Oracle Enterprise Manager Messages Manual
Release 1.5.0






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Daemon Messages

VOD-00500 to VOD-00600: Daemon Error Messages

VOD-00500: Oracle Enterprise Manager is not running.

Cause: The Oracle Enterprise Manager is not running.

Action: Start Oracle Enterprise Manager.

VOD-00501: Failed to stop the node from being monitored.

Cause: The application failed to stop the node from being monitored.

Action: Make sure Oracle Enterprise Manager is running. Because the resource may have been locked at that time, retry the operation.

VOD-00502: Failed to remove node's retry operations from repository.

Cause: The application failed to remove the node's retry operations from the repository.

Action: Make sure the repository is running.

VOD-00503: Failed to store node's retry operations in repository.

Cause: The application failed to store the node's retry operations in the repository.

Action: Make sure the repository is running.

VOD-00504: Failed to get the repository details.

Cause: The application failed to get the details necessary for it to connect to the repository.

Action: Make sure that Oracle Enterprise Manager is running and that a user has made a connection to the repository.

VOD-00505: Failed to get the names of the retry nodes.

Cause: The application failed to get the names and contact times of the nodes the Oracle Daemon intends to retry.

Action: Make sure Oracle Enterprise Manager is running.

VOD-00506: Failed to get the names of the nodes being monitored.

Cause: The application failed to get the names and contact times of the nodes the Oracle Daemon is monitoring.

Action: Make sure Oracle Enterprise Manager is running.

VOD-00507: Failed to stop the node from being retried.

Cause: The application filed to stop the node from being retried.

Action: Make sure Oracle Enterprise Manager is running.

VOD-00508: The OLE Automation call has failed.

Cause: The application failed during an OLE Automation call.

Action: Make sure Oracle Enterprise Manager is running.

VOD-00509: Failed to save user's state in repository.

Cause: The application failed to save the user's state in the repository.

Action: This means the repository connection has been lost. The state cannot be recovered.

VOD-00510: Failed to create mutex.

Cause: The application failed to create a mutex for thread synchronization.

Action: Shut down some applications.

VOD-00511: Failed to create event.

Cause: The application failed to create an event for thread synchronization.

Action: Shut down some applications.

VOD-00512: Failed to initialize OLE.

Cause: The application failed to initialize OLE.

Action: Shut down some applications.

VOD-00513: Failed to open NT registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\key.

Cause: The application failed to open the specified key in the NT Registry.

Action: Make sure the application has the correct permissions.

VOD-00514: Failed to initialize Oracle CORE.

Cause: The application failed to initialize the Oracle CORE library.

Action: Make sure Oracle CORE has ben installed properly.

VOD-00515: Failed to initialize Oracle Network Library.

Cause: The application failed to initialize the Oracle Network Library.

Action: Make sure Net8 has been installed properly.

VOD-00516: Failed to initialize Oracle Remote Operations.

Cause: The application failed to initialize the Oracle Remote Operations library.

Action: Make sure Net8 has been installed properly.

VOD-00517: Failed to create semaphore.

Cause: The application failed to create a semaphore for thread synchronization.

Action: Shut down some applications.

VOD-00518: Failed to create queue.

Cause: The application failed to create a queue.

Action: Shut down some applications.

VOD-00519: Failed to create thread.

Cause: The application failed to create a thread.

Action: Shut down some applications.

VOD-00520: Failed to get application users with pending notification.

Cause: The application failed to get the names of the application users for which pending notifications exist.

Action: Make sure Oracle Enterprise Manager is running.

VOD-00521: Failed to stop the user from getting queued notifications.

Cause: The application failed to stop the user from getting queued notifications.

Action: Make sure Oracle Enterprise Manager is running.

VOD-00522: Failed to read value string from NT registry.

Cause: The application failed to get the specified value from the NT registry.

Action: Make sure the application has the correct permissions to access the NT registry and that the value exists.

VOD-00523: Failed to initialize NT Socket Library.

Cause: The application failed to initialize the NT WINSOCK library necessary to use the TCP/IP network protocol.

Action: Make sure the operation system network software is installed properly.

VOD-00524: Failed to get local hostname.

Cause: The application failed to get the name of the local host necessary for it to use the TCP/IP network protocol.

Action: Make sure the operating system network software is installed properly.

VOD-00525: Failed to get the IUnknown interface.

Cause: The application failed to get the IUknown OLE interface of its document class.

Action: Make sure OLE is installed properly.

VOD-00526: Failed to map CLSID string to its PROGID.

Cause: The application failed to map the specified CLSID to its associated PROGID.

Action: Make sure Oracle Enterprise Manager software is installed properly.

VOD-00527: Failed to register active object.

Cause: The application failed to register the active object of its document class.

Action: Make sure OLE is installed properly.

VOD-00528: Failed to set value string in NT registry.

Cause: The application failed to set the specified value in the NT registry.

Action: Make sure the application has the correct permissions to access the NT registry.

VOD-00529: Failed to open key string in NT registry for writing.

Cause: The application failed to open the specified value in the NT registry.

Action: Make sure the application has the correct permissions to access the NT registry and that the key exists.

VOD-00530: Failed to remove string from NT registry.

Cause: The application failed to remove the specified value from the NT registry.

Action: Make sure the application has the correct permissions to access the NT registry and that the key exists.

VOD-00531: Failed to find agent address for name.

Cause: The application failed to find the address of the agent on the specified node.

Action: Make sure the Oracle Enterprise Manager is running and that the agent is known to it.

VOD-00532: Failed to register user on node name.

Cause: The application failed to register the user with the agent on the specified node.

Action: Make sure the agent is running.

VOD-00533: Failed to contact agent on node name.

Cause: The application failed to contact the agent on the specified node.

Action: Make sure the agent is running.

VOD-00534: string is not running - only parameter configuration is possible.

Cause: Oracle Enterprise Manager is not running, so it is only possible to change configuration parameters.

Action: Start Oracle Enterprise Manager.

VOD-00535: Invalid SQL*Net address.

Cause: The address you entered is not a valid Net8 TNS address.

Action: Review the Oracle Network Manager Administrator's Guide.

VOD-00536: WINSOCK Error code occurred during auto discovery.

Cause: A WINSOCK occurred during service auto discovery.

Action: Review the Microsoft Windows NT WINSOCK error codes.

VOD-00537: Failed to get a session to the repository.

Cause: An attempt to get a session to the repository failed.

Action: Start Oracle Enterprise Manager again.

VOD-00538: Failed to allocate memory.

Cause: An attempt to allocate memory failed.

Action: Start Oracle Enterprise Manager again.

VOD-00539: The repository table SMP_AD_ADDRESSES does not exist.

Cause: The table SMP_AD_ADDRESSES has not been created in the repository.

Action: Run the script smpdccre.sql.

VOD-00540: There are no discovered services, so tnsnames.ora not updated.

Cause: The table SMP_AD_ADDRESSES contains no rows.

Action: Run service auto discovery.

VOD-00541: Unable to copy filename to file.

Cause: An attempt to copy a file failed.

Action: Check the existence and permission of files.

VOD-00542: Failed to get the agent information for node name.

Cause: The agent failed to return the file dbsnmp.ver.

Action: Check the existence and permission of files.

VOD-00543: Failed to connect to the spawn address of agent on node name.

Cause: The agent failed to accept a connection on its spawn address.

Action: Retry the operation or restart the agent.

VOD-00544: Failed to get the service information for node name.

Cause: The agent failed to return the file services.ora.

Action: Check the existence and permission of files.

VOD-00545: Failed to parse TNSNAMES.ORA file.

Cause: There is a syntax error in TNSNAMES.ORA file.

Action: Correct the syntax error and try the operation again.

VOD-00546: Unable to allocate memory.

Cause: The application was unable to get more memory from the system.

Action: Start the application again.

VOD-00547: Failed to find address for agent name

Cause: The application was unable to locate a valid Net8 address for the indicated agent.

Action: Add the address into the Net8 configuration file tnsnames.ora.

VOD-01401 to VOD-01420: Connection Cache Errors

VOD-01413: Failed to listen for incoming connection requests.

Cause: The daemon process (vod.exe) was unable to perform a network listen. Net80 or the Net80 TCP/IP protocol adapter is not installed.

Action: To correct the error perform the following procedures:


Check the Listening Address for the Daemon. The Listening Address should be a null value. This will show up as a value of "Not Found." The Listening Address is a Daemon Configuration Parameter. The description of this parameter is "the address of the listener." If this address is set, the daemon uses this address and the TCP/IP port setting is ignored.

Double click the Daemon Manager icon.

  • From the Daemon Manager window you will see some folders on the left side. Below the last folder listed is the Configuration Parameters.
  • Double-click on the Configuration Parameters. This brings up the parameters in the right side of the window. The Listening Address is the first parameter listed.
  • Double-click on the Listening Address. This brings up a small window with a value field and four buttons (Set, Default, Remove, and Cancel).
  • Click on the Remove button to delete the entry from the value field. An informational message in a pop up window will return the statement "Change will take effect next time Oracle Enterprise Manager is run."
  • Click OK and exit the Daemon Manager.
  • Invoke Enterprise Manager. The logon should proceed error-free.
  1. Make sure that you are complying with the networking protocol requirement for Enterprise Manager, which is TCP/IP.

  1. The Intellegent Agent for the 7.2.2 database does not have the functionality to run jobs and schedules.

  2. Check the DNS entry for the system runing Enterprise Manager.


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