Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Developer's Guide
Release 1.5






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This preface describes the purpose and organization of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Developer's Guide. It also illustrates the conventions used in this guide. The preface contains the following information:

Purpose of this Guide

This guide presents a general overview of developing applications that integrate into Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEMGR). It also discusses common services and using Tcl and OraTcl to write job and event scripts. This guide is written for software developers who wish to integrate their applications into Oracle Enterprise Manager.


Information in this guide applies to Oracle Enterprise Manager running on the Windows NT 32 Bit platforms.

Knowledge Assumed of the Reader

This guide assumes you are familiar with the Oracle Enterprise Manager and the administration tasks that you can perform with Enterprise Manager components. If you are not, refer to the Oracle Enterprise Manager documentation set for a description of the tasks that you can perform with Enterprise Manager tools. In addition, this guide assumes you are familiar with the Oracle database server. For information about the Oracle database, see the Oracle server documentation set for specific and thorough descriptions of the database administration tasks and recommendations on how to administer your database optimally.

This guide also assumes that you are familiar with the operation of Microsoft Windows NT, Microsoft's Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) technology, the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) and the Microsoft Visual C++ language. Please refer to the appropriate Microsoft documentation, if necessary.

Code Examples

Throughout this book there are references to source code files where you can find examples of the functionality that is being discussed. The code examples are included in the Enterprise Manager Software Developer's Kit (SDK) installation option that is available with the Oracle Enterprise Manager release. For information about installing Oracle Enterprise Manager components, see the Oracle Enterprise Manager installation and configuration documentation.

The installed code samples are installed in subdirectories of the ORACLE_HOME\SYSMAN\SDK directory. Microsoft Visual C++ makefiles have been included with the code, allowing you to build and debug the application yourself. You may need to make minor modifications to the makefiles to successfully build the sample application. See the SDK readme file in the ORACLE_HOME\SYSMAN\SDK directory for information on how to modify the makefiles and install the application after it is built.

How this Guide Is Organized

This guide is divided into the following chapters.

Chapter 1, "Introduction"

This chapter describes the components of Oracle Enterprise Manager, the common services, and some programming considerations.

Chapter 2, "Tool Palette and Menu Integration"

This chapter describes how to register and launch an application from the Enterprise Manager Console.

Chapter 3, "General Coding Techniques"

This chapter describes initializing an application's document object, initializing dispatch drivers, and error handling.

Chapter 4, "Repository Control Integration"

This chapter describes how to store and retrieve Enterprise Manager repository information.

Chapter 5, "Navigator and Map Integration"

This chapter describes how to integrate with the Navigator and Map components.

Chapter 6, "Discovery Cache Integration"

This chapter describes how to retrieve information from the discovery cache.

Chapter 7, "Job Scheduling Integration"

This chapter describes how to integrate with the Job Scheduling system.

Chapter 8, "Event Management Integration"

This chapter describes how to integrate with the Event Management system.

Chapter 9, "Jobs and Events Scripts"

This chapter describes how to write job and event scripts using the Tcl language.

Appendix A, "NLS Codes"

This appendix lists the National Language Support codes.

Documentation Set

The Oracle Enterprise Manager product documentation includes the following:

The guides are available on the Oracle Enterprise Manager CD in HTML format for viewing with a web browser. In addition to the Enterprise Manager documentation, extensive online help is provided for Oracle Enterprise Manager components.

Related Publications

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide refers to important information in the related publications. Depending on the version of the Oracle database, you would refer to the Oracle7 or Oracle8 documentation. The related books referred to in this guide are listed below:

Conventions Used in This Guide

This section explains the conventions used in this guide.

Special Words

Special words are provided to alert you to particular information within the body of this guide and within other manuals.


Alerts you of important information.

Additional Information:

References other guides and operating system-specific documentation.


Highlights information that is important to remember.


Signifies helpful suggestions and practical hints.


Indicates information that you should be aware of before you perform the action described.

Code Conventions

Code examples are shown in the following font:


When describing the syntax of code examples, arguments in square brackets `[option1|option2]' are optional. The `|' signifies the `or' condition.

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We value and appreciate your comments as an Oracle user and reader of the manuals. As we write, revise, and evaluate our documentation, your opinions are the most important input we receive. Included in our manuals is a Reader's Comment Form, which we encourage you to use to tell us what you like and dislike about this manual or other Oracle manuals. If the form is not available, please use the following address.

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