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Customer Interface Transfer Report

Receivables generates the Customer Interface Transfer report each time you run Customer Interface. This report lists the number of records imported into each table and records specific error messages describing any problems. If a record in the interface tables has several problems, the Customer Interface Transfer report displays multiple error messages to help you fix all of the problems in one step. You can then interface the records successfully the next time you run Customer Interface.

You may need to make changes in either your feeder program or the system to resolve the errors. For example, if you receive an error message explaining that the payment term that you specified for an address does not exist in the system, then you can either enter this term in the Payment Terms window, or modify your feeder program to import only existing payment terms.

The Customer Interface Transfer Report has 3 main sections:

The Header section displays the date and the time that Customer Interface began processing your transactions. The date is displayed in the format DD-MON-YY, while the time is displayed in the 24-hour format (e.g. 2:30 PM displays as 14:30). The header section also displays the concurrent request ID used by the Concurrent Manager and the user ID of the person who submitted the Concurrent Request.

The Summary of Transfer section displays a count of the customer information processed for each of the tables updated by the interface program. See: System Tables Updated by Customer Interface.

The Exception Records section displays detailed error messages about each record in the interface tables that was not successfully processed. This section also displays the original system reference columns from the interface tables to help you identify and correct exception records.

See Also

Customer Import

A Sample Customer Import

Importing Customers

Address Validation

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