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Disputed Invoice Report

Use this report to review all disputed invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks. Receivables prints information for each disputed debit item and displays totals in the entered currency. You can also review the collector name and any comments included with each debit item. You can place items in dispute or take them off of dispute in the Customer Calls and Transaction windows.

Report Headings

Currency: The currency code associated with the invoices, debit memos, or chargebacks. Receivables prints totals for each currency code in your report.

Order By: Your sort by option. Receivables lets you sort this report by customer, invoice number, or due date.

Row Headings

Comments: Receivables prints all notes related to this invoice, debit memo, or chargeback that is in dispute. You can enter notes about a debit item in the Record A Call and Transactions windows.

Grand Total: The total transaction amount balance due and dispute amount for all currencies.

Sum for (Currency Code) Currency: For each currency, Receivables prints the total transaction amount balance due and dispute amount in the entered currency.

Sum for (Customer Name) Customer: For each customer, Receivables prints the total transaction amount balance due and dispute amount in the entered currency.

See Also

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Placing an Item in Dispute

Receivables Standard Reports

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