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Credit Transactions Field Reference

This section provides a brief description of some of the fields and alternative regions in the Credit Transactions and Lines windows. It also describes how the Tax, Freight, and Accounting windows appear when you open them from the Lines window.

Credit Transactions Window

Comments: Any comments about this credit memo that may be helpful to you or others.

Attention: The text that you enter in the Comments field appears in the Special Instructions section of your printed credit memo.

Customer Reference: A reference number for your customer. You can use this information to help keep track of your customer's credit requests.

Accounting Window

Amount: The amount of the credit memo line or tax line to assign to this account. When you enter an amount, Receivables calculates the percent that this amount constitutes of this line. If this credit memo is an on-account credit, the default value for this field is the credit memo line amount, if the AutoAccounting that you have defined for your revenue does not rely upon salespersons. If your AutoAccounting for Revenue does rely on salespersons to determine the segment values, multiple account assignment lines are created with one line for each salesperson equal to the amount of the salesperson line.

If you are entering this credit memo against a specific transaction, and the profile option AR: Use Invoice Accounting Rules For Credit Memos is set to No, then the default value for this credit memo is the same as an on-account credit. If this profile option is set to Yes for a credit memo that you enter against a specific transaction, the default value is an amount from the corresponding invoice distribution line using the following formula:

Amount = (Credit Memo Line Amount/Invoice Line Amount) * Invoice Account Assignment Amount

If you are reviewing the revenue account assignments for a credit memo against an invoice that uses rules, and if this transaction is a credit memo against a specific invoice or commitment, Receivables calculates this amount based on the method that you specified in the Rules Method field in the Credit Transactions window.

Number: If the profile option AR: Show Billing Number is Yes, Receivables displays two Number fields in the Credited Transaction and the Credit Memo regions. The first field displays the Consolidated Billing Invoice number associated with the credited transaction/credit memo. The second field displays the credited transaction/credit memo number. See: Consolidated Billing.

Percent: The percent of this credit memo line amount or tax amount to assign to this account. You can specify a negative percentage for an account assignment line. Either the sum of the percentages of your account assignment lines must be equal to 100, or the sum of the account assignment line amounts must be equal to the total line amount. However, if your credit memo uses rules, the sum of your account assignments must remain the same as when you entered this region.

Freight Window

Use this window to associate freight information with your credit memo lines. Receivables enters the default header-level freight information for the transaction you are crediting (if any).

The Freight for Current Line alternative region only appears in the Freight window if this is an on-account credit memo and the memo line does not have the type of tax. It also appears if this is not an on-account credit memo and the transaction line you are crediting has freight. For more information, see: Entering Freight Information.

Lines Window

For information about the Amount, Description, Reason, and Unit Price fields, refer to Lines Window Field Reference.

The Credited Transaction Line region displays information about the line you are crediting, such as unit price, original line amount and the remaining amount of this line available to credit (Uncredited field).

Note: Line amounts can either include or exclude tax for this line, depending on the tax code or tax group for this line. The Amount Includes Tax poplist indicates whether the line amount includes tax. For more information, see: Lines Window Field Reference and Tax Inclusive.

(Sales Order Alternative Region)

Date: The date you ordered this item. This field is for informational purposes only.

Line: The order line number to which this invoice line refers.

Number: The sales order line number for this invoice line.

Rev: The revision number for this order.

Channel: The method used to generate this sales order, such as Telemarketing or Direct Marketing. Oracle Order Entry uses this information for reporting purposes.

(Tax Exemptions Alternative Region)

Certificate: If you enter 'Exempt' in the Tax Handling field (see below), enter a tax exemption Certificate Number. Use the list of values to select an existing tax exemption certificate number.

Reason: If you enter 'Exempt' in the Tax Handling field, enter a Reason for creating this exemption, or select from the list of values. You can define additional exemption reasons in the Receivables QuickCodes window.

Tax Handling: You can enter a value for this field only if the profile option Tax: Allow Override of Customer Exemptions is Yes and the transaction is not a chargeback. Use the default value of 'Standard' if you want tax to be calculated as per the normal procedures set up in Receivables. Enter 'Exempt' if your system option Use Customer Exemptions is set to Yes and you want to force tax exemption on the invoice lines. Enter 'Require' to force tax calculation on the invoice lines. If you update this field, there will be no affect on existing invoice lines; only new invoice lines will get the new value as a default.

You can create an unapproved exemption if the transaction type for this invoice has the Tax Calculation option set to Yes and your profile option Tax: Allow Override of Customer Exemptions is also set to Yes. After you enter 'Exempt' in the Tax field, do not select a certificate number; use the list of values to enter a Reason for this exemption. The unapproved exemption will be created at the level of your Sales Tax Location Flexfield structure to which you assigned the exempt level qualifier. If the exempt qualifier is not assigned to any of the segments of your Sales Tax Location Flexfield structure, then the unapproved exemption will be created for the whole customer. You can run the Tax Exempt Customer report to verify that the unapproved exemption was created or review your unapproved exemption in the Tax Exemptions window.

Sales Credits Window

Use this window to enter and update sales credit information for a specific credit memo line. If this transaction is a credit memo against a specific invoice or commitment, the default sales credit is the sales credit for the original invoice or commitment sales credit line. For more information, see: Entering Revenue Credits.

Tax Window

The Tax for This Line alternative region only appears in the Tax window if this credit memo is on-account and the memo line does not have the type of freight. It also appears if this credit memo is not on-account and the transaction line you are crediting has tax. For more information about the fields in this window, see: Tax Window Field Reference.

See Also

Crediting Transactions

Crediting Transaction Lines

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