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Recurring Invoices Window Reference

Number of Invoices. Enter in this field the number of invoices you want to create, then choose the Create Invoices button to create the invoices.

Supplier Region

Site. The supplier pay site for which a template is defined. This field is entered automatically if only one pay site exists for a supplier.

Pay Group. Pay Group name associated with a template. Default Pay Group name for all invoices created with a template.

Calendar Region

Name. Calendar name representing frequency of invoice creation (e.g. Monthly). To enter a calendar name, you must first define the calendar as a Recurring Invoice type calendar in the Special Calendar window.

Number of Periods. Total number of invoices to be made over the life of a template.

First. The first period for which a recurring invoice will be created. The period must be in an open or future period.

Next. Payables displays the next recurring invoice period for which an invoice can be created with a template. The First period is used as the default for the Next Period until the first invoice is created.

Number Remaining. Payables displays the number of periods remaining for which you have not yet created invoices.

Template Definition Region

Number. Template Number, which must be unique for a supplier. When you create invoices based on a template, Payables creates the invoice number for each invoice by appending the name of the recurring invoice period to the template Number.

Description. Template description used as the distribution descriptions if no purchase order or Distribution Set description is available.

Currency. Currency for invoices created from a template. Default is the functional currency unless the supplier site has a different default.

Liability Account. Account where invoice liability will be recorded. This will be defaulted to all invoices created from a template.

Hold. Hold name to automatically prevent the creation of invoices using a template. Release the hold by clearing this field.

Payment Method. Payment method for invoices created from a template. Future Dated and Manual Future Dated can only be used if the Allow Future Payment Payables option is enabled.

GL Date. Date to recognize the invoice liability. The GL Date is used as a default accounting date for each invoice. If you do not enter a GL Date, the beginning date of each invoice's period will be each invoice's default GL Date.

Expiration Date. Last day you can create invoices using a template. Before this date you can create invoices with invoice dates after the Expiration Date.

Withholding Tax Group. The withholding tax group that will be used as a basis for withholding from invoices created from a template. This defaults from the supplier site.

Terms. Terms you want to use to create a scheduled payment for each invoice you create from a template.

Pay Alone. Pay alone invoices are paid on separate payment documents.

Distribution Origin Region

Select either Set or PO to choose whether invoice distributions are created by a Distribution Set or a purchase order. Then enter the specific source:

Name. If you choose Set, enter the name of a Full Distribution Set.

Num. Purchase order number.

Line. Purchase order line.

Shipment. Purchase order shipment. If you select a purchase order shipment, during invoice creation Payables automatically matches the invoices created to the purchase order shipment. It prorates across all purchase order distributions to create the invoice distributions. For example, you have a blanket purchase order for car leases. You enter the purchase order number, line, and shipment on a template to create lease invoices, and Payables will match each invoice created by the template to the purchase order shipment.

Amounts Region

First Amount. Amount of first invoice created by a template, excluding any special payment such as a deposit. Used with the Change percentage to calculate incremental invoice amounts. Used with the Number of Regular Invoices to calculate the Control Total.

Next Amount. Amount of the next scheduled recurring invoice.

Change. Percent change to increase or decrease the amount per period. For example, if you pay rent once per month and your rent increases 1% per month, enter 1 here.

Number of Regular Invoices. Total number of periods defined for a template.

Special Invoice Amount1 / Amount2. One time special payment such as a deposit or balloon payment including the regular periodic payment. It is the only amount paid in that period.

Period. Period in which you want to pay the Special Invoice.

Control Total. Total amount available for creation of invoices. Payables enters this number for you if you enter the First Amount and the Number of Regular Invoices.

Released Total. Sum of the invoice amounts that have been created using the template.

Amount Remaining. Funds available for invoice creation using a template. Payables displays the Control Total minus the Released Total.

Supplier Bank Region

Bank Account Name/Number. If you are paying the supplier electronically, enter the supplier bank account name and number to which you will remit payment. Payables defaults the supplier site's primary account, if there is one for the payment currency. If none exists at the site level, Payables defaults the primary bank account from the supplier level, if one exists. You can change the account by choosing from the list of values another account with the same currency.

Bank/Branch Name/Number. Payables displays the Bank and Branch associated with the supplier bank account you select.


Create Invoices. After you have created a template and entered in the Number of Invoices field the number of invoices you want to create, if you choose this button Payables will create the invoices.


CREATE INVOICES BUTTON: The button is enabled only if Number of Periods Remaining is greater than zero, the system date is earlier than the expiration date, and there is no hold on the recurring invoice template.

UPDATES: In the Recurring Invoices window, all the fields except for Liability Account cannot be updated after the first invoice has been created.

NO REMAINING PERIODS: You cannot create an invoice if a template has no remaining open or future periods.

See Also

Entering Recurring Invoices

Defining a Recurring Invoice Template

Creating Recurring Invoices

Withholding Taxes from Recurring Invoices

Special Calendar

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