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Income Tax Regions

Use the Income Tax Regions window to define your tax regions if you are using 1099 Combined Filing Program reporting in the United States. If you enable the Combined Filing Payables option, when you submit the 1099 Tape Payables produces K records for all tax regions (or states) participating in the Combined Filing Program that have qualifying payments. Payables also produces B records for suppliers with 1099 payment amounts which equal or exceed the tax region's reporting limit in qualifying states.

Payables has predefined the region abbreviations and the descriptions for all U.S. States, the District of Columbia, and some U.S. Territories. Payables has also predefined the region codes for those tax regions that are participating in the Internal Revenue Service's current Combined Filing Program. You must enter a region code for all tax regions that you wish to use for the Combined Filing Program reporting and that Payables has not already defined. You cannot update the predefined region abbreviations, descriptions, or region codes.

You can use this window to define your income tax regions for those states that are participating in the Combined Filing Program. You can select one of these tax regions for each of your 1099 supplier sites in the Supplier Sites window. Depending on how you define your Payables options, Payables uses either the supplier site's tax region or the system default tax region as the default region for each of the invoice distributions for your 1099 supplier. When you submit your 1099 reports, Payables uses the tax region from the invoice distributions to determine to which tax authority Payables should report the payments.

In the United States, you usually define the various states as your income tax regions. If you are participating in the Combined Filing Program, the Internal Revenue Service then automatically forwards each state's 1099 B records to each state on the tape.

In this window, define your income tax regions so that they conform to the Internal Revenue Service codes. You can use the 1099 Supplier Exceptions Report to identify any 1099 suppliers with state abbreviations that do not conform to the income tax regions you define here.

Defining Income Tax Regions


   To define income tax regions:

See Also

Income Tax Regions Window Reference

1099 Reporting Overview

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