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Key Indicators - Daily Summary and Summary Reports

Use the Key Indicators-Daily Summary report to compare current invoice and credit memo activity to a prior period. You can review the current period totals, prior period totals, and the percent change from prior period to current period. When you enter the current period and prior period range, Receivables prints the count and amount of invoices entered through AutoInvoice, invoices entered manually, standard credit memos, and on-account credit memos entered.

Use Key Indicators-Summary report to view summary information for a specific accounting period and compare it to another period. You may choose any two periods to compare. Receivables summarizes all of your transactions for the two periods you specify so you can easily spot, track, and take action on developing trends. For example, you can easily see the number and amount of unidentified payments for your current and prior period. Increases in the amount of unidentified payments may alert you to take action.

Report Parameters - Daily Summary and Summary Reports

Current Period: Enter the current period date range to include in this report.

Prior Period: Enter the prior period date range to include in this report.

Currency: Receivables selects and prints your report information for the currency that you specify.

Report Headings - Daily Summary and Summary Reports

Current Period: (Date) to (Date): The current period date range you selected to print on this report.

Invoice Currency: Receivables prints this report by currency and prints the currency denomination at the top of each page.

Prior Period: (Date) to (Date): The prior period date range you selected to print on this report.

Column Headings - Daily Summary Report

Credit Memos Entered: Amount: The total amount of credit memos entered on the date in the date column.

Credit Memos Entered: Count: The total number of credit memos entered on the date in the Date column.

Credit Memos Posted to General Ledger: Amount: The total credit memo amount posted to your general ledger on the date in the Date column.

Credit Memos Posted to General Ledger: Count: The total number of credit memos posted to your general ledger on the date in the Date column.

Date: The date the invoice was posted to your general ledger.

Invoices Entered Through AutoInvoice: Amount: The total amount of invoices created by AutoInvoice on the date in the Date column.

Invoices Entered Through AutoInvoice: Count: The total number of invoices created by AutoInvoice on the date in the Date column.

Invoices Manually Entered: Amount: The total amount of manually entered invoices for the date in the Date column.

Invoices Manually Entered: Count: The total number of manually entered invoices on the date in the Date column.

Invoices Posted to General Ledger: Amount: The total invoice amount posted to your general ledger on the date in the Date column.

Invoices Posted to General Ledger: Count: The total number of invoices posted to your general ledger on the date in the Date column.

Invoices Printed Amount: The total amount of invoices printed on the date in the Date column.

Invoices Printed: Count: The total number of invoices printed on the date in the Date column.

Column Headings - Summary Report

Amounts: All Periods: The total transaction amount to date.

Amounts: Current Period: The total amount of each transaction for the current period you specify.

Amounts: Percent Change: The percent change for each transaction amount between your current and prior period.

Amounts: Prior Period: The total amount of each transaction for the prior period that you specify.

Counts: All Periods: The total number of transactions to date.

Counts: Current Period: The number of transactions for the current period that you specify.

Counts: Percent Change: The percent change of transaction numbers between your current and prior periods.

Counts: Prior Period: The number of transactions for the prior period that you specify.

Row Headings - Daily Summary Report

Percent Change: The percent change between the current and prior periods for each column.

Period Totals: The current period totals for each column.

Prior Period: The prior period totals for each column.

Row Headings - Summary Report

Customers: The current number, prior number, percent change, and total number of new customers to date.

Inactive Customers: The current number, prior number, percent change, and total number of inactive customers to date.

Invoices Entered: The number, amount, and percent change of new invoices by Invoice type from the current and prior period.

New Locations: The current number, prior number, percent change, and total number of new customer locations to date.

Reasons for Credit Memos: The number, amount, and percent change of new credit memos by reason from the current and prior period.

Total: The total number, amount, and percent change of all new invoices entered from the current and prior period.

See Also

Running Standard Reports and Listings

Common Report Parameters

Receivables Standard Reports

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