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Overview of Server Manager

This chapter introduces Oracle Server Manager and gives you an overview of its major components.

This chapter covers the following topics:

What is Server Manager?

Server Manager is Oracle's database administration tool. The graphical component of Server Manager (Server Manager/GUI) allows you to perform database administration tasks with the convenience of a graphical user interface (GUI). The line mode component of Server Manager (Server Manager/LineMode) provides a line mode interface.

Server Manager and Database Administration

Server Manager is designed to provide administrative functionality via an easy-to-use interface. You can use Server Manager to:


Server Manager is available for multiple GUI environments, yet adopts the native look and feel of the platform on which it is running. So, Server Manager running on Motif looks like a Motif application. And, Server Manager running on Windows looks like a Windows application.

Supported Oracle Server Releases

You can use Server Manager to administer any database running Oracle7 release 7.0 or later. You can also simultaneously administer different databases running different releases of Oracle7.

Server Manager/LineMode

For those environments that do not support a graphical user interface, or for those times when a command line interface is desirable, Server Manager for Line Mode provides a conversational line mode. In line mode, you can explicitly execute commands on a command line.

You may want to use Server Manager in line mode when a graphical device is unavailable (such as when dialing-in from a non-GUI terminal) or when performing unattended operations (such as when running nightly batch jobs or batch scripts that do not require user intervention).

For more information about using Server Manager in line mode, see Chapter 12, "Using Server Manager in Line Mode."

Using Server Manager

To use Server Manager to administer a database, you must install Server Manager on your personal computer. You must also install several views on the databases you wish to administer

Additional Information: For instructions on installing Server Manager, see your operating system-specific Oracle documentation. For example, for instructions on installing Server Manager on a Windows system, see the Oracle Server Manager for Windows Installation Guide.

Installing Server Manager Views

You must install the Server Manager views on each database you wish to administer. Even if you use one copy of Server Manager to administer several databases, the Server Manager views must be installed on each database.

The script CATSVRMG.SQL creates the views used by Server Manager, as well as a public synonym called SM$VERSION. SM$VERSION contains the script's version number, which appears in Server Manager's version banner. The CATSVRMG.SQL script is included with Server Manager on your distribution media.

In Oracle7 release 7.1 and later, the CATSVRMG.SQL script is run automatically by CATALOG.SQL.

If you wish to use Server Manager to administer a database running Oracle7 release 7.0, you must run the CATSVRMG.SQL script manually. You can run this script from a SQL Worksheet or while using Server Manager in line mode.

When running the CATSVRMG.SQL script, you must be connected with the schema SYS. So, in a release 7.0 database, you must connect as either SYS or INTERNAL. In a release 7.1 or later database, you can connect with either SYSDBA or SYSOPER privileges.

To verify that the Server Manager views have been installed, you can examine the version banner in the Administration window or query SM$VERSION (SELECT * FROM sm$version). Figure 1 - 1 illustrates the version banner in the Administration window.

Dropping Server Manager Views

The script CATNOSVM.SQL drops all the objects created by CATSVRMG.SQL.

Other Scripts Needed for Server Manager

Server Manager also relies on other scripts. For information about Server Manager and the UTLXPLAN.SQL script, see Chapter 7, "Viewing Schema Objects." For information about Server Manager and the UTLMONTR.SQL script, see Chapter 10, "Overview of the System Monitors."

Additional Information: The script names given above are the standard names. On some operating systems, the names and locations of these scripts may differ. See your operating system-specific Oracle documentation for details.

Figure 1 - 1. Administration Window Version Banner

Privileged Operations

To perform an operation or task using Server Manager, you must have the appropriate privileges. For example, to create a tablespace using Server Manager, you must have the CREATE TABLESPACE system privilege.

Because many of Server Manager's windows include information selected from data dictionary tables, you need the SELECT ANY TABLE system privilege to fully utilize Server Manager's interface. The SELECT ANY TABLE system privilege is also part of the DBA role.

Server Manager does not enable any additional roles, so any privileges you need must be part of your default role(s) and privileges.

For information about privileges and roles, refer to the Oracle7 Server Concepts and Oracle7 Server Administrator's Guide.

Starting Up Server Manager

The method for starting up Server Manager depends on your platform.

Additional Information: For information about starting up Server Manager, see your operating system-specific Oracle documentation. For information on starting Server Manager with Windows, see Appendix F, "Windows-Specific Operations."

Preliminary Server Manager Windows

When you start up Server Manager, the copyright window appears. The copyright window disappears in seven seconds. You can also type any key or click anywhere in the window to make the window disappear immediately.

Next, the Connect dialog box appears. You may connect to an Oracle instance at this time or close the dialog box. For more information about connecting to an instance, see "Connecting to an Instance" [*].

Skipping to a Specified Window

You can start up Server Manager and jump to a specified window in the interface. This allows you to skip any intermediate windows. This facility is called launch in context.

For a description of how to use launch in context, see "Launching Server Manager in Context" [*].

Server Manager Organization

Server Manager's graphical interface is divided into three major components:

The following sections give you an overview of these components.

Administration Manager

The Administration Manager is the primary administrative component of Server Manager. You will probably use the Administration Manager to perform most of your administrative tasks.

The Administration Manager divides database administration tasks into categories:

Each of these categories is associated with its own pull-down menus and dialog boxes.

The Administration Manager and these categories of tasks are discussed in detail in Part II , "The Administration Manager."

SQL Worksheets

A SQL Worksheet allows you to dynamically enter SQL statements, PL/SQL code, and Server Manager commands. You can also run scripts from a SQL Worksheet.

A SQL Worksheet maintains a history of the commands you have entered. Thus, you can use the SQL Worksheet to edit and re-execute an earlier command without having to retype it.

You can have multiple SQL Worksheets open at a time, each of which is separate from the others. So, you can commit or roll back work in each worksheet independently.

SQL Worksheets are discussed in detail in Part III, "The SQL Worksheet."

System Monitors

The System Monitors allow you to gather and inspect performance statistics. These statistics can be useful for tuning your database.

The types of System Monitors are:

By selecting which aspects of system performance you want to monitor, you can view performance statistics. You can sample these statistics as frequently as you like by setting sampling intervals.

The System Monitors and the specific types of statistics you can monitor are discussed in detail in Part IV , "System Monitors."

Server Manager Menus

Server Manager includes four main pull-down menus:

Some windows include other menus as well. For example, when you open the Tablespaces folder in the Administration Manager, a pull-down menu called Tablespace is added to the menu bar.

When a menu item is dimmed, it is not currently available. Menu items that end with an ellipsis (...) indicate that you will be asked to enter more information to complete the command.

File Menu

The File menu items allow you to open or close Server Manager windows and create new connections.

The following figure illustrates the File menu.

Figure 1 - 2. File Menu

The File menu is described below:


Displays the Connect dialog box to connect to an instance and open an Administration window for that database.

Administration Window

Brings the associated Administration window forward, or displays a new Administration window.

New Worksheet

Starts a new SQL Worksheet.


Displays the Monitor dialog box, which allows you to choose a System Monitor to start.


Closes the current window.


Exits Server Manager.

The Administration window, New Worksheet, and Monitor menu items are only available from a window connected to an instance. These items display a window associated with that connection.

Edit Menu

The Edit menu contains the standard editing menu items for your platform. These commands are useful when editing text in the SQL Worksheet or in the filters in the System Monitors. On some platforms, these editing capabilities may also be available for use in dialog boxes, although sometimes via keyboard equivalents only.

The following figure illustrates the Edit menu.

Figure 1 - 3. Edit Menu

Warning: The Undo menu item, when available, undoes the last edit you performed on text. It does not undo the last operation performed on the database you are administering.

Window Menu

The Window menu contains a list of all the Server Manager windows you have open. To bring a window forward, choose its name from the Window menu.

The following figure illustrates a sample Window menu.

Figure 1 - 4. Window Menu

Help Menu

From the Help menu, you can access the Server Manager online Help system. For more information about Server Manager online Help system, see "Using Online Help" [*].

The following figure illustrates the Help menu.

Figure 1 - 5. Help Menu

Using Help

Displays a dialog box containing information about the Help system. See "Using Online Help" [*] for information about the Help dialog box.

Help About This Window

Displays a dialog box containing information about the current window.

About Oracle Server Manager

Displays a dialog box containing version information about Server Manager and its components. See Figure 1 - 6.

Figure 1 - 6. About Oracle Server Manager Dialog Box

Connecting to an Instance

You can connect to an Oracle instance using the Server Manager Connect dialog box. When you start up Server Manager, the Connect dialog box appears. You can connect to an instance, or click Cancel and connect later. You can also display the Connect dialog box by choosing Connect from the File menu.

The following figure illustrates the Connect dialog box.

Figure 1 - 7. Connect Dialog Box

The elements of the Connect dialog box are described below:


Your Oracle username for the database to which you are connecting.


Your Oracle password for the database to which you are connecting.

Service Name

SQL*Net service name for the database to which you are connecting.

Server Manager accepts connections using SQL*Net Version 1 or SQL*Net Version 2. Server Manager recognizes SQL*Net Version 1 connect strings, such as T:BOSTON:A, and SQL*Net Version 2 service names, such as NY_FINANCE.

Connect As

Pop-up menu containing Normal, SYSOPER, and SYSDBA for Oracle7 release 7.1 or later. Only Normal is allowed for release 7.0.


Initiates connection.


Exits dialog box without connecting.


Displays help information.

Additional Information: If you do not specify a database service name, you connect to the default database for your platform. Refer to your operating system-specific Oracle documentation and SQL*Net documentation for more information.

Multiple Connections

In Server Manager you can have multiple connections open simultaneously. For each connection you initiate, you can have one Administration window, multiple SQL Worksheets, and one of each type of System Monitor.

The service name you specify when you connect becomes part of the title for each window associated with that connection. If you do not specify a service name, the title of each window associated with the connection begins with the word "Default". This scheme distinguishes windows associated with different connections, and organizes them conveniently in the Window menu.

Opening New Windows

Using the File menu, you can open new windows from the Administration Manager, a SQL Worksheet, or a System Monitor. When you open a new window, it is associated with the instance and username of your current window.

Each new SQL Worksheet automatically initiates a separate physical connection to an instance; you do not have to re-enter your connection information. The first System Monitor you open also creates a new physical connection. However, subsequent monitors share the same connection.

Limits on the Number of Connections

On some platforms there may be a limit on the number of connections you can have open simultaneously.

Additional Information: For information about the limit on open connections, see your operating system-specific Oracle documentation.

Using Online Help

Server Manager includes an online Help system that provides you with help information for every window and dialog box. The Help system is context sensitive, but you can also search through help information to find a particular topic.

Accessing Online Help

There are two ways of accessing the online Help system. In a main window, such as the Administration window, you can access the Help system by choosing Help About This Window from the Help menu. Figure 1 - 5 illustrates the Help menu.

In a dialog box, click Help to access the online Help system. Figure 1 - 7 shows the Connect dialog box and its Help button.

On Microsoft Windows, Server Manager provides a native online help system. Refer to your Microsoft Windows documentation for information on using online help.

On Motif systems, Server Manager also provides an online help system. See Appendix E, "Motif-Specific Operations," for instructions on using the online help when running Server Manager for Motif.

Launching Server Manager in Context

Using the launch in context facility, you can start up Server Manager and immediately access a specific window or dialog box. You specify the location to jump to using command-line parameters.

With the command-line parameters, you can bypass initial windows that require user input (such as the Connect dialog box) and jump directly to Server Manger's Administration Manager, SQL Worksheet, or System Monitor components. For example, the statement:

svrmgrm user=scott password=tiger service=t:oraserv:smtg71 
   subsystem=administration area=requestlog

does the following:

Suggestion: You can use launch in context under your own command-line interface or via menu items and commands in management consoles.

Additional Information: Starting Server Manager using the launch in context facility varies with specific operating systems. For information about using the launch in context facility, see your operating system-specific Oracle documentation. For information on using launch in context with Windows, see Appendix F, "Windows-Specific Operations."

Jumping to the Administration Manager

When accessing the Administration Manager, you can specify:

Jumping to a SQL Worksheet

When accessing a SQL Worksheet, you can specify:

Jumping to a System Monitor

When accessing System Monitors, you can specify the monitor to display.

Global Parameters for Launch in Context

The global parameters for launch in context control your database connection and the Server Manager component you access when you start up Server Manager.

Table 1 - 1 lists the various global parameters you can use with launch in context.

Global Parameter Value Specifies
user username Name of user to connect as.
password password Password for the user.
service service name SQL*Net service name for the database to which you are connecting.
as normal | sysdba | sysoper Privileges with which to connect. Default is normal.
subsystem administration | monitor | worksheet Subsystem to access. Default is administration.

Table 1 - 1. Global Launch in Context Parameters

Specifying Connect Information

When you start up Server Manager without any command-line parameters, the copyright window and Connect dialog box appear. See Figure 1 - 7 [*] for an example of a Connect box.

However, if you specify the connect information on the command line, you bypass the copyright window and Connect dialog box.

If you do not specify enough information on the command line for Server Manager to complete the connection, the Connect dialog box appears partially filled in. For example, if you specify a service name but omit the user, Server Manager opens the Connect dialog box with the service name filled in.

You must supply the missing information to complete the connection and click Connect to proceed.

Suggestion: For security reasons, you may want to omit the password parameter and require that users enter a password in the Connect dialog box when using the launch in context facility.

Specifying a Subsystem

Server Manager normally proceeds to the Administration Manager after connecting to a database. However, you can specify a different subsystem to jump to using the SUBSYSTEM parameter.

For example, the statement:

svrmgrm subsystem=worksheet

starts up Server Manager and immediately displays the Connect dialog box. Once you have specified the connect information and connected to a database, Server Manager jumps to a SQL Worksheet.

Parameters for the Administration Manager

The Administration Manager parameters control the drawer that is opened, the folder that is displayed, the object that is selected, and the menu command that is executed.

Table 1 - 2 lists the Administration Manager parameters you can use with launch in context.

Administration Parameter Value Specifies
area folder_name Name of the folder to open. Server Manager infers the correct drawer to open. See "AREA Parameter" [*].
object object_name Name of the object to select. See "OBJECT Parameter" [*].
menu menu_item | default Menu command to execute for the folder specified. See "MENU Parameter" [*].

Table 1 - 2. Administration Manager in Context Parameters

AREA Parameter

Use the AREA parameter to specify the folder to open in the Administration Manager. Because the folder names are unique, Server Manager infers the corresponding drawer to open.

Folder names for the AREA parameter must be entered:

For example, the statement:

svrmgrm user=scott password=tiger service=t:oraserv:smtg71

does the following:

Suggestion: Because Server Manager normally proceeds to the Administration Manager after connecting, you can omit the SUBSYSTEM parameter when you want to jump to any location in the Administration Manager.

Table 1 - 3 lists the possible folder names for the AREA parameter.

Area Argument Specifies
tablespaces Storage drawer Tablespaces folder
datafiles Storage drawer Datafiles folder
rollback Storage drawer Rollback folder
users Security drawer Users folder
profiles Security drawer Profiles folder
roles Security drawer Roles folder
audit Security drawer Audit folder
database Instance drawer Database folder
initialization Instance drawer Initialization folder
transactions Instance drawer Transactions folder
sessions Instance drawer Sessions folder
backup Recovery drawer Backup folder
recovery Recovery drawer Recovery folder
redologs Recovery drawer Redo Logs folder
optimizer Schema drawer Optimizer folder
explainplans Schema drawer Explain Plans folder
snapshots Schema drawer Snapshots folder
snapshotlogs Schema drawer Snapshot Logs folder
links Schema drawer Links folder
synonyms Schema drawer Synonyms folder
packages Schema drawer Packages folder
triggers Schema drawer Triggers folder
constraints Schema drawer Constraints folder
schemas Replication drawer Schemas folder
objects Replication drawer Objects folder
registeredsnapshots Replication drawer Registered Snapshots folder
masters Replication drawer Masters folder
conflictresolution Replication drawer Conflict Resolution folder
deferredtransactions Replication drawer Deferred Transactions folder
errors Replication drawer Errors folder
requestlog Replication drawer Request Log folder

Table 1 - 3. Values for the AREA Parameter

OBJECT Parameter

Use the OBJECT parameter to specify the object you want to select in the object list. The entry in the first column is the identifier for each object.

Object names for the OBJECT parameter:

For example, the statement:

svrmgrm user=scott password=tiger service=t:oraserv:smtg71 
   subsystem=administration area=tablespaces object=SYSTEM

does the following:

Note: "Tablespace" is the first column of the Tablespace object list. SYSTEM is the identifier for the object and is located in the "Tablespace" column.

Attention: If the object list is long, the selected object may not be visible. Scroll down the list to display the object.

If you specify an object that does not exist, Server Manager opens the folder you specified but does not select any objects in the folder's object list. If there are multiple objects with the same identifier in the first column, the first object that matches is selected.

MENU Parameter

Use the MENU parameter to specify the menu command to execute on a selected object.

Menu commands for the MENU parameter must be either:

Attention: The position number includes menu separator lines. See Figure 2 - 3 [*] for an example of a pull-down menu. In that menu, Add Datafile is in position 5.

For example, both statements:

svrmgrm user=scott password=tiger service=t:oraserv:smtg71 
   subsystem=administration area=tablespaces object=SYSTEM


svrmgrm user=scott password=tiger service=t:oraserv:smtg71 
   subsystem=administration area=tablespaces object=SYSTEM

do the following:

Note: The Alter menu command is the second menu item from the top of the Tablespace pull-down menu.

Parameters for the SQL Worksheet

The launch in context parameter for the SQL Worksheet is the COMMAND parameter. Use the COMMAND parameter to specify a statement, command, or script to execute.

The value for COMMAND:

Attention: When running under Windows, you can only use the COMMAND parameter to specify a script to execute.

For example, the statement:

svrmgrm user=scott password=tiger service=t:oraserv:smtg71 
   subsystem=worksheet command=@utlxplan

does the following:

The COMMAND parameter is optional. You can specify SUBSYSTEM equals worksheet without including the COMMAND parameter. In this case, Server Manager just starts a SQL Worksheet.

Parameters for the System Monitors

The launch in context parameter for the System Monitors is the MONITOR parameter. Use the MONITOR parameter to specify the type of monitor to start.

You may only start one monitor with the MONITOR parameter.

Monitor names for the MONITOR parameter must:

For example, the statement:

svrmgrm user=scott password=tiger service=t:oraserv:smtg71

does the following:

Suggestion: If you specify a monitor type with the MONITOR parameter, you can omit the SUBSYSTEM parameter.

Table 1 - 4 lists the possible monitor names for the MONITOR parameter.

Monitor Arguments Specifies
circuit Circuit monitor
dispatcher Dispatcher monitor
filei/o, file File I/O monitor
latch Latch monitor
librarycache, library Library Cache monitor
lock Lock monitor
process Process monitor
queue, q Queue monitor
rollback Rollback monitor
session Session monitor
sharedserver, shared Shared Server monitor
sqlarea, sql SQL Area monitor
systemi/o, sio System I/O monitor
systemstatistics, ss System Statistics monitor
tableaccess, table Table Access monitor
tablespace Tablespace monitor

Table 1 - 4. Values for the MONITOR Parameter

The MONITOR parameter is optional. You can specify SUBSYSTEM equals monitor without including the MONITOR parameter. In this case, Server Manager jumps to the Monitor dialog box from which you can select the type of monitor to start.

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