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Tax Financials Options

Default Tax Name. Tax Name default for the Invoice Tax Name option in the Suppliers window. In addition, you can include this tax name in your Tax Name Defaults hierarchy that you define in the Payables Options window. This hierarchy is used throughout Payables to default tax names to documents. See: Defaulting Tax In Payables.

Member State. The location of your company or organization. Payables uses this country name to determine if your company or organization is located in a member state of the European Union (EU).

VAT Registration Number. The Value-Added Tax (VAT) registration number for your organization. Your organization is assigned a VAT Registration Number if you register to pay VAT. The first two characters of a VAT registration number are the country code for the country or state where the registered company or organization is located. Payables prints this number on the header of the Intra-EU VAT Audit Trail Report.

See Also

EU VAT Taxes

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