "LEAF2_NAME": "exa01sw-ib3"}]