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Customer Profiles Report

Use this report to review customer profile information assigned to each customer or customer site. You can also review any changes made to your existing customer profiles in the Customer Profile Classes window.

If the profile option AR: Sort Customer Reports by Alternate Fields is Yes, Receivables sorts information using the value of the Alternate Name field in the Customers window.

Report Headings

Customer Number: (Number) to (Number): The customer number range that you specified in the report parameters.

Column Headings

Credit Limit Per Order: The amount of credit that you give to this customer for each order in this currency.

Currency: The currency for each currency amount limit.

Finance Charge Interest Rate: The interest rate for each currency.

Max Interest Amt per Invoice: The maximum interest amount that you charge for each invoice in this currency.

Min Customer Balance for Finance Charge: The minimum customer balance that must be met before you assess finance charges for past due items in this currency.

Min Dunning Amount: The minimum past due amount that must be met before you send your customers dunning letters in this currency.

Min Dunning Invoice Amount: The minimum invoice amount that must be met before for each debit item before you send your customers dunning letters in this currency.

Min Invoice Balance for Finance Charge: The minimum debit item balance that must be met before you assess finance charges for past due items in this currency.

Min Receipt Amount: The minimum receipt amount that must be met before you can create automatic receipt in this currency.

Minimum Statement Amount: The minimum outstanding balance that a customer must meet before you send your customers statements in this currency.

Total Credit Limit: The total amount of credit that you want to give to this customer in this currency.

See Also

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Receivables Standard Reports

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