Oracle Enterprise Manager Messages Manual
Release 1.5.0






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Console Messages

VOC-00000 to VOC-00099: Critical Error Messages

VOC-00001: Internal Error: Unknown exception while fetching data.

Cause: A fetch failed with an unknown exception. A repository read or write has failed. A repository query failed with exception.

Action: Check if the repository is down; the tables are full or corrupted. If a repository query failed with an exception, check if the repository database is up and the table is not full or corrupted.

VOC-00002: Internal Error: Failure to obtain interface (name).

Cause: A call to GetIDsOfNames for the interface failed. There may be a mismatch between the calling process and the external server.

This error can occur for one of the following reasons:

  • TCP/IP is not installed.
  • The sqlnet tcp adapter is not installed. It is installed by default when Enterprise Manager is installed.
  • The Deamon listening port is already in use (default is 7770).
  • If the default was modified and a "Listening Address" for the Deamon had been setup, the address may be an invalid TNS address.
  • The oracle_home\bin may not be in the PATH.

Action: To correct the error perform the following steps:

    Then, try the following:

VOC-00004: Internal Error: RegisterActiveObject failed for (object).

Cause: RegisterActiveObject failed. An OLE error occurred during startup.

Action: Since Oracle Enterprise Manager relies on OLE, Oracle Enterprise Manager cannot run in this case. The user should quit all Oracle Enterprise Manager applications (possibly checking task viewer for VOD or others). The PC may require a reboot to reset the OLE information.

VOC-00005: Internal Error: QueryInterface failed.

Cause: QueryInterface failed. An OLE error has occurred. It is possibly related to daemon and startup only.

Action: Since Oracle Enterprise Manager relies on OLE, Oracle Enterprise Manager cannot run in this case. The user should quit all Oracle Enterprise Manager applications (possibly checking task viewer for VOD or others). The PC may require a reboot to reset the OLE information. Also, it could be a repository problem. You might try to recreate the repository via vobsh, to see if this identifies a problem.

VOC-00006: Internal Error: Unable to obtain IDispatch from Job Task.

Cause: The Dispatch interface for the job task is not available. This is an OLE error. One (or more) of the tasks on the job page could not be created. (These tasks make up the job.)

Action: It may be possible to continue working without jobs. The user has to quit and restart Oracle Enterprise Manager before he is able to use jobs. Since Oracle Enterprise Manager relies on OLE, Oracle Enterprise Manager cannot run in this case. The user should quit all Oracle Enterprise Manager applications (possibly checking task viewer for VOD or others). The PC may require a reboot to reset the OLE information.

VOC-00010: Only one instance of this application can be run at a time.

Cause: You attempted to start a second instance of the Console.

Action: Close the second instance of the Console.

VOC-00011: filename file not found, can't run the Job subsystem.

Cause: Either the file vojt.ocx or mmdx.ocx cannot be found.

Action: Go to the orant\bin directory and run vod.exe /register. Then try again.

VOC-00012: Still closing the previous instance; please try again later.

Cause: The user tried to run a second instance of the application.

Action: Close the second instance of the application.

VOC-00100 to VOC-00199: Non-critical Error Messages

VOC-00101: Failure getting credential details.

Cause: The fetch of Preferred credentials from the database has failed. A repository query failed with exception. The error was in the catch for the exception.

Action: Check if the database is down or if the tables are corrupted.

VOC-00104: Confirmed password doesn't match original password.

Cause: The value entered for password confirmation does not match the original value.

Action: Reenter password value.

VOC-00107: Failure setting credential details.

Cause: The insert of Preferred credentials to the database has failed. This is a repository error. The error was caught in an execution caused by the database access code.

Action: Check if the database is down or if the tables are corrupted

VOC-00111: Oracle Daemon process could not be started. Aborting.

Cause: CreateDispatch Failed for ProgID SMPDaemon. The OLE error occurred in the VOC daemon control initialize; therefore, the daemon could not be launched.

Action: Since Oracle Enterprise Manager relies on OLE, Oracle Enterprise Manager cannot run in this case. The user should quit all Oracle Enterprise Manager applications (possibly checking task viewer for VOD or others). The PC may require a reboot to reset the OLE information.

VOC-00112: Failed to locate Oracle Daemon process. Is it registered?

Cause: CLSIDFromProgID(_T("SMPDaemon"), &clsid) failed. The daemon's registry entry could not be found or read. Since OLE relies on the registry, this error is a (minor) OLE error.

Action: Exit all Oracle Enterprise Manager applications. Then, run the registry file for the daemon (vod.reg). If this still fails, run the daemon separately. (vod.exe). If this still fails, reboot the PC and immediately exit all Oracle Enterprise Manager applications and run the registry file for the daemon (vod.reg). Since Oracle Enterprise Manager relies on OLE, Oracle Enterprise Manager cannot run in this case. The user should quit all Oracle Enterprise Manager applications (possibly checking task viewer for VOD or others). The PC may require a reboot to reset the OLE information.

VOC-00113: Previously running Oracle Daemon process could not be stopped. Please try again later. Aborting.

Cause: CreateDispatch failed for ProgID SMPDaemon. Sometimes the daemon exits on its own.

Action: Kill the daemon in task viewer or shut down. Sometimes, the user will have to rebuild his repository. If the user wants to wait, he eventually may have to reboot anyway.

VOC-00117: Unable to get job task state information.

Cause: INTERNAL ERROR - failure in GetTaskState(). The OLE communication error occurs when a user is closing a task, going to the next page, or closing the new job dialog.

Action: It may be possible to continue working without jobs. The user has to quit and restart Oracle Enterprise Manager before he is able to use jobs. Since Oracle Enterprise Manager relies on OLE, Oracle Enterprise Manager cannot run in this case. The user should quit all Oracle Enterprise Manager applications (possibly checking task viewer for VOD or others). The PC may require a reboot to reset the OLE information.

VOC-00118: Unable to initialize job task user interface.

Cause: INTERNAL ERROR - failure in Initialize Task(). This OLE communication error can occur when the user is changing task pages in the job system.

Action: It may be possible to continue working without jobs. The user has to quit and restart Oracle Enterprise Manager before he is able to use jobs. Since Oracle Enterprise Manager relies on OLE, Oracle Enterprise Manager cannot run in this case. The user should quit all Oracle Enterprise Manager applications (possibly checking task viewer for VOD or others). The PC may require a reboot to reset the OLE information.

VOC-00120: Failure clearing a user detail entry.

Cause: The delete of the user detail to the database has failed. This repository error occurs when Oracle Enterprise Manager is shutting down.

Action: Check that the repository is up, the databases are up, and the tables are not corrupted.

VOC-00121: Failure updating or inserting a user detail entry.

Cause: The update or insert of the user detail to the database has failed. This repository error occurs during startup.

Action: Check that the repository is up, the databases are up, and the tables are not corrupted.

VOC-04000 to VOC-04999: General Messages

The following two messages are displayed as a single message.

VOC-04001: Warning: User user_id already logged in from machine name.

Cause: Warns user of the user migration feature.

Action: None. This message warns the user that his ID is already logged in from another machine. The user may choose to continue with his login or not.

VOC-04002: Continuation with this session will mean you will lose messages from remote agents.

Cause: Warns user of the user migration feature.

Action: None. This message warns the user that his ID is already logged in from another machine. The user may choose to continue with his login or not.

VOC-04003: Passing Logon Info failed.

Cause: This error occurs when the user is trying to logon to the daemon at startup. The logon failed. In this case, quit Oracle Enterprise Manager and ensure that the daemon is not in memory (task viewer). This error can also occur when the user is launching an application from the tool palette or tools menu. VOC tries to use OLE to notify the launched application of the users credentials for a launch in context. The notification has failed. In this case, the user may want to try to launch outside of Oracle Enterprise Manager.

Action: The user may try to launch from the command line.

VOC-04800: Failed to find IUnknown for Discovery Cache.

Cause: This OLE error occurs during the discovery cache startup.

Action: Since Oracle Enterprise Manager relies on OLE, Oracle Enterprise Manager cannot run in this case. The user should quit all Oracle Enterprise Manager applications (possibly checking task viewer for VOD or others). The PC may require a reboot to reset the OLE information.

VOC-04801: RegisterActiveObject failed for the Discovery Cache.

Cause: This OLE error occurs during the discovery cache startup.

Action: Since Oracle Enterprise Manager relies on OLE, Oracle Enterprise Manager cannot run in this case. The user should quit all Oracle Enterprise Manager applications (possibly checking task viewer for VOD or others). The PC may require a reboot to reset the OLE information.

VOC-04802: Unknown exception type caught.

Cause: A repository error from an unexpected exception while adding a node, resetting a node, removing a node, getting options information, getting a list of nodes, adding options, removing options, changing an items state, or restoring the cache.

Action: Check that the repository is up, the databases are up, and the tables are not corrupted.

VOC-04806: Failed to match name to ids.

Cause: Unable to get a function from the daemon.

Action: Since Oracle Enterprise Manager relies on OLE, Oracle Enterprise Manager cannot run in this case. The user should quit all Oracle Enterprise Manager applications (possibly checking task viewer for VOD or others). The PC may require a reboot to reset the OLE information. Reregister the daemon (VOD).

VOC-04807: Can't start up OLE services.

Cause: OLE error has occurred

Action: Since Oracle Enterprise Manager relies on OLE, Oracle Enterprise Manager cannot run in this case. The user should quit all Oracle Enterprise Manager applications (possibly checking task viewer for VOD or others). The PC may require a reboot to reset the OLE information. Reregister the daemon (VOD).

VOC-04808: Failed to prepare input parameters.

Cause: An error occurred during the register event. There was a problem converting the event parameters to a variant structure.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-04809: Internal error in RegisterEvent!

Cause: Register Event failed

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-04810: Failed to translate the parameters to a variant.

Cause: An error occurred during the monitor node. There was a problem converting the event parameters to a variant structure.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-04811: Failed to locate Object.

Cause: The discovery cache attempted to look up an object and failed. Either the object does not exist or the table is corrupted.

Action: Recreate and rediscover the object in question

VOC-04812: Failed to locate Group.

Cause: The discovery cache attempted to look up a group and failed. Either the group does not exist or the table is corrupted

Action: Recreate the group in question.

VOC-04813: You specified an invalid type.

Cause: The discovery cache attempted a look up on an unknown type. This error only happens in third-party calls.

Action: Make sure the type and third-party service is registered correctly.

VOC-04814: Internal Error.

Cause: Not applicable.

Action: Inform Oracle Worldwide Customer Support

VOC-04815: Unknown exception caught.

Cause: Not applicable.

Action: Inform Oracle Worldwide Customer Support

VOC-04820: Call to RegisterApplication failed.

Cause: OLE call of RegisterApplication from the Console to the daemon failed. Third-party tried to registry their application and failed.

Action: Contact third-party vendor.

VOC-04821: Service not found

Cause: Failure in GetServiceNode OLE call. A service was looked up, but not found.

Action: Rediscover the service.

VOC-04822: The specified location type is not supported for lists of this type.

Cause: In xGetObjectList in vocdoc, LocationType and Type parameters are incompatible. Third-party service error.

Action: Contact third-party vendor.

VOC-04827: Failed to update SQL*Net configuration

Cause: The configuration files were not written to the disk.

Action: Check %TNS_ADMIN% or %ORACLE_HOME%\network\admin exist and that auto discovery has been successful. Also check that there is space on the disk, the user has appropriate permissions, and the files are not write-protected.

VOC-04840: An unknown service type type has been discovered.

Cause: An unknown service type was discovered.

Action: Query to add the service type.

VOC-04841: Would you like to add this service type to your Navigator?

Cause: An unknown service type was discovered.

Action: Query the user.

VOC-07000 to VOC-07999: Navigator Messages

VOC-07000: Invalid connection.

Cause: Database is down.

Action: Establish connection.

VOC-07001: Drag/Drop failed, target object has Invalid connection.

Cause: Database is down.

Action: Establish connection.

VOC-08000 to VOC-08999: Job Scheduling Messages

VOC-08103: Interactive jobs must have ID of 0.

Cause: The interactive jobs ID is not 0.

Action: Do not schedule the job.

VOC-08104: The Job name field must be specified.

Cause: The job name cannot be empty.

Action: Do not schedule the job.

VOC-08105: DESTINATION parameter is a SAFEARRAY does not have 2 columns of BSTR.

Cause: Destinations parameter is a SAFEARRAY does not have 2 columns of BSTR.

Action: Do not schedule the job.

VOC-08106: A job by that name already exists.

Cause: The job name already exists.

Action: Do not schedule the job.

VOC-08107: The Selected Destinations field must be specified.

Cause: The list of selected destinations is empty.

Action: Do not schedule the job.

VOC-08108: The Selected Tasks field must be specified.

Cause: The list of selected tasks is empty.

Action: Do not schedule the job.

VOC-08110: Failed to open script file (filename).

Cause: A SQL file failed to open.

Action: Do not schedule the job.

VOC-08111: Cannot create a unique filename for Startup DB script.

Cause: A unique filename for the Startup DB task could not be created.

Action: Do not schedule the job.

VOC-08113: Failed to write Startup DB script file.

Cause: Failed to write Startup DB script file.

Action: Do not schedule the job.

VOC-08115: Failed to read TCL script file.

Cause: The TCL script file could not be read.

Action: Do not schedule the job.

VOC-08117: Cannot create a unique filename for Master TCL script.

Cause: A unique filename for the Master TCL script could not be created.

Action: Do not schedule the job.

VOC-08118: Failed to open Master TCL script file.

Cause: The Master TCL script file could not be opened.

Action: Do not schedule the job.

VOC-08119: Failed to write Master TCL script file.

Cause: Failed to write Master TCL script.

Action: Do not schedule the job.

VOC-08124: Failed to Open file.

Cause: The file failed to open.

Action: Exit.

VOC-08125: Failed to Read file.

Cause: Failed to Read file.

Action: Exit.

VOC-08126: Failed to Write file.

Cause: Failed to Write file.

Action: Exit.

VOC-08138: Can't open predefined task file.

Cause: Cannot find the predefined task file.

Action: Install the predefined task file from the staging area.

VOC-08139: Failed to get current time string.

Cause: System fails to return current time.

Action: Restart the machine.

VOC-08142: Failed to retrieve available destinations.

Cause: Discovery cache problem.

Action: Retrieve the same operation later.

VOC-10100 to VOC-10200: Map Messages

VOC-10100: A cyclical group would be created.

Cause: The group being added is a parent of the group being added to.

Action: Do not allow the addition of this item.

VOC-10101: Unable to add this object to this group.

Cause: An error occurred when an object was added to the group which made the group cyclical.

Action: Remove the object from this group.

VOC-10102: Unexpected error trying to add to this group.

Cause: Generic error occurred while adding to a group.

Action: Do not add the object to this group.

VOC-10140: An error occurred while saving the map or group.

Cause: An internal error has occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-10141: An error occurred trying to load string.

Cause: A format error probably exists.

Action: Check the format of the file.

VOC-10142: The bitmap format was not recognized.

Cause: The console does not recognize the bitmap format the user specified.

Action: Check the format of the file.

VOC-10143: The stored bitmap was truncated.

Cause: The saved version is out of date. The console was unable to load this object.

Action: Do not load this bitmap.

VOC-10144: An error occurred creating this object.

Cause: The console was unable to construct this object.

Action: Ignore the creation request.

VOC-10145: Unable to load the map or group. Incompatible version information.

Cause: The saved version is out of date. The console was unable to load this object.

Action: Ignore the creation request.

VOC-10160: Unable to Quick Edit External Service: string.

Cause: An attempt to launch an external quick edit failed, perhaps because of an OLE error.

Action: Do not quick edit the service.

VOC-10339: Error occurred while inserting a row into the Event Registry Table.

Cause: Returning an error while inserting an Event Registry row. Third party was unable to add event notification. The error is a repository or third party error

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support and third party vendor

VOC-10340: Error occurred while deleting a row from the Event Registry table.

Cause: Returning an error while deleting an Event Registry row. Third party attempted to delete an item from the event registry. The error is a repository or third party error.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support and third party vendor.

VOC-10341: No description for this event is available.

Cause: String displayed in event window field. It is not an error dialog.

Action: Contact event provider for a description of the event.

VOC-10354: Could not notify Application about backlogged events.

Cause: A third party application was interested in events, but is not running now that the event fired. An attempt was made to save this event to the repository, but that failed. A repository error occurred.

Action: Check if the database is down or if the tables are corrupted

VOC-10358: A failure occurred while adding an event.

Cause: An unknown error occurred.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-10360: A failure occurred while adding the event profile.

Cause: A repository error has occurred.

Action: Check your repository connection

VOC-10361: A failure occurred while deleting events.

Cause: A repository error has occurred while you were deleting events

Action: Check your database.

VOC-10362: A failure occurred while getting the Event Profile Details.

Cause: A repository error has occurred while you were reading profiles.

Action: Check your database.

VOC-10363: A failure occurred while getting the Administrator Details.

Cause: A repository error has occurred while you were reading profiles.

Action: Check your database.

VOC-10364: Cannot locate the Oracle Paging Broker.

Cause: Registry entry for that pager is corrupted or missing.

Action: Register the pager information again

VOC-10366: An error occurred while trying to contact the Oracle Paging Broker.

Cause: Failed to contact the pager control using OLE function.

Action: Since Oracle Enterprise Manager relies on OLE, Oracle Enterprise Manager cannot run in this case. The user should quit all Oracle Enterprise Manager applications (possibly checking task viewer for VOD or others). The PC may require a reboot to reset the OLE information.

VOC-10367: Cannot locate the Oracle Mailing Broker.

Cause: Registry entry for that mailer is corrupted or missing.

Action: Register that mailer information again.

VOC-10370: An error occurred while trying to contact the Oracle Mail Broker.

Cause: Failed to contact the pager control using OLE function.

Action: Since Oracle Enterprise Manager relies on OLE, Oracle Enterprise Manager cannot run in this case. The user should quit all Oracle Enterprise Manager applications (possibly checking task viewer for VOD or others). The PC may require a reboot to reset the OLE information.

VOC-10374: Failed to register event.

Cause: Agent validation problem

Action: Refer to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide for agent troubleshooting details

VOC-10390: Cannot get the Event Set Details.

Cause: An error occurred while trying to get event set information.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-10413: Unknown.

Cause: The Mail/Paging notification engine could not be found. The Mail/Paging notification engine could not be found. This is a generic fail error-code logic error.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-10417: Cannot read the Event Definition File.

Action: Contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

Cause: Check filesystem and contact Oracle Worldwide Customer Support.

VOC-10471: frequency for host up/down set via Oracle Daemon Manager

Cause: User has selected host up/down event on the parameters page.

Action: Use the daemon manager to reset the frequency if desired.


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