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Expense Report Templates Window Reference

Template Name/Description. Name and description of the template.

Inactive Date. Date after which you can no longer use this template to enter expense reports.

Expense Item. The name of an expense item as it appears on an expense report, for example, Airfare or Meal. You can set up a Miscellaneous expense item with no account so you can enter the account during expense report entry. If you do not assign a Friendly Prompt then the value you enter here will appear in the Expense Type poplist (in the Enter Receipts page of Web Employees).

Suggestion: Use unique first letters for each item so during expense report entry you only need to enter the first letters of items.

Type. Type of invoice distribution associated with an expense item. When you submit Payables Invoice Import, Payables enters this value in the invoice distribution Type field. For certain types of tax reporting, such as Value Added Tax, Payables uses the Type to relate tax distributions to the invoice item lines which were taxed. You can enter the following types:

Includes Tax. If you use Automatic Tax Calculation at the Line calculation level and the expense item amount includes tax, enable this check box. For more information, see the Includes Tax option in the Expense Reports Window Reference. See also: Automatic Tax Calculation Overview.

Tax Name. Tax name associated with the expense item, for example, Sales Tax. Payables provides a default value based on the Tax Name Defaults hierarchy you defined in the Payables Options window See: Defaulting Tax in Payables. During expense report entry, if the source Payables uses is Template, then Payables will default the value from the expense report template, even if the value is null. If Template is not the highest ranked source, Payables may use a different tax name default source when you enter expense reports. You can always override this tax name on an expense report or the invoice distribution.

Payables requires a tax name for each Tax type expense item. Payables displays the tax name you enter here on the invoice distribution it creates from the expense line.

GL Account. Account associated with an expense item. You can enter as many segments of an account as you want, leaving the other segments blank. When you enter expense items on expense reports, Payables uses the segments you define here to overwrite the corresponding segments of an employee's default expense account. When you create an invoice from an expense report, Payables creates invoice distributions with this account for each expense item.

Self-Service Interface Attributes

If you have installed Oracle Web Employees, use the Self-Service Interface Attributes region to define additional attributes for expense types that employees can use to enter expense reports in Oracle Web Employees. Payables does not use these fields unless you install Oracle Web Employees. You use Oracle Workflow to manage the approval process for Oracle Web Employees expense reports. For more information, see: Oracle Web Employees Expense Reporting Integration

Friendly Prompt. This Friendly Name is displayed in the Expense Type poplist and in the status bar of your browser when your mouse is over the expense type icon if you define an image file name for an expense type. Note that in the Enter Receipts page images are alphabetized by the Friendly Prompt name unless they are assigned a value in the Sequence field.

Image File Name. If you want employees to be able to automatically enter this expense item by clicking on an image, enter the filename of the binary image that you want to appear in Oracle Web Employees. For example, you can enter the filename of a binary image of an airplane that employees can click on to automatically enter Air Travel as an expense item.

The binary image can be any type supported by the employees's web browser and should include the proper MIME type file extension, for example ".jpg" or ".gif". Payables will search for the file name you enter in the /OA_MEDIA/<language>/ virtual path defined in the Web listener configuration under Oracle Web Server.

The following .gif files are provided with Expense Reporting for you to use as Expense Item icons:

File Name Icon
FNDIBRKF Breakfast
FNDIENTR Entertainment
FNDITAXI Taxi (Yellow)
FNDITAXB Taxi (Black)
FNDIPHON Phone Charges
FNDICELL Cellular Phone Charges
FNDIRAIL Rail Transportation (modern)
FNDIRAI1 Rail Transportation (steam)
FNDIMODM Modem Charges
FNDIBOOK Books and Magazines
FNDIFERY Ferry Transportation
FNDIMISC Miscellaneous Expenses
FNDISUPL Office Supplies

Attention: The number of buttons that are viewable within a browser window without scrolling is limited by the monitor resolution and the size of the web browser window.

Viewable From All Templates. Enable this option if you want this expense type to be viewable in Oracle Web Employees regardless of the template the employee selects.

Receipt Required Above. If you want to require employees to submit receipts for this expense type, enter the amount above which a receipt is required. For example, if you want employees to submit receipts for an expense type if the expense is more than $20, enter 20. If you leave this field null, a receipt is never required. If you enter zero, a receipt is always required for all expenses.

Note: If you enter a value greater than zero, this control applies only if the reimbursement currency is in your functional currency. If you enter a value in this field and the employee enters an expense report with a reimbursement currency different from your functional currency, a receipt is always required.

The View Receipts page indicates for each expense type whether employees are required to submit a receipt. If an employee does not submit an original receipt for an expense item that is required, the expense item is subject to shortpay. You can configure Oracle Workflow to prevent payment for expense items for which your accounting department has not received required receipts.

Calculate Amount. If you define Descriptive Flexfield values for this expense type, check the Calculate Amount check box if you want to display a Calculate Amount button with any Descriptive Flexfield segments that are displayed for this expense type on the Enter Receipts page. You can write programmatic extensions in PL/SQL to calculate the expense amount when the user chooses the Calculate Amount button. For more information see: Descriptive Flexfields in the Enter Receipts window.

Justification Required. Enter Yes for this field if you want to require employees to enter the Justification field in the Enter Receipts page for this expense type. For example, you can require employees to enter the Justification field for Meal expense types. Employees cannot submit expense reports that are missing required justifications.

Sequence. If you want to order expense type icons, enter a unique sequence number to assign a location to the expense type icon. Expense type icons appear in the following order: The Enter Receipts page displays icons with consecutive numbers together, starting with the lowest sequence numbers first. The remaining images appear alphabetically by Friendly Prompt.

Attention: The number of buttons that are viewable within a browser window without scrolling is limited by the monitor resolution and the size of the web browser window.

See Also

Expense Reports

Expense Report Template Listing

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