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Payment Formats

Use the Payment Formats window to define the payment formats you need to define payment documents in the Banks window. You define payment formats for the six payment methods that Payables uses. You can define as many payment formats as you require for each payment method; however, each payment format must be unique for that payment method.

You choose a Build Payments program, and a Format Payments program for each payment format. You can choose any payment program that you have defined in the Payment Programs window or any standard program Payables provides. You do not have to define a Separate Remittance Advice program for a payment format, because you can include the separate remittance advice program in your Format Payments program. Each Format Payments program provided by Payables includes a remittance advice program. You can, however, control how many invoices to include on your remittance advice.

You can define a separate payment format for each of your payment currencies. If you assign a currency to a payment format, you can use that format only with a bank account whose bank account currency is the same as the format currency. If you use a payment format to pay multiple currency invoices and do not assign a currency to the payment format, you can only use that format with a bank account for which you also allow payment of multiple currency invoices. When you define a bank account, you can only allow payment of multiple currency invoices if the bank account currency is your functional currency.

You cannot define a payment format for a manual future payment method or a future payment method unless you enable the Allow Future Payment Method Payables option.

You can also specify the number of invoices allowed per payment, the invoice grouping, the position of the check stub (for payment formats using payment programs that produce a stub), and whether the payment format can be used for multiple currencies and zero-amount payments only.

Defining Payment Formats


   To define payment formats for payment documents:

See Also

Payment Formats Window Reference

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