Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide
Release 1.5.0






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Console Configuration

This chapter discusses getting started with Oracle Enterprise Manager and configuring the Console when it is running under Microsoft Windows NT or Windows 95.

Setting Up the Repository User Account

Before you start the Enterprise Manager, you must set up the repository user account. A repository is a set of tables in an Oracle database which stores data and information required by the OEM Console. The tables are owned by the account that creates them.

You need to have an Oracle user account with DBA (Database Administrator) privileges set up on the database where the repository will be created. Each DBA must have their own repository for the nodes they are responsible for. The repository account can be located in any Oracle database that is accessible on the network.

Please check the Oracle Enterprise Manager Readme for the compatibility matrix. The readme is located in the ORACLE_HOME/ADMIN directory.

To set up a user account with DBA (Database Administrator) privileges on the database where the repository is created, follow the procedure below:

  1. Start SQL Worksheet from the Oracle Enterprise Manager program group or from the Start menu. You can also use Server Manager.

  1. Login to connect to an existing account on the database with system (DBA) privileges.

  2. Oracle recommends that you create a separate tablespace for the Oracle Enterprise Manager repository. The user may also have to create a temporary tablespace dedicated to temporary segments. The methods to create a tablespace are listed below.

    • Use Oracle Storage Manager


    • Use Server Manager or SQL Worksheet and type in the following command:
      CREATE TABLESPACE reposit_tablespace DATAFILE '<datafile with complete 
      pathname>' size;

    An NT example:

    create tablespace repos_tbsp datafile 'e:\orant\database\repos.dbf' size 9 

  3. Create a user account where the user's default tablespace is the newly-created tablespace and the user's temporary tablespace is a tablespace dedicated to temporary segments.

    • Use Oracle Security Manager


    • Use Server Manager or SQL Worksheet and type in the following command:
      CREATE USER username IDENTIFIED BY password
             DEFAULT TABLESPACE reposit_tablespace
            TEMPORARY TABLESPACE temp_tablespace;

    Oracle Enterprise Manager places its repository in the default tablespace of the user account where you are connected when the repository is created.

    If necessary, decrease the INITIAL extent size of the user's default tablespace or increase the overall tablespace size by adding another datafile. Oracle Enterprise Manager does not explicitly specify the size of the tables and indexes it creates. These objects are created using the default storage parameters for the tablespace in which they are to be stored. As a result, if the tablespace runs out of space before all of the schema objects are created, an error occurs.

  4. Grant DBA privileges to this user account.

    You can use Server Manager or SQL Worksheet to type the following command:

    GRANT DBA to username, %;

  5. Exit SQL Worksheet or Server Manager.

    When you start Oracle Enterprise Manager, connect to the repository database with this user account. The repository will automatically be generated.


Beginning with Oracle Enterprise Manager version 1.3.5, a new repository will be created for every new user login. One user can use one repository at one time.


Creating a Repository

The Repository Manager Wizard is launched by selecting Repository Manager in the Oracle Enterprise Manager program group. The Repository Manager allows you to choose from the following operations:

Operation   Description  

Create/validate Enterprise Manager repositories  

During the create/validate process, Repository Manager upgrades an existing repository or creates a new one if one does not already exist. If you drop a repository, the information contained in the repository is lost.  

Drop Enterprise Manager repositories  

If the database objects for the repository component exist, they will be deleted.  

Save a list of the discovered nodes  

You can choose to save a list of the discovered nodes in an existing repository to a text file. Specify the name, such as discnode.txt, and location of the file where you want to save the list of discovered node names. The default location is the ORACLE_HOME\BIN directory.

The text file can be loaded into the Add Nodes page of the Discover New Services wizard.  

You can choose the repository components that you want to create, validate, or drop. The Performance Pack is dependent on the Enterprise Manager repository. Because of this dependency, a selection may be automatically checked and grayed out when another option is selected. For example, if you choose to create a Performance Pack repository, the Enterprise Manager option is automatically selected because it is required.

When you choose Drop, Enterprise Manager is selected by default. The Performance Pack is also selected because that repository cannot exist without the Enterprise Manager repository. If you want to drop only the Performance Pack repository, remove the check on the Enterprise Manager repository; then, check the Performance Pack option.

The last page of the wizard allows you to enter the login information for the repository where the operation you have requested will be performed. The process takes a few minutes to complete.

All repository objects which are required by a particular tool will be created the first time the tool is started. Alternatively, the user can go into the repository and create all the repository objects at once.

If you have an existing repository from a previous release of Oracle Enterprise Manager, check for compatibility:

If there is an unexpected failure during a repository upgrade, the repository will need to be created. To prevent having to recreate repositories at a future date, Oracle recommends that you save your repository. Saving the repository protects the user's manually entered information, such as events, jobs, and preferred credentials, as well as collected information for products such as Oracle Expert and Trace.

First, set up a repository, discover all the nodes, make some basic jobs, and then save your repository by doing a full cold backup (take the database off-line and copy datafiles to storage) or by exporting the user.

Starting Oracle Enterprise Manager

To start the Enterprise Manager Console, select Oracle Enterprise Manager from the Oracle Enterprise Manager folder on the Start Menu.


Only one instance of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console can be run on a machine. However, you can run multiple instances of the DBA tools. Oracle Enterprise Manager is not supported to be run from a remote machine. It is only supported if run locally. Shared installs of the console are not supported.


Connecting to a Repository

Oracle Enterprise Manager requires unique usernames across all repositories whether or not the repositories are in different databases, because:

The process for connecting to a repository is outlined below.

  1. Enterprise Manager started.

  1. The copyright window displays, then, the Login Information dialog box appears.

  2. Through the Login Information dialog box, the user connects to the user account in the Oracle database where this Enterprise Manager repository is stored.

  3. The Console looks up the repository associated with his username.

If the repository does not exist, it is automatically created and a dialog box informs you of the operation.


You should not log on to the Console repository multiple times with the same username. A warning displays if you attempt this. You should only ignore the warning if the previous Console session was aborted or a machine was disconnected. When a username is logged in multiple times, agent notifications are sent to the most recent login.


Discovering Network Services

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Console must discover network services, such as databases, listeners, and nodes, to populate the Navigator tree, in order to manage these services for the Job Scheduling and Event Management systems.

The Navigator's Service Discovery feature provides wizards for identifying network services and populating the Navigator tree.

To begin discovering services, your Oracle networking system must be properly installed. Methods of discovering services are listed below:

Method   Function   For Agent Version  

Discover New Services Wizard  

Discovers new nodes and the services on the nodes.  

Intelligent Agent release 7.3.3 or higher using the TCP/IP protocol  

Refresh Services Wizard  

Refreshes and retries discovery on nodes  

Intelligent Agent release 7.3.3 or higher using the TCP/IP protocol  

Manually Define Services Wizard  

Enables you to manually enter information about services on nodes  

Does not have an Oracle Intelligent Agent or has a pre-7.3.3 Oracle Intelligent Agent  

Discovery with topo_ops.ora file  

Manual addition of Oracle Parallel Servers that cannot be added with the Navigator Service Discovery  

Has a pre-7.3.3 Oracle Intelligent Agent  


The intelligent agent must be up at discovery time.


To discover services:

  1. Login to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.

    If this in a new install, the discovery wizard will appear.

    If this is not a new install, launch the wizard by selecting from the Main menu, Navigator->Service Discovery->Discover New Services, and clicking the Next button.

  1. In the Add Nodes Page, you can enter nodes one-by-one or load them from a text file.

    To enter nodes in the wizard, type the node name into the "New Node" field and click the Add button. Repeat for each node.

    If you have many nodes, you may want to construct two text files containing their names. The file should contain each node name on its own line. Name the text file *.text so that Oracle Enterprise Manager may find it.

  2. Click the Next button.

  3. Click the Finish button.

When requested through the Navigator Discovery menu option, the agent passes information from the services.ora file to the Enterprise Manager Console to populate the Navigator tree.

If you could not discover the database(s) in question, please refer to your platform-specific agent. For NT users, please refer to Troubleshooting the NT Agent If It Did Not Start Up on page 1-8. For UNIX users, please refer to Troubleshooting the UNIX Agent If It Did Not Start Up on page 1-18.


Oracle Enterprise Manager no longer uses topology.ora. We recommend that you remove all of the services in the Navigator tree and delete the topology.ora file that was used by the previous release.


Since Oracle Enterprise Manager (beginning with version 1.4.0) no longer uses a topology.ora file for Pre-7.3.3 agents, the databases which do not have a 7.3.3 or higher agent running must be manually added to the navigator.

  1. Log on to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.

  1. From the main menu, select: Navigator->Service Discovery->Manually Define Services, and click the Next button.

  2. Click on the box "This node contains a Pre-7.3.3 Oracle Intelligent Agent".

  3. Enter the Node Name in the "Node Name" box and click the Add button.

  4. Under Databases: Enter the database service descriptor defined in the TNSNAMES.ORA file on local box and on the server. The entries should match on both systems.

  5. Click the Next button.

  6. Click the Finish button.

Enterprise Manager Console and Oracle Names

Oracle Enterprise Manager Console and database applications can resolve service names via Oracle Names like any other Oracle Console application.

  1. A client first looks in its own client-side cache. If it has contacted a Names Server within the past 24 hours, the address of a Names Server may be in the cache.

  1. If a client has a SQLNET.ORA file, it looks for the NAMES.PREFERRED_SERVER parameter. If one exists, it queries the first Names Server listed.

  2. A client looks for a Names Server with a well-known address. The well-known Names Server address on a TCP/IP network is a host aliased to oranamesrvr(), oranamesrvr1,...oranamesrvr4, using port 1575.

For more information on how to configure a client with Oracle Names, see the Oracle Names Administrator's Guide.


Before attempting to discover these services or to run jobs, please test the Net8 connectivity. Please refer to Testing the Connectivity to Any SID on page C-5.


Starting Enterprise Manager DBA Tools

You can launch an Enterprise Manager database administration tool in the following ways:

If you are using...   Then...  


You can choose from the following three methods:

  • Select the database you want to administer in the Navigator tree or in the Map window, then choose the application in the Console Tools menu or in the launch palette.
  • Select the database you want to administer in the Navigator tree, then choose the application from the Related Tools menu of the context-sensitive menu.
  • Choose the application in the Console Tools menu or in the launch palette, then enter connect information in the Login Information dialog box.

Independent Application  

  1. Start the Enterprise Manager Console from the Start menu.

  2. Double-click on the application icon in the Enterprise Manager program group.

  3. Enter the connect information in the Login Information dialog box.


Administration Toolbar  

Click on the tool's icon in the toolbar. The tool connects to the default database for the toolbar, if one has been specified.

For information on connecting to other databases, see the online help for the Administration Toolbar.  


The database administration tools can be launched without having the console running. The only exceptions are Backup Manager and Data Manager which use the job system.


When a tool executes, it attempts to connect to an Oracle database. For information on connecting to an Oracle database, see the online help.

When you select a database in the Console before launching a tool, you are connected to the database according to the preferred credentials that have been set up for the database or the credentials you used to log on to the Console. If connection to the database fails for any reason, the Login Information dialog box displays.

Setting Preferences

In order for the agent to execute jobs on a managed node, you must specify valid credentials in the Console.


Jobs will be submitted using the repository owner login account unless the user sets the preferred credentials for the specific service (database, node, listener).


To set the preferred credentials, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Oracle Enterprise Manager console, select File/Preferences for the services on the machine where the Intelligent Agent is installed

  1. Specify the user account that you created as the user preference for the node where the agent is installed by highlighting that node name and entering the account name and password.

For NT users, you must set the preferred credentials for the node (where the NT Agent resides) to be the same as the user that is set up to "Logon as a batch job." The Agent authenticates the user name and password for all owners of jobs that it runs. If you have not set the preferences correctly, the "Failed to authenticate user" error occurs when you submit a job.

For UNIX users, you must specify a valid UNIX operating system user for the node (not db user for database). The user must have operating system privileges to run programs like sqlplus, import/export on the UNIX server. The privilege can be assigned to an existing local or domain user. The "Failed to authenticate user" error will occur if the preferred credentials do not match the account which started the agent.

Administering a Remote UNIX Database

Before submitting an administration task, such as database shutdown or startup, through the Oracle Enterprise Manager Job system, you need to set up the database password file on the UNIX node where the database and agent are located.

  1. Set up the password file with the password file creation utility, orapwd.

  1. Enter the following line at the UNIX operating system prompt:

    orapwd file=$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapw$ORACLE_SID password=manager

  2. Add the following line to the init.ora database initialization file:


  3. Restart the database with the updated init.ora file.

  4. Grant SYSDBA to <username> identified by <password>;


When you log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager, connect with the SYSDBA role to have the privileges to start up and shut down databases.


Additional Information:

Refer to the operating system-specific documentation for your Oracle database for the exact name of the password file creation utility for your system.

Recovery Catalog Setup and Configuration

The recovery catalog is a repository of information that is used and maintained by Recovery Manager. Recovery Manager uses the information in the recovery catalog to determine how to execute requested backup and restore actions.

To use Oracle8 Recovery Manager with a recovery catalog, you must first install the recovery catalog and then register your database. No setup is required if you are using the control file.


Your Oracle Enterprise Manager Job system must be functioning properly before attempting to install the recovery catalog. You will need the Job system to register the target database in the recovery catalog.

Setting Up the Recovery Catalog

  1. Start Server Manager Line Mode by typing


  1. Issue the following commands:

    spool create_rman.log
    connect / as sysdba
    create tablespace rcvcat datafile 'c:\orant\database\rcvcat_1.ora' size 10m;
    create user rman identified by rman
    temporary tablespace temporary
    default tablespace rcvcat quota unlimited on rcvcat;
    grant recovery_catalog_owner to rman;
    connect rman/rman

To set up the Recovery Catalog, follow the steps listed below.


Skip the next section "Configuring a Database for Remote SYSDBA Access" if your database is already set up for remote administration.


Configuring a Database for Remote SYSDBA Access

In order to run the backup subsystem, you must have remote SYSDBA access to your target database(s). The following procedure outlines the operations you need to perform on both the server and client. You can skip this section if your database(s) are already set up for remote operation. The examples used in the following procedure are for a UNIX environment. Windows NT directories, system variables, and conventions will differ.

Server Side (UNIX):

  1. Login as ORACLE and set your environment variables.

    setenv ORACLE_HOME your_oracle_home
    setenv ORACLE_SID your_oracle_sid

  1. Change to the dbs directory in your Oracle home.

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs

  2. Run the ORAPWD executable to create a new password file.

    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/orapwd file=orapw<SID> password=your_password entries=10

    The file name has to be orapw<SID>. Entries = 10 is the maximum number of distinct DBAs and OPERs.

    There should be an orapw<SID> created in $ORACLE_HOME/dbs

  3. Shutdown your database

  4. Edit the init<SID>.ora file. Add or change the following statement remote_login_passwordfile=exclusive in the init<SID>.ora file.

  5. Shut down your database and then restart it.

  6. Start Server Manager line mode.

  7. Connect as sys/sys_password

  8. Create a user that will have remote SYSDBA privileges if you do not already have one. In the following example remote is the user name which will have SYSDBA privilege.

    create user remote identified by remote;

  9. Grant connect and SYSDBA privileges to the user.

    grant connect, resource to remote;
    grant sysdba to remote;

  10. Exit Server Manager Line Mode.

Client Side (Windows NT):

  1. Download the init<SID>.ora and config<SID>.ora from the server to the locations where your initialization parameters files are stored. For Windows NT systems, this directory could be c:\ORANT\Database

  1. Edit the init<SID>.ora file. Modify the ifile path to match the location on your NT workstation. For example,


  2. Test the remote SYSDBA login. Start Instance Manager and log in as the user you just created with the SYSDBA privilege. You should be able to startup/shutdown the database.

Registering the Recovery Catalog with Oracle8 Recovery Manager (GUI)

  1. Start the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.

  1. From the File menu, choose Preferences. The User Preferences dialog box appears.

  2. Make sure the preferred credentials specify SYSDBA access to any target database that needs to be backed up. Normally, the usernames would be those you created in the previous section.

  3. Select a target database (version 8.0) from the Navigator.

  4. Start Oracle Backup Manager. The Backup Subsystem Selection dialog appears.

  5. Select Oracle8 Recovery Manager, then click OK. Backup Manager (using the Oracle8 Recovery Manager subsystem) displays.

  6. From the Catalog menu, choose Connect string. The Recovery Catalog Login dialog box appears.

  7. Enter the requisite login information: user=RMAN, password=RMAN (or any user you create to access the database with the recovery catalog).

  8. From the Catalog menu, select Use Recovery Catalog.

  9. From the Catalog menu, select Register. You are asked if you wish to register the target database in the recovery catalog. Click Yes. At this point, the database registration is sent as a job to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Job system.

  10. Double-click the registration job in the Active Jobs list to bring up its property sheet, where you will see the current state of the job.

  11. From the Jobs property sheet, make sure that the job completed successfully.

When the job completes successfully, your backup and recovery environment is configured. For more information on recovery catalog maintenance, Recovery Manager, and backup and recover strategies, see the Oracle8 Backup and Recovery Guide.

Encoding Japanese Characters When Sending Email

A registry key is available for enabling the encoding of Japanese characters when you are sending email.

To set the registry key

  1. Run regedit (the Registry Editor).

  1. Find the registry key, szDestCharSet, which is located in SOFTWARE\ORACLE\OracleSMPConsole\Email.

  2. Double-click the default icon to set the value for szDestCharSet.


Please refer to the troubleshooting section below if you should experience any problems during the setup of Oracle Enterprise Manager.

Failed to Authenticate User

"Failed to authenticate user" error occurs when the user submits a job. Use the following hints listed below:

Output from Job Lost

Job fails and the job output window shows:

output from job # lost

Use the following hints listed below:

A job hangs in a "scheduled" state.
Hint A:

On NT, the account must have "Logon as a batch job."

If the Oracle partition is formatted as NTFS (NT File System which allows for local security of files and directories) then you should also grant locally the permission set "Full Control" to the user assigned "Logon as a batch job."

To grant the local file permissions:

  1. Click Start, Programs, and Windows NT Explorer.

  1. Highlight the drive where Oracle is installed and right click.

  2. Select Properties-> Security-> Permissions-> Add-> Show Users.

  3. Highlight the account which has been granted "Logon as a batch job" and click Add.

  4. Click "Type of Access" and select "Full Control" from the drop down list.

  5. Then click OK and OK to close the screen.

Hint B:

Check to see if the agent can access the Console.

Try pinging the Console from the server machine. If you are not sure about your IP address, please check by running the start button-> settings-> control panel-> network-> protocol-> TCP/IP and clicking the properties button.

If you cannot ping the Console, configure the Daemon Manager host address to the TCP/IP address.

Hint C:

Ensure that the DNS Host entry is set to the node name in the listener.ora and tnsnames.ora files.

  1. Run the start button-> settings-> control panel-> network-> protocol-> TCP/IP properties.

  1. Check the DNS Host entry. For example, make sure that the entry is not set to the name of the previous engineer.


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